Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 71: No Sneak Attack in the Middle of the Night (I)

Chapter 71: No Sneak Attack in the Middle of the Night (I)

“Qingzhou!” Long Xiaoyuan’s eyes widened. “What makes you think so?”

Seeing that s.h.i.+ pressed his lips more tightly and they were about to bleed, Long got very worried.

“Stop pressing your lips. Stop it.” Long ordered sternly.

s.h.i.+ was stunned and then stopped doing that as he ordered.

Long caressed s.h.i.+’s lips with his fingers with concern and then said softly, “Qingzhou, do you forget? I said that I followed you all your life.”

s.h.i.+ was stunned.

Long muttered, “Do you know? Many things can happen and many thoughts can be changed in a lifetime. Since you were a wise emperor and I stayed with you all the time, wouldn’t I learn to how to behave? Moreover, I followed you and watched you for all your life. I saw that you didn’t smile and treated others coldly. Although you were a good emperor, you didn’t treat yourself well. I saw that you had no children, because although you had married many concubines, you seldom touched them. How could I not be distressed? I felt heartbroken at the beginning and later, I got jealous!”

s.h.i.+ was stunned again.

“I found that I wished you could see me and meet me. I wished you could only touch me and sever your tie with all those women… Qingzhou, a lifetime is enough for me to fall in love with you!”

s.h.i.+ didn’t know what to say at that moment.

Long smiled bitterly again. “You know… when I woke up, I don’t know why I only remember the tragedy of s.h.i.+ family and your accession to the throne. I only remember that you were a good emperor and I fell in love with you. However, I don’t remember what exactly happened after that… Maybe heaven doesn’t want me to have all the good things, but in that dream, I realized my true feelings and learnt how to be a good man, or how to be a good emperor. That’s already a gift from heaven, isn’t it? I’m very grateful. My love for you grows. Maybe in your eyes, my feelings are very sudden, but to me, that’s because I’ve already spent a lifetime with you! Qingzhou, it’s incredible, isn’t it? But, believe me, it’s true… Qingzhou, in my dream, I’ve loved you for a lifetime.”

s.h.i.+ completely fell silent, since he didn’t know how to respond.

After a long time, Long gently put his arms around Long’s waist. “Qingzhou, that’s why I asked you whether you believed in dreams just now. It’s unbelievable… So, how dare I tell you? What’s more, how do you expect me to tell you? When our relations.h.i.+p wasn’t stable, if I told you that I’d kill your family and you’d kill me and become emperor yourself, wouldn’t you think I’d gone crazy?”

Finally, s.h.i.+ was a little moved. “Long Xiaoyuan…”

Long kissed s.h.i.+ gladly. “Fortunately, it’s just a dream. You don’t know how happy I was when I found I was just dreaming and didn’t actually kill your father after I woke up. I’m glad that we don’t end up killing each other…

…Qingzhou, if I hated you because I dreamt that you’ve killed me, then after I woke up, I’d kill you first because of what might happen in the future, in order to protect my throne. However… Qingzhou, I like you. No, I love you! How can I kill you? Moreover, the living one is actually the most miserable. In that dream, I was dead. I was killed by you. If I hadn’t become a ghost, then I wouldn’t know anything. But what about you? You never really smiled in your whole life after that. Although you got the throne, the power, the harem and the most beautiful woman, you weren’t really happy anymore. Given this situation, if you were me, would you hate the person who’d killed you?”

s.h.i.+ fixed his eyes on Long.

Long kissed s.h.i.+’s ear. “In addition… you just killed me, but you were kind to this country and all the people… Although I died, the hard-won empire from our ancestors wouldn’t be destroyed… Qingzhou… I don’t hate you. I never hate you. When I woke up, I only felt pity and love for you…”

“You dreamt about that…” s.h.i.+ murmured, “No wonder, no wonder you’ve changed so much…”

“Yes.” Long smiled bitterly. “Qingzhou, I know maybe you can’t digest all of what I’ve said in a short while, but… I’ll wait for you to think it through. Most importantly, we’re a couple now. We’ve promised to be together for a lifetime. Qingzhou, this is the most important thing. You can’t forget it! Nor can you doubt my feelings for you…” Long sounded very pitiful.

s.h.i.+ looked at Long with complicated feelings.

Long said more pitifully, “Qingzhou, although in that dream, I did something unforgivable and you also killed me, nothing actually happens in real life… So don’t blame me, will you? I promise, in this life, I’ll treat your parents much better than my own parents!”

s.h.i.+ didn’t say anything.

“Really!” Long nodded and then raised his hand to make an oath. “I swear!”

Seeing that Long was behaving like that, s.h.i.+ came to his sense from the shock and loss just now.

After a long time, s.h.i.+ gave a long sigh. “Just as you said, I seemed to have been listening to a story and didn’t know how to react…”

“Just take it as a story!” Long said firmly.

s.h.i.+ rolled his eyes and then said slowly, “You really don’t remember what happened next? If you knew that, you’d have the ability to predict. Then, you’d know how First w.a.n.gyeh died and who killed him.”

Long smiled bitterly. “Qingzhou, in my dream, you’ve already killed me at this time, alright? That is to say, you’ve already become the emperor. As for the Frist w.a.n.gyeh… there was no part for him!”

Even if there was, it’d be very brief!

s.h.i.+ was speechless.

Long sighed. “Qingzhou, I’d like to have the ability to predict, but look, I’ve changed the future now. Thus, what happened in my dream won’t happen here… For example,” Long lowered his voice, “You won’t marry the empress and have concubines.”

s.h.i.+ didn’t know what to say.

Long was overbearing. “You’re mine, only mine. I won’t allow any women to get you. Of course, no men will get you, either!”

s.h.i.+ found him very ridiculous. “What are you thinking about?”

“Humph.” Long snorted. “Qingzhou, in my dream, I began to like you very much after I became a ghost, but you always hated me. Humph…”

s.h.i.+ looked at him with mixed feelings. “So, you just… kept following me like that?”

“Yes.” Long looked rather sad. “I kept following you all the time. I watched you take baths and even accompanied you when you went to the toilet.”

s.h.i.+ felt embarra.s.sed.

Long suddenly hugged him and began to sweet talk him again. “Qingzhou, you must not know how happy I was when I knew that I could change history and correct my previous mistakes! At that time, I wished to tell the whole world that you were mine, you were mine!”

s.h.i.+ didn’t say anything.

Long pulled him up. “Qingzhou, I’ve told you all my secrets.”

“You kept following me…” s.h.i.+ said slowly, “So, you knew, some of the Shadow Guardians were working for me, right?”

Long blinked innocently. “Yes.”

s.h.i.+ squinted. “Actually, you’ve known everything about me?”

“Of course not!” Long immediately shook his head. “How would I know everything? For example, I don’t know Lian Qingyang loves you!”

s.h.i.+ was stunned. “Lian Qingyang?” It took him a short while to think of that name.