Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 66: Boom! Something Is Exploded

Chapter 66: Boom! Something Is Exploded

Translator: Peggyan

Xu turned ashen after hearing what s.h.i.+ said.

“I didn’t seem to offend anyone of Sky Hermit Fort. Why does someone want to kill me?”

s.h.i.+ shook his head. “I don’t know, either.”

Xu said with a bitter smile, “I didn’t find out I was so unlikable before.”

s.h.i.+ sighed. “Well, what kind of person is the girl his mother let him be betrothed with?”

“You meant Zhou Yu’er?” Xu was in a trance. “She? She’s good. What’s wrong with her?”

“Did you meet her?” asked s.h.i.+ again.

“I met her twice. She seems gentle. What’s wrong with her? She’s timid, too.”

“Oh?” s.h.i.+ picked his brows. “A gentle girl?”

“Yes, that’s how I feel about her.”

s.h.i.+ explained slowly, “Few of the people around you have interest conflicts with you, but Zhou Yu’er has the motive to kill you, on the premises that she likes Fang Shuoyang and eagers to marry him.”

Xu fell into a daze again. “Well…”

Having pondered over it for a while, Xu suddenly remembered that he seemed to see her run out of Fang’s study with tears…

He also asked Fang about this that that time, but Fang said nothing to worry about.

He even joked with Fang why Fang made her cry and the like…

Thus, Zhou actually liked Fang, didn’t she?

However, Fang never told him about this…

s.h.i.+ clearly understood it upon seeing Xu’s appearance and slightly shook his head. “Do you know her background?”

“I know nothing about her except that she’s the niece of Fang’s mother.”

s.h.i.+ felt somewhat wordless. How could a person be so careless?

“She’s your rival in love. How can you know nothing about her?”

Xu felt aggrieved. “Fang doesn’t like her, so she’s technically not my rival.”

s.h.i.+ twisted the corners of his lips and really got nothing to say.

Xu turned more aggrieved. “I only consider Fang’s parents as my rivals. The others mean nothing to me.”

“She may marry Fang. Does this also mean nothing to you?”

Fang flattened his mouth. “I don’t think Fang will marry her. After all, Fang likes men like me, doesn’t he? So if I really have rivals in love, they must be men.”

s.h.i.+, “…”

Okay, he admitted that Xu’s mind was too…he didn’t know how to put it. His mind was rather “normal”, so he couldn’t understand Xu.

Xu felt extremely aggrieved. “Elder Brother s.h.i.+…am I very stupid?”

s.h.i.+ feigned coughing. “It can’t be said in this way. You’re utterly pure.”

Xu asked, “…doesn’t it mean I’m stupid?”

s.h.i.+ shrugged. “I didn’t say that. But, I don’t mind if you say so.”

Hearing this, Xu glared at s.h.i.+ with accusation in his eyes. “Elder Brother s.h.i.+, you’re so bad. I’ll tell elder brother on you.”

s.h.i.+ said with a faint smile, “You bet. I also wanna know whom he favors.”

Xu, “…”

After finis.h.i.+ng the morning session, Long returned the Qiankun Palace and saw this.

It looked like one person bullied the other. Xu looked very aggrieved, but his empress was quite composed as if he did nothing.

Long walked over with a chuckle and put an arm around s.h.i.+’s shoulders.

“What’s up?”

s.h.i.+ replied with a smile. “It’s all right. By the way, what about the morning session?”

Xu said ahead of Long, “Elder brother, I have something to tell you! Elder Brother s.h.i.+ bullied me.”

“Eh?” Long then asked with his brows raised, “Shouldn’t it be like this?”

Xu turned livid. “Elder brother, aren’t you cruel? This is an outrage.”

Long shrugged his shoulders. “So what? I think you understand love is more important than friends.h.i.+p.”

Xu got very furious with a pale face and directly left away.

Long smiled.

s.h.i.+ looked at Long with a faint smile, “You sent him away in this way?”

“My husband is more significant than my little brother,” Long said naturally.

“Husband?” s.h.i.+ picked his brows even higher.

“Yes.” Long smiled and blew a kiss on s.h.i.+’s forehead. “You’re my husband and I’m yours. Am I right?”

“Well…” s.h.i.+ nodded and smiled. “You’ve made your point.”

After that, Long held s.h.i.+’s hand and led s.h.i.+ to the table. Suddenly, Long found that he loved holding s.h.i.+’s hand.

Soft and tender, s.h.i.+’s hands got long and fair fingers, looking comfortable and also feeling good when Long held them.

Not as delicate as women’s, s.h.i.+’s hands were more likable, making Long always want to behold.

With his hand held, s.h.i.+ walked toward the table.

s.h.i.+ asked again after sitting by the table, “How about the morning session?”

Long curled his lips. “Several ministers in favor of First w.a.n.gyeh went crazy and almost wanted to hold everyone accountable.”

s.h.i.+ raised his brows. “Oh? Have they exposed themselves? It seems they wagered all they had.”

“Eh,” Long said with a nod. “But…Qingzhou, I feel an invisible eye hidden in the dark is watching us. The moment we found someone sneaking into the mansion of First w.a.n.gyeh might have something to do with Muzar’s death, the big fire broke out there…it’s so coincident that I’d rather believe someone is watching us especially.”

s.h.i.+ pursed his lips. “I think so, too. ”

“There is more than this,” Long muttered to himself. “In addition, I get this faint feeling. The backstage conspirator or the eye wants us to do so… ”

s.h.i.+ paused upon hearing this and said, “You mean…”

Long shook his head. “I don’t know. Just a feeling.”

s.h.i.+ thought about it for a few moments and said, “Then stop thinking. Let’s have breakfast first.”

After breakfast, the wet nurse brought the little prince over whom Long and s.h.i.+ then played with for a while.

When the little prince got tired, the wet nurse took him back. Long started to handle government affairs, accompanied by s.h.i.+.

Although s.h.i.+ was there to accompany Long, s.h.i.+ actually did a lot of things. As he read the reports for Long, he circled the key points and made comments.

As a matter of fact, s.h.i.+ did more that Long.

They worked together to handle the reports.

Soon, it was lunchtime.

As they were about to have lunch, the Shadow Guardian in charge of questioning the people of Sky Hermit Fort came over.

Long asked, “What the h.e.l.l is this? Tell me in detail.”

The Shadow Guardian replied, “One of the two left died from the torture and the other said Holy Lady ordered them. When I asked who Holy Lady was, he bit his tongue and killed himself.”

“Killed himself?” Long felt a little dissatisfied.

“I dislocated their jaws after catching them. But, as the men of sacrifice, they had taken poison. As long as they could swallow their saliva in a special way, they would die.”

Only then did Long learn of the twists and turns therein. He frowned.

s.h.i.+ asked, “Did only one of them say about Holy Lady?”


s.h.i.+ looked at Long. “I trust the interrogation methods of the Shadow Guardians, so there is a Holy Lady who directed an order to kill Xu You. It’s a pity we didn’t elicit why from them.”

Long stroked his chin. “What a pity!”

After the Shadow Guardian left, Long ordered lunch to be delivered. Soon, lunch was placed on the table.

Over lunch, Long picked up Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs for s.h.i.+.

s.h.i.+ ate them with a smile.

After lunch, Long looked at the reports that were almost finished in the morning, so he didn’t plan to spend all the time on them today.

Thus, Long wanted to take s.h.i.+ out of the palace.

s.h.i.+ agreed with Long, so they went out under the protection of several Shadow Guardians.

It was very bustling in the streets of the imperial city except for midnight.

As Long strolled, he bought two gadgets that could be worn on the clothes.

It was no doubt that the emperor shouldn’t have cared about them, but Long was different from others.

He found them interesting.

But, he preferred dressing others up than himself.

Thereby, the gadgets ended up given to s.h.i.+.

In addition, one of the jade pendants was hung on the lower hem of s.h.i.+’s clothes already.

s.h.i.+ touched the little fish-shaped jade pendent and said with a smile, “It’s adorable.”

“It is.” Long smiled proudly. “It also depends on who wears it. It’s beautiful when you wear it.”

s.h.i.+ glanced at Long with a faint smile. “Is that so?”

“Of course.” Long smiled. Boom! A huge explosive noise arose right at this very moment. Long and s.h.i.+ got astonished first and looked at the direction in unison where the noise came from…

“Over there…it seems to be the direction of First w.a.n.gyeh’s mansion?” Long murmured.

s.h.i.+ said with a nod, “Yes, it does. Let’s go and have a look.”

They hurtled there after Long said yes to s.h.i.+.