Rebirth: Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 1110

The bet was right

"It really is the Time Corridor."

"This is the true flow of time!"

As Lin Feng stepped into the third corridor, his expression immediately and drastically changed.

Even though he had already sensed that the third corridor would be the time corridor long before he entered it, he still had a feeling that it would be the time corridor.

Even so, it did not affect him at all. At the same time, great waves of shock raged in his heart.

"In this third time corridor, the power of the Time Laws is truly too formidable. There is no way to gain anything from this!"

Sensing that the vast and boundless flow of time and energy had pa.s.sed through time and s.p.a.ce, Lin Feng"s eyes slowly narrowed, and he could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

He had originally thought that he would be able to easily pa.s.s through the s.p.a.ce corridor, relying on his understanding of the Time Laws. Unexpectedly, after entering, he discovered that in front of the absolute power of time, the laws he grasped were completely useless.

To rely on one"s understanding of the Laws of Time and ingenious methods to cross the long corridor of time was impossible.

The only way to pa.s.s through was to endure the pa.s.sage of time. Before the longevity had completely pa.s.sed through, the only way was to pa.s.s through the corridor. Otherwise, all he could do was to spend the rest of the longevity in the corridor, and perish.


After a while, Lin Feng stopped thinking about it.

Taking a deep breath, he arranged himself into a 100-meter charge, then rushed forward with his fastest speed.

Without the effects of gravity, the power of the corridor allowed him to run at a speed of 100 meters, as if he was a normal person.

Although this speed was less than a kilometer away from the time spent outside, it was still considered good for a time corridor that was only one kilometer long.

After all, the speed at which time pa.s.sed was already terrifying. If it was like the gravity corridor with gravity obstructing it, then he would only be able to walk like a gecko. With his current strength, he would not be able to traverse the entire corridor no matter what.

"Sou sou …"

One thousand meters, nine hundred meters.

Eight hundred meters. Six hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

With the speed of a hundred meters of charge, Lin Feng"s speed was very fast. In just a few seconds, he had covered half of the distance.

As time pa.s.sed, the distance between them increased.

The five hundred meters in front of him seemed to be about half his original length, but the pa.s.sage of time here was less than a tenth of the length of the corridor.

So much so that at an extremely fast speed, Lin Feng could hardly see the pa.s.sage of time after traversing five hundred meters.

400 meters, 300 meters …

Two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

Lin Feng"s footsteps were extremely fast. After traversing a distance of five hundred meters, there was not much time left before he continued to rush forward with the fastest speed possible.

Very quickly, they had pa.s.sed the nine hundred meter distance between them. They were now only one hundred meters away from the end.

The current Lin Feng seemed to have just pa.s.sed his youth, as he stepped into his thirties and forties.

But right at the last 100 meters, Lin Feng did not continue forward with his hundred meter charge. Instead, he stopped and with a serious face, his eyes slowly narrowed.

"A thousand meters seems like only a tenth of the original distance. However, this final tenth of the distance is even more terrifying than the time lost in the nine hundred meter distance before it."

"According to the rules of the Time elapses, if I were to go all out now, there is still a certain probability of being able to cross the last hundred meters."

"Success or failure, it all depends on one move!"

Standing at such a distance, Lin Feng squinted his eyes and held his breath for a long time. Then, he made his decision.

Relying on the forbidden arcane he had grasped in his previous life, he had many life-saving methods. Even if he was unable to resist the power of the Time Loss, it was still possible for him to save his nascent infant and charge out of the Time Corridor.

As long as the nascent infant was still there, it could not be considered a real death. At any time now, he could rely on the vast five elements spiritual energy s to recreate a new body. As for the irreparable internal injuries caused by the pa.s.sage of time, they could only wait until they found a suitable heavenly and earthly treasures before they could think of a way to slowly recover.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh …

With every step he took, Lin Feng used all of the remaining strength in his body to rush forward at the fastest speed possible.

He wanted to run a race against the speed at which time flowed in the last hundred meters of the corridor.

Although he had already made preparations to recreate his body with his nascent infant, if he could cross the last hundred meters before all the longevity and the Time Corridor completely ran out, it would still save him a lot of trouble.

One hundred meters, ninety meters.

After walking ten meters across, Lin Feng had already pa.s.sed through the middle age and was about to turn old.

Eighty meters, seventy meters.

Sixty meters, fifty meters.

Twenty meters, ten meters …

When Lin Feng was only ten meters away from the end of the hallway, he looked like a Old Man in his sixties.

Based on the current situation, he could completely cross the last ten meters before the longevity is exhausted.

However, the current Lin Feng, did not continue to charge forward. Instead, he stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes in a serious manner that he had never done before.

"Although there is only a distance of ten meters left, after every one meter, the speed at which time will increase exponentially."

"Therefore, this appears to be only one percent of the distance, but the speed at which time is even more terrifying than the previous ninety meters!"

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Feng clenched his teeth, his eyes remained fixed as he continued to rush forward.

From the last few meters, Lin Feng seemed to be running at full speed, but in reality, he was closing in at the speed of a gecko.

With every small step, an extremely terrifying amount of longevity would fade away, to the point that after each small step, one could clearly see the kind of swift pa.s.sing away of longevity.

It was just like an old man who had just reached sixty years of age. He had already pa.s.sed through seventy, eighty, ninety, and had even neared a hundred. He looked old and decrepit, as if he might die at any moment.

However, just at this moment, Lin Feng finally pa.s.sed through the last ten meters of time.

"Fortunately, with my understanding of the laws of s.p.a.ce, when I pa.s.sed through the second spatial corridor, my body did not suffer any loss nor did I suffer any damage. That"s why under the nourishment of the second pool of spiritual vein, my cultivation and Body Level have reached a new height, on the verge of breaking through."

"Otherwise, it would really be impossible to pa.s.s through the pa.s.sage of time by brute force!"

After pa.s.sing through the thousand meters of time and walking out of the corridor, Lin Feng"s longevity had already reached the edge of extreme frequency.

With every movement he made, his aura would be incomparably weak. He seemed as though he would arrive at any moment and only after a short period of time.

"You made the right bet."

After a while, Lin Feng stopped thinking about it.

Looking at the empty s.p.a.ce in front of him, he let out a sigh of relief after seeing the brand-new spiritual vein spring water.