Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 114: That Woman (II)

Chapter 114: That Woman (II)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Long waved. “That’s it.”

s.h.i.+ said, “Should we send Zhang Yuan there?”

“No need,” Long said, “Just let Doctor Liu and Doctor Xu go there.”

s.h.i.+ puckered his lips. “Right. Doctor Xu is very skilled.”

Long smiled. “Qingzhou, the imperial doctors in our palace are much better than most of the folk doctors. They should be satisfied.”

s.h.i.+ smiled and did not speak.

“A doctor like Zhang Yuan… Well, he can work miracles,” Long said again.

s.h.i.+ agreed with that.

“Right, Doctor Zhang is really excellent.”

Long laughed. “Qingzhou, you’re also very capable. I know that you’ve made Doctor Zhang work for you for a long time.”

s.h.i.+ was stunned. He glanced at Long and smiled.

Long took s.h.i.+’s hand and put it in his own hands. s.h.i.+ just looked at Long. Then, Long said, “Qingzhou, you always have great insight. I was so ignorant before.”

s.h.i.+ blinked. “Do you really think so?”

“Of course,” Long said firmly, “Otherwise, how could I not realize you’re such a nice person in the past?”

s.h.i.+’s lips slightly curled upwardly.

Long took s.h.i.+’s hand and let s.h.i.+ lean towards him.

Since Long hadn’t been able to move for days, they couldn’t enjoy the intimate moments as before.

It was too painful for Long that he couldn’t even hold the person he liked while sleeping at night.

So, after pulling s.h.i.+ to his side, Long kissed him.

s.h.i.+’s eyelids flickered and then he closed his eyes.

Long could not help but kiss s.h.i.+ more pa.s.sionately.

However, Long wasn’t as agile as before after all. Although Long kissed s.h.i.+ pa.s.sionately, he could hardly do anything with his hands.

Despite that, the two of them still breathed heavily when they stopped kissing.

Seeing s.h.i.+’s reaction to his kiss, Long was very happy.

s.h.i.+’s ears and neck became rosy. Long looked at his s.e.xy empress and almost couldn’t control himself!

“Qingzhou.” Long’s voice was a little hoa.r.s.e. “What a pity…”

s.h.i.+ knew what Long meant. It was really a pity that Long couldn’t move freely and hug him tightly…

s.h.i.+ slowly looked away. “You’ll recover soon.”

Obviously, the empress was being shy!

Long got very excited, but what could he do?

Alas! Long had no other choice but to control his desire. It felt so bad!

Long coughed. He was afraid that he would do something inappropriate on impulse, so he restrained himself and quickly changed the topic after coughing.

“Qingzhou, what time is it now?”

s.h.i.+ looked at the time and said, “We’ll have lunch in an hour.”

“Oh, time flies so fast.” Long shrugged his shoulders.

s.h.i.+ also changed the topic with Long.

An hour later, after they had lunch, Long began this day’s medicated bath.

At the same time, Lady Rou had got out of the palace with a group of people in broad daylight.

In Lady Rou’s soft sedan chair, a maid was with her.

“My lady, put your things away.” Maybe because there was no outsider there, although the maid called her “my lady”, she didn’t sound respectful at all.

The maid had a pack of powder in her hand.

Lady Rou bit her lips and took the powder. She looked a little pale.

Lady Rou said, “I have done all the things you asked me to do… Let him go.”

The maid laughed. “Don’t worry, my lady. We will treat that man well. But there are two things that you haven’t done. When you finish that and we get what we want, we will definitely let him go. Don’t worry, my lady. We never go back on our word.”

After hearing the words, Lady Rou pressed her lips tightly and stopped saying anything.

The maid also stopped speaking. The sedan chair went all the way out of the palace…

Long continued his medicated bath after lunch.

He didn’t know if it was his illusion, but he felt… this day’s medicated bath was a little different from before.

That strange feeling disappeared in a flash and Long didn’t figure out what the reason was.

When he was about to get out of the tub, his heart suddenly ached. Long was stunned at first. Then, his face turned pale and his hands fell on the edge of the barrel.

s.h.i.+ would accompany Long each time Long took the medicated bath. He was also stunned at that moment. Then, he immediately supported Long’s body.

“Your Majesty! What’s wrong with you?”

Long shook his head.

Long needed to take medicated baths every day, but acupuncture was only needed in the morning, so Zhang Yuan was not in the room with them at that moment.

Seeing that Long looked so bad, s.h.i.+ hurriedly said, “I’ll send for Zhang Yuan.”

Long shook his head. “Help me get dressed first.”

s.h.i.+ nodded and hurriedly went to fetch the towel. He wiped Long’s body and then put on pajamas for him before carrying him to the bed.

Later, Zhang Yuan arrived soon.

“Your Majesty, please let me take your pulse,” Zhang said at once.

Long nodded. He sat on the bed and stretched out his hand.

After diagnosis, Zhang frowned a little.

Seeing that, s.h.i.+ immediately asked, “What’s the matter?”

Zhang did not answer him, but continued to feel the pulse carefully.

A moment later, Zhang said, “Your Majesty, your pulse seemed to be normal, but… it’s also a little strange. Your Majesty, do you have any special feeling when you took the medicated bath earlier?”

Long pondered. “Right. I did feel a little different today, but I don’t know exactly why. When I stood up, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heart, but I don’t have that feeling now.”

A deep frown appeared on Zhang’s face.

s.h.i.+ was also very worried. “What’s wrong?”

Long looked at Zhang. “There’s nothing wrong with my pulse?”

“There is nothing special. It’s just a little weaker than usual. Your Majesty has not fully recovered, so it’s quite normal.”

While saying that, Zhang frowned more deeply. “But generally speaking, you’ll feel much better and won’t feel any pain when taking medicated baths after doing that for so many times…”

s.h.i.+ puckered his lips. “Ask another two imperial doctors here to check on the emperor and consult with you.”

“Yes!” Zhang said at once.

Soon, two more doctors were summoned into the palace.

The three doctors consulted, but they didn’t come to any useful conclusion.

Long could not help but say, “Maybe… the sharp pain in my heart just happened by accident?”

Zhang didn’t think so by instinct and s.h.i.+ didn’t think it was just a simple accident, either. Suddenly, s.h.i.+ thought of Lady Rou’s visit and the fragrance of orchid earlier.

Long’s facial expression changed a little. He sent two other doctors out, leaving only Zhang. Then, s.h.i.+ said, “Your Majesty, do you still remember Lady Rou?”

Long was stunned, and then he also thought of that.

“You mean… the fragrance of orchid?” Long said.

Zhang didn’t know about Lady Rou’s visit. “The fragrance of orchid?”

s.h.i.+ puckered his lips and said, “Lady Rou came here earlier, saying that her mother was seriously ill and she wanted to go back home to see her mother for the last time. His Majesty agreed and sent two doctors to go with her. When she was here, Lady Rou took out a handkerchief to wipe her tears. Both His Majesty and I thought that smell was pungent, but Lady Rou said it was the fragrance of orchid.”

“The fragrance of orchid?” Zhang frowned deeply. “If it’s just the ordinary fragrance of orchid, it definitely won’t cause any harm.”

s.h.i.+’s face darkened. “It’s very likely that there’s something wrong with her handkerchief. His Majesty was fine before, but after Lady Rou left, he felt bad when taking the medicated bath!”

Seeing that s.h.i.+ got angry, Long said, “Don’t think too much, Qingzhou. Maybe it’s not like that.”

s.h.i.+ said coldly, “That woman hasn’t arrived home. I’ll ask my guards to take her back.”

Long paused, and then said, “If it’s really her problem, we can only find more clues after she arrives home…”

“But now even Doctor Zhang doesn’t know what’s wrong with your body. We can’t take risks!” s.h.i.+ said firmly.

Seeing that s.h.i.+ was so anxious, Long waved to Zhang. “You may leave now, Doctor Zhang.”

Zhang hurried out, because he didn’t dare to be the onlooker when the two n.o.blest people in the world were arguing there.