Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 178: I Don’t Agree! (II)

Chapter 178: I Don’t Agree! (II)

For the next five days, Long and Ouyang were on their way.

They had caught up with s.h.i.+ and known that s.h.i.+ was in Liuye city at present.

Liuye city.

“Do you know where they are now?” Long asked Ouyang.

Ouyang sneered. “How would I know?”

Long didn’t pay much attention to that man’s bad att.i.tude. He turned to Ying Feng. “Is there any way to contact him?”

“Yes,” Ying Feng said.

Long nodded. “Then hurry up.”

While they were waiting, Ouyang scoffed, “I really can’t understand you. Are you so anxious to let him sleep with me?”

Long smiled. “I can’t understand you, either. I said I don’t mind it. Why do you have to mention it several times a day?”

Ouyang’s face darkened. After spending a few days together, Ouyang learned that although Long wasn’t a good fighter, he really knew how to argue. Ouyang had been defeated by him for many times!

Long took out some beef jerky from the carriage. “Would you like some? You didn’t eat much at lunch today.”

Ouyang glanced at the beef jerky coldly. “No.”

Long shrugged and took the beef jerky back. “All right.”

Long ate the beef jerky while looking outside.

After about a quarter of an hour, a familiar figure appeared.

Long’s eyes brightened. “Qingzhou…”

Long murmured the name of his lover who had been separated from him for more than half a month, with his eyes filled with longing.

s.h.i.+ couldn’t believe to see Long here. “You… Why are you here?”

s.h.i.+ had come near, so Long immediately held s.h.i.+ into his arms.

s.h.i.+ was stunned. Then, he gently closed his eyes.

He didn’t expect that he and Long would see each other again at this place.

s.h.i.+ had prepared for the worst before he set off, but he didn’t expect this man to come to find him.

Long could always do something that surprised him.

Even with grim determination, s.h.i.+ found it hard to resist Long’s love.

“Haha, Long Xiaoyuan, is this the man you want me to enjoy? Good. So good.” Ouyang’s evil voice was heard.

That voice made s.h.i.+ want to make a murderous attack.

Long found that man was so annoying. These days, Long had realized that Ouyang had a sharp tongue, but to be honest, Long didn’t hate him.

Maybe it was because Ouyang’s eyes… were always full of sadness.

Yes, Long could tell that Ouyang was sad.

Therefore, Long didn’t hate that man. Moreover, Long would be grateful as long as he could save s.h.i.+. Long didn’t care what that man said and he had prepared himself for that.

Long let go of s.h.i.+. s.h.i.+ looked at Ouyang coldly and the coldness in his eyes could even freeze people.

Ouyang, however, laughed more evilly in the face of s.h.i.+’s murderous look, and he looked s.h.i.+ up and down.

“Good, he’s really beautiful. Long Xiaoyuan, I’ll give you one last chance. Do you really want this man to sleep with me? You won’t regret it?”

s.h.i.+ put his hand around his waist. It could be seen that he was going to draw the soft sword the next moment. However, Long’s voice stopped him from doing anything.

“I won’t go back on what I’ve said.”

s.h.i.+ was stunned. Then, he turned to look at Long in disbelief.

Long looked very serious, and calm.

s.h.i.+ doubted if he had heard it wrong. “Long Xiaoyaun, what are you talking about?” s.h.i.+ thought.

At the next moment, Ouyang laughed evilly while saying, “Great, great! What could I ask more with such a stunning beauty?”

Long rolled his eyes and didn’t want to talk with him. He turned to look at s.h.i.+ and saw astonishment, disbelief and coldness in s.h.i.+ eyes. At that moment, Long knew that s.h.i.+ had misunderstood.

Long took s.h.i.+’s hand. Sure enough. s.h.i.+’s hand was cold and stiff.

Then, Long held s.h.i.+’s hand and got on the carriage. “Qingzhou, let’s talk in the carriage.”

Ouyang sneered. “Do you still need to talk? He’ll be mine soon. Hurry up and let him go with me.”

This man was… Long rolled his eyes at him and led s.h.i.+ into the carriage.

Looking at s.h.i.+, who was very stiff and pale, Long said softly, “Qingzhou, his name is Ouyang Chuan. He can remove the poisonous insect in your body.”

Those words shocked s.h.i.+. He stopped feeing sad and immediately turned to look at Long.

Long smiled. “You hid the poisonous insect from me and planned to eliminate all the enemies that threaten me in one month, right?”

s.h.i.+ was astonished.

“Qingzhou, I know what you’re thinking about. I’m afraid you’ll leave me alone in this world. You want me to live, don’t you? Qingzhou, you are not wrong, but since you want me to live, I naturally also want you to live. That poisonous insect was originally in Ouyang’s body. Now it’s extremely poisonous in your body. If you want to remove it, you need to drink his blood and… have s.e.x with him. I agreed.”

s.h.i.+ trembled and said instinctively, “You agreed? No! I don’t agree!”

Long smiled bitterly. “I knew you wouldn’t agree, but Qingzhou, please listen to me. What I care about most is your life. Even if you don’t agree, I’ll force you to do it.”

“You…” s.h.i.+ trembled with anger.

Long couldn’t bear to see s.h.i.+ like this. He held s.h.i.+’s hand and put it on his chest.

“Do you feel my heart beating? Don’t you think this is the most important thing? Let me ask you. If I was the one who had a poisonous insect in my body and I would recover just after spending one night with another man, would you agree?”

s.h.i.+ pressed his lips together. Then, he said coldly, “I wouldn’t.”

Long was stunned. s.h.i.+ continued, “You belong to me. When I decided to be with you, I said that if you dared to sleep with others, I would never forgive you. It’s the same for me. I can die, but I can’t sleep with another man, even for once, even for only one night. I would never do it! That would make me feel sick. Even if I could survive after that, I would feel it was dirty and disgusting every time I thought of it! Living like that, I would feel unhappy all my life!”

Long was shocked. He didn’t expect that s.h.i.+ would say that.

He finally realized what the most important reason was. That was the wide gap between ancient and modern people.

In nature, Long was a modern man. He was open-minded about s.e.x and could accept one night stand. He didn’t think it was a big problem. However, ancient people would regard it as betrayal. More than that, ancient people just couldn’t persuade themselves to do it.

s.h.i.+ said that it was dirty and he would feel disgusted. If he really did that, he would feel miserable every day in the future.

Long suddenly realized that what he thought was too simple.

He remembered what he had seen in the modern society. If some girls were forced to have s.e.x with others… some of them would choose to commit suicide and some would have psychological problems…

Long found that what he thought earlier was really too simple.

s.h.i.+ was looking at Long in anger. Long smiled bitterly. “Okay, I see… Sorry, it’s my fault. I didn’t take your feelings into account.”

Seeing that Long had apologized, s.h.i.+’s expression softened. He stopped being so cold and said, “Don’t mention it again. If you force me, even if I survive, I will choose to die. A man from s.h.i.+ family wouldn’t do such a shameless thing.”

Shameless… Long’s lips twitched. Then, he agreed with a wry smile.

“Okay… I know…”

s.h.i.+ dropped his eyes and stopped speaking.

Long felt so sorry that he held s.h.i.+ into his arms again. Long decided to go to ask Ouyang if there was any other way. Oh, there was still Liu Suifeng…

Maybe Doctor Liu knew some other ways. They still had a little time. It wasn’t totally hopeless…

This time, s.h.i.+ didn’t struggle in Long’s arms and his body was not so stiff…

Long hugged s.h.i.+ tightly and didn’t talk anymore, just enjoying the moment when his lover was in his arms…