Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 243: Internal Injury (I)

Chapter 243: Internal Injury (I)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Long Xiaoyuan didn’t expect that they finally arrived at Qiliang City after walking for more than twenty days.

Actually, Qiliang City was far away from Songye City. And the two cities were not in a same direction. In short, Long and Liu Suifeng deviated from the direction leading to Songye City.

In a word, they got stray.

Although they got 3 taels of silver when they left the village, it was still unrealistic for two men to do things with so little money.

As a result, when encountering a thief, Liu made the thief’s hard-earned money his own.

Then Liu rented a luxurious carriage to head to Songye City.

On the way to Songye City, Liu also found a way to make a signal flare and launched it out successfully…

So shadow guardians came and found them… after Long and Liu travelled by the carriage for two days.

It turned out that shadow guardians had been searching for them all over the country since Long and Liu disappeared. Many guardians were also commanded to search for them in the river.

But it was weird that no guardian entered the place where Long and Liu entered.

All the guardians jumping into the river were searching in other places, and some guardians were not drawn away by the vortex at the river bottom.

As a result, none of guardians jumping into the river got any useful information about Long and Liu.

s.h.i.+ Qingzhou and Ouyang Chuan also jumped into Songye River twice, but they failed too.

In the following days, s.h.i.+ and Ouyang were trying to search for Long and Liu all the time. But they hadn’t found Long and Liu by now.

The expressions of s.h.i.+ and Ouyang became worse every day.

No one, except shadow guardians, dared appear in front of them.

But they still didn’t get the whereabouts of Long and Liu.

So after the signal flare was found, shadow guardians rushed to the location of the signal flare desperately. When seeing Long, the shadow guardians were all wild with joy.

Long was also very happy naturally.

The only regret was that s.h.i.+ was still in the vicinity of Songye City and had no way to rush to this place in a short time.

Fortunately, s.h.i.+ could arrive at this place within one day.

Long asked shadow guardians about everything that happened in the past more than twenty days.

One of the shadow guardians answered in detail.

Long was astonished when hearing the death of Zhou Heng and Song Cailian.

“Were they both dead?”

“Yes.” The shadow guardian reported how they died.

Hearing his, Long couldn’t help but sigh.

“Right, the place in which we fought with them before is too s.p.a.cious. It is easier to trap them in a cave…”

Anyway, the death of Zhou Heng and Song Cailian undoubtedly made Long relieved and have a feeling of being revenged.

Zhou Heng was really too disgusting, who deserved the death.

It was really laudable to vent the anger of those people who were insulted by Zhou Heng in Songye City.

The shadow guardian also told Long that s.h.i.+ Qingzhou never had a good sleep in these days.

Long had long since been aware of that s.h.i.+ would be very worried about him when he disappeared.

Once s.h.i.+ was very worried about Long, s.h.i.+ wouldn’t take good care of himself.

According to shadow guardians’ information, s.h.i.+ didn’t take good care of himself as Long expected… and was in an even worse condition than Long imagined.

In the evening, Long lodged in an inn of a county, which was better than the desolate place in accommodation condition.

Long was supposed to fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes… but he couldn’t sleep.

Although shadow guardians didn’t talk too much about s.h.i.+, anything they mentioned about s.h.i.+ had converged into a river with waves rolling in Long’s brain. So Long couldn’t fall asleep no matter what ways he tried.

Without knowing how long pa.s.sed, Long just felt his eyes sore.

Maybe he knew he had left the desolate place and became really safe.

Maybe he was safeguarded by many shadow guardians and he could stay or catch up on sleep in the carriage even if he had to resume his journey the next day.

Without the pressure of picking up speed on journey, Long indulged himself in missing s.h.i.+ and failed to fall asleep.

Seeing the day seemed to dawn, Long felt his eyes very sore, but he still was not sleepy at all.

Sighing in the heart, Long decided to close his eyes and have a rest.

At the moment, there was a noise outside the door.

Long quivered immediately, wondering if any came.

Just when Long intended to call shadow guardians, a figure which was blurry but clearly embedded in Long’s heart appeared at the bedside.

Long was completely stunned.

“Qing… Qingzhou?”

Unexpectedly, the person breaking in was s.h.i.+ Qingzhou.

Long wondered it should have taken at least one day for s.h.i.+ to come here, and how could s.h.i.+ come here in several hours?

Seeing s.h.i.+ appearing in the dark suddenly, Long jumped up from the bed.

“Qingzhou, it’s really you.”

The one standing in front of the bed didn’t move, but the familiar figure and breath both indicated that he was s.h.i.+ Qingzhou.

Long took s.h.i.+ into his arms immediately, finding his body was very stiff and cold.

Obviously, s.h.i.+ travelled all the way at full speed and finally arrived here at night.

“Qingzhou.” Long tightly held s.h.i.+ in his arms.

s.h.i.+ still didn’t move, with the body being as stiff as a stone.

Long intended to light a lamp, but s.h.i.+’s unwillingness stopped him.

Long knew s.h.i.+ had act differently after being influenced by the most toxic insect.

The disappear of Long was also a big strike and concern to s.h.i.+ this time.

Therefore, Long softly patted s.h.i.+ on his back and pacified s.h.i.+ in a soft voice, “Qingzhou, I’m back and safe now. Don’t worry about me, ok?”

Long pacified s.h.i.+’s restlessness and stiffness with the softest voice.

Finally s.h.i.+’s body became softened in Long’s arms after a long while.

“Why do you stop me from lighting a lamp? I can’t see you clearly.” Long said softly.

s.h.i.+ slightly shook his head in the dark, “There is no need to light a lamp.”

That was the first sentence s.h.i.+ said, which sounded very hoa.r.s.e.

Long felt his heart ached, “Qingzhou…”

s.h.i.+ pursed his lips, “Hmm.”

“Go to bed. Let me help you take off your clothes.” Long suggested softly.

s.h.i.+ didn’t refuse this time.

Long took off s.h.i.+’s clothes and pulled s.h.i.+ to the bed.

After putting s.h.i.+’s cold body under the quilt, Long hugged s.h.i.+ from the back.

“Qingzhou, did you come as fast as you could after getting information about me?”

Pausing for a while, s.h.i.+ answered in a soft voice, “Hmm.”

Long kissed s.h.i.+ on his cheek, “You must have walked a long way.”

s.h.i.+ just answered with a word “Hmm”, as if he didn’t care at all.

s.h.i.+ indeed didn’t care… nothing would be more important than coming to Long.

As a matter of fact, s.h.i.+ didn’t want to recall how he spent these days, because he didn’t remember it any more. Every day was the same for him, so he didn’t want to recall…

“Qingzhou,” Long kissed s.h.i.+’s ear, “I’m sorry to make you worry about me.”

s.h.i.+ shook his head this time, “It’s not your fault. Song and the womanizer both had died.”

“Hmm, I have heard it from Shadow guardians.” Long answered, “You’re awesome to revenge me.”

s.h.i.+ didn’t respond.

Long held s.h.i.+’s hand to his bosom.

“Qingzhou, can you feel it? It is beating.”

“Hmm.” s.h.i.+’s eyes blinked slightly, which wasn’t found by Long in the dark.

“So I’m safe now. Qingzhou, you should be happier when we meet again.”

Hearing this, s.h.i.+ finally nodded, “Hmm.”

Seeing Long responding with ‘Hmm’ seriously, Long couldn’t help kissing s.h.i.+’s lips.

“Qingzhou, let’s sleep. You must be very tired, right?”

s.h.i.+ responded him by closing his eyes.

Long didn’t clearly see s.h.i.+, but he could accurately guess s.h.i.+’s reaction based on feelings.

After s.h.i.+ closed his eyes, Long hugged s.h.i.+ from his back… and went to sleep.

When Long woke up the next morning, s.h.i.+ was still sleeping.

Glancing at the color of the sky, Long knew it was early and the reason he woke up could attribute to his biological clock during these days. Actually, his head still felt tired.

Then, Long moved his body and continued to sleep with his empress…

s.h.i.+ didn’t wake up during this period…

Long fell into a deep sleep after waking up for a short time…

On the other hand, Ouyang Chuan also came to Liu suifeng at midnight.

But Ouyang looked better than s.h.i.+ even though Ouyang was very anxious these days.

Liu slept early last night, who woke up for a short while at midnight due to the appearance of Ouyang. But this couple directly went to sleep together after saying few words.