Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 77: The Person Who’s Behind the Scenes Will Cry to Death (II)

Chapter 77: The Person Who’s Behind the Scenes Will Cry to Death (II)

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

When they returned to the palace, it was not dinner time yet, so Long went to the Imperial Study.

s.h.i.+ stayed in the study of Qiankun Palace for a while.

There was nothing important, so he would just do calligraphy and painting.

When Long came back from the Imperial Study around dinner time, s.h.i.+ had already finished a piece of calligraphy work. Long’s eyes slightly brightened. He already knew that his empress was a talent, but he hadn’t expected that he was so excellent!

Long looked at his calligraphy appreciatively, but said, “In fact, compared with this, I prefer your landscape painting, but it needs to be brighter.”

s.h.i.+ nodded and smiled. “Okay, I’ll paint for you next time.”

“Good.” Long smiled happily like a child who had got candies. s.h.i.+ felt that a little funny.

“Let’s go to have dinner,” Long said after s.h.i.+ promised him the painting.

s.h.i.+ nodded, “Yes, I know.”

Long turned around and just found that the hairpin that s.h.i.+ wore was the white jade one he gave him when he first went out of the palace.

Then, Long’s eyes sparkled. “Qingzhou, you wear this?”

s.h.i.+ touched his head and raised his eyebrows. “What’s the matter? Is there a problem?”

Long shook his head with a smirk. “No, of course not.”

s.h.i.+ curled his lips as Long gave a silly smile.

Then, the two of them went to have dinner. After they cozily finished dinner, they planned to take a walk in the Imperial Garden, but a servant came to report that Hu Qingyuan requested for a meeting with the emperor.

“Why did he come at this hour?” Long and s.h.i.+ looked at each other.

s.h.i.+ said, “There must be some significant findings. Your Majesty, let’s go to meet him.”

Long nodded and ordered the servant to lead Hu to the Imperial Study.

The servant hurriedly did that.

Long and s.h.i.+ also rushed there.

When they arrived at the Imperial Study, Hu was already there.

Long looked him and said, “Come in.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Hu replied and then followed him into the Imperial Study.

s.h.i.+ was the last one to go in.

Then, Long sat down, while s.h.i.+ stood behind him.

As Hu knelt down to greet him, Long said directly, “Minister Hu, you may rise. Is it because there are some important findings about the case that you entered the palace at this hour?”

Hu immediately replied, “Yes, Your Majesty, I found this in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the First w.a.n.gyeh’s mansion.”

“Bas.e.m.e.nt?” Long was shocked. “Is there a bas.e.m.e.nt in his mansion? Has it not been blown up?”

“No. Although the gate was blown up, there was not much damage in it. There were not many things in the bas.e.m.e.nt, either. Apart from some gold, silver and precious things, this is the only thing.”

While speaking, Hu took out a register from his sleeve and handed it in.

Because it was confidential, there were no outsiders there. So, s.h.i.+ took over the register himself and handed it to Long.

As he browsed through it, Long frowned hard and coldness gradually filled his eyes.

“I didn’t know that my good uncle actually had such a fortune!”

s.h.i.+ was right next to Long, so he also saw the register clearly.

It was not so much a register as an account book, an account book about horses!

It recorded the horses bought by the First w.a.n.gyeh in the north in the last five years!

Oh, not only in the north, but also in the east!

What a good uncle that was!

In the north, that was the Northern Barbarians.

In the east… that was the Eastern Darkness!

To get the throne, this good uncle of his colluded with more than one foreign enemy and brought people from those two countries to his own land. He was really… stupid!

Why didn’t he know that people in other countries wouldn’t help him for nothing?

At this moment, Long really wanted to take out the First w.a.n.gyeh’s dead body and whip it!

Long didn’t look good, while s.h.i.+’s face also darkened.

Hu lowered his head and didn’t move.

After a while, Long said lightly, “I already know about it. Minister Hu, don’t tell this to anyone else.”

“I understand,” Hu said at once.

After Hu left, Long took a deep breath. “Qingzhou, take a good look at this account book. Although those horses haven’t arrived yet and the First w.a.n.gyeh has died, there must be someone else working on it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be abandoned so soon!”

s.h.i.+ nodded. “In the imperial court, only the other w.a.n.gyehs are on an equal footing with the First w.a.n.gyeh. However, in terms of talent, the First w.a.n.gyeh was still the best. If he was just abandoned like that, who could be the real leader?”

“If a man can pretend well enough, he can make a fool like the First w.a.n.gyeh charge at the front,” Long said coldly.

s.h.i.+ was stunned. “So, before the First w.a.n.gyeh died, he must’ve thought of something and decided to say it. But unfortunately, he failed to do that.”

Long nodded. “What a pity. This register only records the horses and other items he purchased. There aren’t his partners’ names on it.”

“It doesn’t matter. Since he’s placed the order, someone will deliver the horses sooner or later.”

Long sneered. “I’m afraid that since he’s already dead, the other party will go back on their word.” Even if they would deliver them, they wouldn’t do it at such a risky time!

“I don’t think they’ll break their promise,” s.h.i.+ said in a low voice, “Your Majesty, you also said that the First w.a.n.gyeh was just abandoned.”

“They will deliver the horses, but won’t do it so soon.” Long sighed.

“Not necessarily,” s.h.i.+ said.

“What?” Long suddenly fixed his eyes on s.h.i.+. “Qingzhou, why did you say that? It’s such a dangerous time. Do you think they’ll still deliver the horses?”

s.h.i.+ said lightly, “Your Majesty, you forgot it? Only we know that this thing is in our hands. Those people don’t know that!”

Long’s eyes brightened a little, and then he said, “I forgot to ask Minister Hu how many people knew about this register.”

“Your Majesty, don’t worry.” s.h.i.+ chuckled. “Minister Hu is very careful in handling cases. I can guarantee that only we know about this.”

“Good!” Long clapped his hands. “If that’s the case, we can go after an easy prey!”

s.h.i.+ thought about it. “There are ten thousand horses in total. Even if they’re from both the east and the north, it’s not easy to transport them… The best way to smuggle them…”

“Battlefield!” Long said at once.

“Right.” s.h.i.+ smiled and nodded. “The best way is to go through the battlefield.”

Long immediately said, “Your father is in the battlefield in the north. I’m very relieved. What’s left is the problem in the east…”

“General Qin Yuebang is guarding the east,” s.h.i.+ said slowly, “I absolutely believe in his loyalty. He’s just like my father… We need his cooperation in this matter.”

“Right.” Long nodded and sneered. “Since so many horses will be sent to us for free, why don’t we accept them?”

s.h.i.+ chuckled. “The person who’s behind the scenes will cry to death.”

Long raised his eyebrows. “Really? If he cries… we’ll be happy. So it’s better for him to cry!”