Rebirth Into An Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 6

Zhou Hehui was extremely satisfied with the results of Chu Yan changing clothes. Very quickly he took Chu Yan in a corridor through the staff a.s.sistant"s lead.

Zhou Hehui stated: "I"m accompanying you till here. I will wait for your good news"

Heard what he said, Chu Yan couldn"t help but raise his eyebrows, inquiring while laughing: "Previously my acting was bad. Zhou ge {note1} is aware of it, are you that confident in me?"

{note1: reminder, in China there are polite ways to address "strangers". It"s strongly based on one"s age (older than you). ge means big brother}

Listening to his mocking, Zhou Hehui neither worryingly nor impatiently asked: "Can you laugh and run?"

Chu Yan"s smiling lips somewhat deepened and didn"t reply.

Zhou Hehui calmly added: "As long as you can laugh, run, cry and be noisy, then this role will be yours"

Look at this back door, simply lawless!

After following the staff a.s.sistant and officially entered the auditioning waiting room, Chu Yan glimpsed at other similar people coming for the audition. According to the staff a.s.sistant"s words, today"s audition was all about the second male lead, therefore those ten people unexpectedly all came to audition for the second male lead. Chu Yan was really surprised.

So many people came here to audition for the second male lead? One could well imagine that this play was/would be certainly hot, moreover there were many Huaxia actors…

Don"t think about it anymore. Chu Yan reached a vacant seat and sat down. He wore his own VR lens and continued to watch his script.

He has chosen 10 fragments of speech and prepared everything in an evening. Chu Yan was extremely self-confident but didn"t put airs. Better get those 10 fragments ready.

Actually, as soon as Chu Yan stepped in the room the other people took notice of this youngster.

No wonder that, only because his attire was too exquisite and handsome, he suddenly attracted all the people"s attention.

A good-looking face, black haired youngster with black eyes. Every move diffused some kind of n.o.ble manner. Even though he was sitting in the middle with other people, but his lowered head and silent look made the people feel that he was particularly prominent. Anyway, one glance and you would notice him within the crowd.

  『This image is too consistent with Chu Chen!』

— — everyone thought.

Chu Chen was the second male lead of the adapted play 《b.l.o.o.d.y Battle》{note2}, and also the role that those people today were auditioning for.

{note2: b.l.o.o.d.y War is more fitting, but it isn"t just a war decided by a king to another country, it"s more a battle with oneself. Chu Chen will go through an important period… so I translated it as b.l.o.o.d.y Battle}

Before, Chu Yan believed that all those people in this room came to audition for Chu Chen. In fact, he was wrong. Only this room? There was the same room next door, all the people there came to audition for Chu Chen!

A second male lead was worthy of nearly a hundred actors to come for the audition? Could it be that this play was that great?

Actually it wasn"t because of this at all. The trend value of this second male lead role was quite high, this celebrity brought feelings. Even though it happened with the original novel, it also repeatedly won the first place as "the most popular character". It could even be said that he was the Mr. Perfect in countless readers" hearts!

Chu Chen"s family background was first cla.s.s, he had handsome features and an innate temperament of a spoilt son. In the early chapters of the novel he has always been a "negative example" {note3} of a playboy. But after since his sole big brother was killed in battle, he had a change of heart. He shouldered the heavy burden of revitalizing the Chu family. Furthermore, he still had a smiling expression while dying when he finally rescued the male lead in the midst of danger.

{note3: idiom 反面教材, negative example which may serve as a lesson}

From a handsome person to a second generation military. In the preceding period a rebel, in the later period a ruthless general!

This was simply putting all the trending values of the whole galaxy together. Truly brightening!

Chu Yan naturally didn"t know what other people were thinking, he was still carefully reading his script with his head low, trying to keep in mind how he should perform those 10 fragments. Compared to other people, who prepared themselves for quite a few days and acted accordingly to the AI Script, Chu Yan"s time of preparation was really short, and the degree of difficulty when referring to a script was fairly high.

Some people noticed from earlier on that the script that Chu Yan was reading seemed different from theirs. Although communication tools had protective screens to block other people, but the gap between static words screen and incessant flashing movies screen wasn"t small. Even if Chu Yan didn"t wear the VR lens the auditionees wouldn"t guess what he was reading, but they were convinced that: this person absolutely wasn"t watching an AI Script!

From the beginning some people couldn"t figure out what in the end Chu Yan was reading, some others conjectured that he likely was reading the original novel, but they didn"t wait for some other people retort, who laughed at them: "This is an audition, who else goes to read the original work? Clasping Buddha"s feet {note4} now is too late!"

{note4: idiom 抱佛脚, clasp Buddha"s feet when in trouble, making a last-minute effort}

While Chu Yan and the other people were waiting outside the auditioning room, several people left the other room. An handsome and bright profile of an arrogant youngster randomly glazed at Chu Yan. His eyes were a little stunned. His gaze traced at the other one"s carelessly lowered head and then stared at Chu Yan"s virtual screen.

That person was suddenly dumbfounded, blurting out: "You are reading a hardcopy?!"

Chu Yan came to his senses.

Among other people"s stupefied expressions, even Chu Yan was a little startled. He then nodded and confirmed: "Yes"

Only a simple affirmation. He didn"t deny and neither wanted to start a conversation. Light as a feather, Chu Yan skipped this topic of talk over.

Very quickly those young people were called inside and started to act. When he walked in front of Chu Yan, he gave him a meaningful look and left a suggestion behind: "Only now you are reading the hardcopy, it"s a little late. You better watch the AI Script"

It sounded like he was concerned, but his manner of speaking was full of gloating.

Chu Yan raised his eyebrows and glanced at this youngster, not complaining. The auditionee sitting next to him {CY} waited for him {the arrogant youngster} to go away and then commented: "I didn"t expect Li Shao would unexpectedly audition for the second male lead. Didn"t they say that half of the fund was invested by his family in the 《b.l.o.o.d.y Battle》team, this time what"s the point of being a male lead?"

Heard his question, Chu Yan"s brain suddenly recalled that arrogant youngster of a moment ago.

He turned his face and asked: "Who is Li Shao?"

Not waiting for him to repeat, the other one replied with astonishment: "You actually don"t know Li Shao? His name is Li Zhetian, recently quite famous. His family has a lot of money, it"s the top ranked transport trader of the capital city star. After he marched in the entertainment circle, Li family smashed him not few money. Last time he played the second male lead in an interstellar film, and earned many girl fans. This time Li family is one of the two big investors in 《b.l.o.o.d.y Battle》"

Right now some people were discussing about that Li Shao coming out from the auditioning. His manner, just one look and they understood that he was a spoilt son who has never been disciplined since a young age. When he pa.s.sed before Chu Yan, Li Shao still saw him densely reading the hardcopy. He didn"t say anything, sneered at him and then stepped away.

Upon witnessing this, Chu Yan didn"t react. Shaking his head he spoke with the auditionee next to him: "Look at this Li Shao, I"m afraid he is determined to win this role. Sigh, today I came here for nothing again…"

Gazing Li Shao"s back in the distance, Chu Yan slightly narrowed his eyes. He switched off the screen of his communication tool.

Li Shao wanted this role, but Zhou Hehui has said that, as long as he could laugh and run, then this role would be his…

Therefore, whose words had a higher credibility?

"Number 71, Chu Yan, screen test"

The author has something to say:

XD little sisters, whose words are more trustworthy~

However you dared to claim that Fuwa {note5} is short and small?!

Quickly search every Fuwa"s section"s numbers! You are suddenly falsely accusing Fuwa! Heaven, incredible!

Bullying Fuwa!

{note5: 5 mascots of the 2008 Olympics. I am not sure if she refers to them or to the protagonist or something else… When I asked the group, someone suggested that the author was trying to be cute by calling herself ‘lucky baby"… Well, I will leave it as Fuwa, so it depends on your preference}