Rebirth Into An Interstellar Marriage

Chapter 7 Part 2: Why Must You Steal My AI Script!

~ Translated by Avis ~

~ Edited by Anon~

~ All mistakes are mine ~

Chapter 7 Part 2: Why Must You Steal My AI Script!

This time, Li Zhetian didn"t think about causing any more trouble. After all, Chu Yan"s agent, Zhou Hehui had quite a great influence in the circle, and he was currently standing by the side, watching. Just now, he had already given Chu Yan a lesson. This time, he shall be a magnanimous adult and just pardon him.

("大人有大量", i.e. a grown-up/adult has greater capacity (to forgive or tolerate), and the english equivalent: be the bigger person)

And after the shooting began, there was nothing unusual.

Just as in the past, Li Zhetian kicked open the door and entered. He first scolded Playboy Chu Chen, then smoothly began to educate with his fists.

This action scene required a lot of thought from the martial arts instructor. Even if there was an AI script for reference, the martial arts instructor still carefully considered the actors" every action, then made adjustments.

Although Nie Zheng was born in an ordinary family, he had fought on the battlefield for three years, and his close combat was very powerful. As for Chu Chen, although he had initially been beaten until he wasn"t able to respond, he soon began to defend himself and was no longer being pa.s.sively beaten up.

In the script, Chu Chen, who had been slacking for a long time, failed to defeat Nie Zheng. In the end, he was severely disciplined by this soldier.

Chu Chen was the top student of China"s best military academy. He was proficient in all sorts of melee techniques, so according to reason, he couldn"t be worse than Nie Zheng. However, because he had never been on the battlefield, never been stained with blood, he did not move as quickly and ruthlessly as Nie Zheng did to attack the vital points.

But this time, just when Li Zhetian was feeling complacent, thinking that he had taught Chu Yan a lesson, causing the other person to be afraid of going against him, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Chu Yan"s actions!

They were still those movements required by the martial arts instructor, but at the end of each move, Chu Yan would suddenly increase his strength within a short time, causing Li Zhetian to suffer some pain.

After all, Chu Yan didn"t come from a professional martial arts background, so he also couldn"t really hurt Li Zhetian, but these brief and light pains made Li Zhetian extremely angry. After all, on the surface, it looked like it was he who was beating Chu Yan into retreating, but in fact, he was always the one being beaten by the other person and hurting from time to time!

"Chu Chen, you are not at all qualified to be surnamed Chu!"

After this same sentence had been spoken, Li Zhetian raised his leg to hinder Chu Yan who was in front of him. He did not try to use any strength, he only inexplicably wanted to finish the scene honestly. But it never occurred to him that…!

When his leg had just b.u.mped into Chu Yan, the other person suddenly fell to the ground with a pale face. He covered his knee with both hands, large beads of sweat continuously dripping down from his forehead. His lips were tightly bitten, and his appearance was like that of someone in unbearable pain.

Li Zhetian, who looked completely muddled, "……?!"

Li Zhetian, who was the closest, did not understand what had happened, let alone the crew and Zhou Hehui who were at the sides. However, when they played back the video, they found that Li Zhetian had kicked Chu Yan"s knee!

This time, it really did happen!

More than ten cameras had the whole thing captured. Li Zhetian couldn"t deny it even if he wanted to!

The doctor of the production group urgently treated Chu Yan, but when she found that Chu Yan had only suffered a little skin injury, without even a single bruise, she was astonished. Just as she was about to enquire, she heard the young man"s warm and pleasantly low voice  "Dr. Yang, can I still continue to act? I feel much better now, and I don"t want to delay everyone"s progress."

Dr. Yang raised her head to look and saw that the handsome and n.o.ble young man had his eyes slightly lowered, his gaze fixed earnestly on her. Chu Yan had a peaceful light in his eyes, his face was evidently pale, but he still tried to raise his lips and smile. This really stimulated the maternal nature of the female doctor!

What "this injury doesn"t seem serious at all" had already been completely thrown to the back of the female doctor"s mind. She just thought "Perhaps my medical skills are still insufficient, so I didn"t discover any particular location." She began to comfort Chu Yan, "Chu Yan, you should still go to the hospital for a check-up. If your knee really is broken, then it is indeed a very serious thing. The medical conditions of the production group are poor, so there"s no way to give you diagnosis here."

Zhou Hehui, who was listening in from the side, suddenly froze, then a drop of sweat trickled down his forehead.

He really got hurt?! And it"s especially serious?!

Zhou Hehui originally thought it was just a skin injury, but he didn"t expect that it could be so serious. He suddenly became nervous.

Zhou Hehui also wanted to rush Chu Yan to the hospital, but who would have expected Chu Yan to shake his head. He stood up by himself and said, "It"s okay, it just hurts a little, everything else is still fine. Don"t delay everyone"s progress anymore."

Look at this n.o.ble sentiment! Look at this appearance of enduring pain to film!

He"s literally the living Lei Feng of the new century… Eh, something seems not quite right.

("活雷锋", based on an actual historical figure named Lei Feng, this is a contemporary term referring to anyone seen as selfless, or anyone who goes out of their way to help others.)

Even though Chu Yan insisted that he wanted to continue filming, Zhou Hehui firmly disagreed. Although Zhou Hehui didn"t understand why his superior suddenly asked him to sign in this new recruit, even giving a lot of resources to support Chu Yan, he knew: No matter what, Chu Yan cannot be injured.

These few days of interactions had let Zhou Hehui develop some good feelings towards Chu Yan. And now, as an agent, he had to all the more protect his own artist. So, on that day, he took Chu Yan to the hospital. After confirming that there were no major problems, he then sighed with relief.

When Chu Yan joined the film crew the next day to continue filming, Li Zhetian kept staring at Chu Yan with a gloomy face without saying a word.

Yesterday, under everyone"s criticism, he had been forced to apologize to Chu Yan, as well as cover all his medical expenses. But only he knew, he didn"t use any strength at all! And he didn"t kick Chu Yan"s knee at all!

This is all a conspiracy! It"s definitely a conspiracy!

For the whole morning, Li Zhetian"s expression was very ugly. After yesterday"s events, the rest of the crew also developed an aversion towards him, they didn"t even want to speak to him. This kind of cold reception was a first for Young Master Li. He endured until noon, and unexpectedly saw that the meat in his lunch box was so pitifully little!

He, Li Zhetian, put down his ident.i.ty to eat the food of the production group, in order for him to get closer to people! But this was not the reason why you bullied him, Young Master Li!

At noon, Li Zhetian threw this box of food onto the ground, then made a phone call. In the afternoon, the equipment had yet to be started up when Director w.a.n.g came looking for Li Zhetian with a livid face, saying, "Li Zhetian, half of the movie has already been filmed, it"s impossible for you to suddenly ask us to change actors!"

But Li Zhetian drank his drink as he asked, "This time, I"ve invited Liao Xing, a popular first-tier artist, to come and act. Is this not okay?"

"This isn"t a question about who is coming to act. We"ve already filmed so many scenes, and… And Chu Yan"s performance is very good!"

"Director w.a.n.g, our Li family can invest another 20 million for the production group today, and add on a Liao Xing."


After all, as a young director, Director w.a.n.g had only filmed one TV show before, which didn"t have much of an influence on the industry. Facing Li Zhetian, this kind of person who brings money into the group, he didn"t know what to do. However, just as he was seething from humiliation, he unexpectedly saw a handsome young man coming their way, his brows tightly furrowed, his expression furious.

"Li Zhetian, don"t you deceive too much! Why must you steal my AI script!"

T/N: So, in light of my dubious ability to translate regularly, I"ve decided to set up a to motivate me ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

DISCLAIMER: I"m sorry but for now (i.e. this might change later) buying me coffee will not make me update faster. It will, however, ensure that I"ll continue to translate this novel for a little while longer~

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