Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 244: Internal Injury (II)

Chapter 244: Internal Injury (II)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

Naturally, Liu and Ouyang got up early in the next morning.

Then, they looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

“Ouyang, I miss you so much.”

Ouyang looked a little, “Hmm, you did right.”

Hearing this answer, Liu laughed and then kissed Ouyang on his lips.

Ouyang pretended to be reserved at the beginning, but he was overwhelmed by Liu’s pa.s.sion soon…

Liu and Ouyang tightly hugged each other… before having s.e.x till noon.

At the same time, Long woke up, and s.h.i.+ also opened his eyes when Long moved.

Long looked sideways, “Qingzhou.”

s.h.i.+ looked back, “Hmm.”

“Qingzhou, Morning.” Long kissed on the corner of s.h.i.+’s mouth with a smile. When Long lifted his eyes and was about to say something, he was stunned. Long didn’t see s.h.i.+ clearly in the dark last night since s.h.i.+ stopped Long from lighting the lamp.

But now… Long saw s.h.i.+’s eyes clearly, which had changed to darkened red… from light red.

The darkened red was obviously visible.

Long’s heart ached, “Qingzhou, your eyes…”

s.h.i.+ flatted his lips, “You saw them?”

Long softly touched s.h.i.+’s eyes with his trembling fingers… “Qingzhou, how could this happen?”

s.h.i.+ answered, “I have no idea. I became like this unconsciously.”

Unconsciously… becoming like this?

Long took a deep breath before saying in a hoa.r.s.e voice, “Liu is here. I’ll ask him to make a diagnosis for you.”

s.h.i.+ agreed lightly.

It seemed that s.h.i.+ neither rejected Long’s suggestion nor put it in mind.

Long held s.h.i.+’s hands tightly, “Qingzhou… let Liu make a diagnosis, okay?”

Hearing what Long said, s.h.i.+ turned to Long, “Don’t you like what I look like now?”

“Of course not.” Long shook his head immediately, “Qingzhou, I just worry that it probably will do harm to your body.”

s.h.i.+ kept silent.

Long continued in a soft voice, “Just have a try, okay? I’ll stop worrying as long as Liu say it is harmless to you.”

s.h.i.+ responded indifferently, “Oh. I don’t care. Just do as you said.”

Long kissed s.h.i.+’s nose, “Mhmm.”

Long knew s.h.i.+ wouldn’t like to see the doctor, but Long was afraid, which was the reason why Long insisted to let s.h.i.+ see Liu.

Long didn’t expect that it was almost noon when they got up.

Then Long said, “Qingzhou, it’s noon. Are you hungry?”

s.h.i.+ shook his head, “I’m good, not very hungry.”

Long held s.h.i.+’s hand, “Since this is an inn, let’s have lunch in the room. You stay here, I’ll ask shadow guardians to bring the meal.”

s.h.i.+ nodded lightly.

Long found a problem which was that s.h.i.+ seemed to be more indifferent to other things except the abnormality last night.

This change made Long feel restless.

But Long still act as usual instead of showing his restlessness.

One of the dishes served was a braised fish in brown sauce.

Long boned the fish carefully and said with a smile, “Qingzhou, take a taste.”

s.h.i.+ accepted every food Long put in in s.h.i.+’s bowl as usual.

But s.h.i.+ hardly ever took food himself except those put in his bowl by Long, as if s.h.i.+ only ate rice.

Long slightly raised his eyebrows, “Qingzhou, take the food yourself.”

“Food in my bowl is enough.” s.h.i.+ replied.

Keeping silent for a short while, Long said with smile, “It’s not enough. You’re thinner now. I like you to put on a little wight. Take more nutritious food.”

Hearing this, s.h.i.+ paused before answering, “Oh.”

However, s.h.i.+ consciously took some food, which was different from the previous indifferent att.i.tude.

Sighing in his heart, Long felt sad to the change of s.h.i.+.

Indifference to everything… was the influence of the most toxic inset?

Luckily, s.h.i.+ still attached great importance to Long… and would like to accept Long’s suggestion, otherwise…

Long really dared not thought of it…

After lunch, Long asked shadow guardians to take the leftover away.

Then Long held s.h.i.+’s hand to Liu’s room.

At the moment, Liu and Ouyang just finished the lunch.

But due to the continuous s.e.x, Ouyang was lying on the bad.

Actually, Ouyang was fed by Liu during the lunch.

It didn’t mean that Ouyang was too exhausted to eat himself.

The fact was that Liu wanted to feed Ouyang and Ouyang didn’t refuse Liu’s service, which was the fun between a couple.

Seeing Long holding s.h.i.+’s hand to come, Liu smiled, “You come…”

“Hmm.” Long said, “I want you to make a diagnosis for Qingzhou.”

“Uh? What’s the matter with him?” Liu asked.

s.h.i.+ looked to Liu, and s.h.i.+’s eyes also surprised Liu, “How did the eyes become like this?”

Long shook his head, “Qingzhou also have no idea about it. But I think they are probably a.s.sociated with his emotion during these days… Are they harmful to his body?”

Liu answered immediately, “Sit down. Let me have a look.”

Long sat down with s.h.i.+ at the table.

“Qingzhou, give me your hand.”

Glancing at Liu, s.h.i.+ offered his hand.

Liu sensed a little homicidal intent from that glance.

After glancing at each other with Ouyang, Liu took s.h.i.+’s pulse carefully.

s.h.i.+ looked indifferent and didn’t put eyes on Liu.

Long held s.h.i.+’s another hand, feeling very nervous.

After a long time, Liu said, “There’s nothing wrong with his body, but his internal force seemed abnormal. s.h.i.+ Qingzhou, do you know the reason?”

“Is his internal force in disorder?” Long asked immediately.

Liu nodded, “Hmm, but I don’t know the reason.”

Hearing this, Long turned to s.h.i.+ at once, “Qingzhou, why is your internal force in disorder?”

s.h.i.+ sneered indifferently, “How can I know the reason if he doesn’t know it.”

What s.h.i.+ said was a little mean.

Then people in the room fell silent.

Abnormally, Ouyang didn’t say anything too.

In consideration of s.h.i.+’s disordered internal force and internal injury as well as the similarity to the foreign internal force in s.h.i.+’s body, Liu seemed to find something secret.

Was it Ouyang who hurt s.h.i.+?

But why did Ouyang fight with s.h.i.+?

From last night till now, Liu hadn’t had a good talk with Ouyang, so he decided to ask about the story later.

Liu guessed that s.h.i.+’s condition was… probably a.s.sociated with Ouyang.

Long didn’t know s.h.i.+’s change had something to do with Ouyang, who just realized that s.h.i.+’s indifference and aggression seemed to be more and more obvious…

Long thought s.h.i.+ probably vented out his anger on Liu again this time.

It was reasonable for Long to think so based on the previous experience about Long’s disappearance.

So when finding other people silent, Long smiled immediately, “Qingzhou, Liu is a doctor. He is not omnipotent. It is good as long as your body is okay…” Then he turned to Liu, “Liu Suifeng, can he recuperate?”

Liu nodded, “He can recuperate by himself without any help of medicine.”

Long nodded, “Alright. It is good that s.h.i.+ can recuperate by himself. We have to go now. Since we will not depart today, you can take another break.”

Liu gave a node without saying more.

Long pulled s.h.i.+ to stand up, while s.h.i.+ obediently followed Long to leave.

However, when they were about to walked out of the door, s.h.i.+ indifferently glanced at Liu.

Liu still felt s.h.i.+’s light murderous look from that glance.

When Long and s.h.i.+ left, Liu asked Ouyang immediately, “Ouyang, what is the story about s.h.i.+’s internal injury?”

Hearing this, Ouyang kept silent and didn’t answer him at once.

Liu walked to the bedside and sat down, “Did you wound him? I feel your internal force… but why?” The reason was what confused Liu at the moment.