Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 230: Letter of Challenge (II)

Chapter 230: Letter of Challenge (II)

s.h.i.+ stared at Long and suddenly asked, “Are you sad?”

That question stunned Long. He shook his head and said, “Why would I? You think too much.”

s.h.i.+’s eyes narrowed. “You used to love her so much, but you have no feelings for her now?”

Long didn’t know what to say.

s.h.i.+ took a look at him. “I’ll go for a walk.”

“Qingzhou.” When s.h.i.+ was about leave, Long suddenly grabbed his arm.

s.h.i.+ turned round, looking very calm.

Long gave a wry smile. “You think I’m cruel, don’t you?”

s.h.i.+ did not speak.

Long said gently, “Do you still remember the special dream I told you?”

s.h.i.+ nodded slowly. “Yes.” Long began to change after that, so he remembered it clearly.

Long stroked s.h.i.+’s cheeks affectionately. “I feel like I was reborn after that. I don’t want to justify what I did before, but I didn’t really love them. This man who is standing in front of you with a new soul is the real me. I fell in love with you and just want to spend the rest of my life with you. So I can only say sorry to those women. What’s more, none of those women really loved me. What they wanted was just high social status, power or something else. Qingzhou, I only have one heart and I’m willing to give it to you. I’m not interested in others, because having you in my life is already enough for me…”

s.h.i.+ fixed Long with a gaze. What he saw was deep love and great sincerity in Long’s eyes.

The corners of s.h.i.+’s mouth gradually curved up. “Mhmm.”

Long leaned over and kissed s.h.i.+ on the lips.

s.h.i.+ didn’t refuse and gently closed his eyes…

The kiss didn’t last long, but the warmth and intimacy brought by Long made s.h.i.+’s ears become a little red.

Long could not help kissing s.h.i.+’s pink ears.

“Qingzhou… you’re so beautiful.”

s.h.i.+ looked at Long with doubt and raised his eyebrows. “Am I beautiful? I’m afraid I can’t be compared with Liu Suifeng.”

Long couldn’t believe it. “Qingzhou, you still can’t let it go?”

s.h.i.+ said coldly, “You seldom take a fancy to someone. Of course I remember that.”

“I don’t like him!” Long tried to defend himself. “Qingzhou, why do you think I like him?”

“Who knows? You said he’s very beautiful,” s.h.i.+ had a good reason.

Long hit himself on the mouth. “Right. I shouldn’t have said that. Qingzhou, I was wrong.”

s.h.i.+ rolled his eyes. “Don’t forget your ident.i.ty. How could you be wrong?”

“What is my ident.i.ty?” Long didn’t think so. “Qingzhou, in front of you, I don’t have a special ident.i.ty. I’m just your husband. That’s all!”

s.h.i.+ narrowed his eyes…

Long looked at s.h.i.+ sincerely.

Finally, s.h.i.+ curled his lips and said, “Let’s go out and take a look.”

“Okay. Let’s see if Liu Suifeng is being accosted by some playboys again!”

s.h.i.+ smiled. “Perhaps you can pretend to be a playboy and experience that feeling.”

“Oh?” Long blinked. “What do you mean?”

s.h.i.+ sneered. “That’ll be a good reason for you to get close to that beauty.”

“Qingzhou!” Long cried and jumped him. “Qingzhou, how can you think like that? I’m really wronged, okay?”


The two of them walked out of the house talking and laughing.

Once they got to the street, they heard something special!

“Is it really Lord w.a.n.g’s family?”

“Yes, I’m sure it’s his family!”

“He’s so pathetic. That d.a.m.ned philanderer!”

“Yes, it’s really unacceptable. The third young master is such a nice person…”

“Yes, he’s so beautiful. What a shame!”

“Lord w.a.n.g is also to blame. He knows that his son is good-looking and the philanderer hasn’t been found. How could he allow his son to wander around the streets?”

“Yes, Lord w.a.n.g was so careless!”

Long and s.h.i.+ looked at each other and realized that something had happened!

The two of them went towards Lord w.a.n.g’s mansion quietly. The closer they got to that place, the more rumors they heard.

It turned out that the philanderer had sent a letter of challenge there!

A Shadow Guardian approached Long and s.h.i.+ without trace.

“Master, I was just about to report it to you.”

Long nodded. “Let’s talk privately.”

They went to the teahouse that they’d been to earlier, but they chose a hidden place this time.

The Shadow Guardian reported what the philanderer had done to them.

The letter of challenge was directly shot at the gate of Lord w.a.n.g’s residence.

There was only one sentence written on it, that was, he would come to take away the third young master in this mansion at night.

The third young master was actually Liu Suifeng, who had been swaggering around the city these two days.

Long said at once, “Since there’s another blatant provocation, it’s best to let Song Qingtian deal with it.”

s.h.i.+ nodded. “We’ll order the Shadow Guardians to be disguised as soldiers and set a trap in Lord w.a.n.g’s mansion. We must catch that philanderer this time.”

“Song Cailian may also be attracted,” Long said gently.

“Don’t waste any time. Act now.” Long and s.h.i.+ looked at each other and then quickly gave orders for the Shadow Guardians to take action. As for the two of them, they were not in a hurry to leave the teahouse. They intended to stay outside for a while.

People in the teahouse began to talk.

“The third young master in Lord w.a.n.g’s family is so pretty. That philanderer really knows when to act.”

“Hey, it seems that you also take a fancy to that young master.”

“Isn’t that quite normal? Don’t you like him? Everyone likes beautiful people, am I right?”

“Well, it’s a pity that I’m not as powerful as that philanderer.”

“It’s a shame for you to say that. That philanderer really should be punished. If such a beautiful person as the third young master is hurt by that guy, it would be regrettable.”

“That’s right. But we’re just ordinary people. We can do nothing to help him.”

“You’re wrong. Many hands make light work. I believe that if all of us surround Lord w.a.n.g’s mansion, that philanderer won’t be able to get in!”

“You are so naïve. In front of great martial artists, ordinary people are nothing at all. Even if we surround Lord w.a.n.g’s mansion, the philanderer can still enter with his martial arts. He can even fly! We can do nothing about it!”

“What shall we do then?”

“We can only count on the government. Do you remember that the philanderer didn’t succeed in taking Miss Song away last time?”

“Shh… How dare you talk about that woman? You wanna die? She’s a vixen! She even killed her own mother. Can she be still called a human being?”

“Right, don’t talk about that b.i.t.c.h. Such a woman deserves to be cut into pieces!”

“It’s a pity that the philanderer failed in taking her away!”

“That’s right… Ah…”

All of a sudden, those people, who just spoke ill of Song Cailian, began to scream.

Long and s.h.i.+ immediately stood up as a white figure flashed past them.

“Song Cailian!” s.h.i.+ looked very serious, but he did not act. Instead, he ordered two Shadow Guardians to chase after her.

Since Long was there, s.h.i.+ wouldn’t hesitate for a moment about staying by his side. He was worried that Song would come back again. In that case, Long would be in great danger.

“My hands!”

“My ears!”

“Ah! It hurts!”

In the teahouse, the injured people were groaning everywhere.

Song just gave them some warning and didn’t kill anyone…

Maybe she distained to do that… or she just didn’t dare to…

Neither Long nor s.h.i.+ looked very good.

They looked at each other and decided to leave the teahouse first.

After the two of them got out of the teahouse, s.h.i.+ said, “Let’s go back.”

Long nodded. “Mhmm… Let’s go back first…”

As the Shadow Guardians followed in secret, they went off in the direction of the mansion.

This time, Long once again felt as if someone was peeking at him. He suddenly turned round…

However, like last time, he still didn’t find anything…

s.h.i.+ looked at Long and said, “What’s the matter?”

Long shook his head slowly. “Nothing…”

s.h.i.+ frowned. “You feel someone is looking at you again?”

Long shook his head with a smile. “No. Let’s go…”