Rebirth Of A Serial Killer

Chapter 36

Dou Si went with the other members to follow the people that left. Dou Si brought four others with him, they quickly found their targets. Everyone that was in the courtyard was now all walking their way to the middle of the core disciple"s area.

Dou Si sent back one of his members that he brought to report to Zuhn where the people were. Dou Si decided to give this task to a man named Yin Zhang.

Yin Zhang was the youngest and least skilled out the group. He was quite strong compared the rest of White Roses, standing at Middle Gold Rank. He quickly rushed away from the group to return to their leader.

Once Yin Zhang arrived he noticed the new members that were joining were all sweating. Yin Zhang laughed under his breath before walking up to the stage.

Liu stopped him before he got on the stage to ask him what he wanted to give to Zuhn. When he told her that it was about the group that left, she left him up to Zuhn.

"Sir, I have some information on the group"s whereabouts."

"Good, tell me."

"Sir, they are in the center of the Core Disciple"s area."

Zuhn nodded, "Thanks. Stay here, go make a group with the rest of the veteran members."

Yin Zhang moved away from the stage and grouped up with the other veteran members. When he got into the group, they started to explain what was going on.

When they told him about the new members faces when he left, he laughed a little bit. The veteran members of White Roses knew that they were about to be called out to kill the members that left.

Though, Zuhn had a completely different idea in mind. Zuhn moved back to the center of the stage.

"Alright, I just got information that the people that left here are in the middle of the Core disciple"s area. White Roses aren"t for everyone, I understand that."

Zuhn didn"t speak for a second.

"If you want to be able to join White Roses as a real member, the 29 of you have to go out and killed each and every last one of them."

When Zuhn said this, all of the 29 people were shocked and scared at the same time. The veteran members were also quite confused, they originally thought they were going to the people that left.

But once they heard that the new members were going to kill them, they all started to laugh. Their laughter reached Zuhn and Liu, Liu stared at all of the veteran members. They all quickly shut up and looked towards the 29 people emotionless.

"To make sure you guys kill them, the veteran members are going to watch from above. Let me make this clear if you don"t kill anyone or try to escape you will be killed."

Zuhn said this with no emotion, scaring everyone.

"Also, the veteran members will be keeping score, finding out who the weakest and strongest are."

_Keeping Score?_

The 29 were all terrified, some of the people in the group understood what kind of group White Roses was. So, their fear quickly went away. White Roses were made up of all killers, that was clear to all of the 29 people.

"Alright, Time to go. Good luck, you better not try to run away!"

Zuhn and Liu disappeared from the stage. The 29 people and the veteran members both left, running on the streets to their target. Before they got to their target, Zuhn told Dou Si about the situation.

Dou Si got his group in location to block off people if they try to escape. When the group of soon to be members arrived at the location they all brought out their weapons.

Some people were hesitant about bringing out their weapons, while others took them out without hesitation. Zuhn was keeping an eye out for people that were especially talented.

The veteran members left the group to observe from above, leaving the 29 alone. In the group, a man by the name of Shen Yun. Shen Yun was the first person to speak up after the veteran members left.

"If anyone is ready to kill, follow me!"

Shen Yun lifted up his two daggers, waving them in the air. A couple of people moved towards him. They too had their weapons out and smiles on their faces.

From above Zuhn appointed them as the especially talented group. There was a total of 6 people in the group. From Zuhn perspective, they were the already killers in the whole group.

Apart from them, there was someone else in the group that was more of a killer than the whole group. This teen was still with the other 23. He was wearing purple and black clothing. This made him look very out of place in the Windwood sect.

He was an Early Gold stage, very powerful in the eyes of the members of Windwood. Though, average in the terms of White Roses. Zuhn figured that he was going to be the most explosive throughout the battle that will be happening.

Shen Yun"s group was the first to move. Rushing into the battle, the veteran members started to keep count. Behind Shen Yun"s group, 20 more people started to run towards the battle.

Three other people were looking around trying to find their way out. The three of them found an alley and ran inside. A few screams sounded from the alley, and the three never came back out.

26 people remained and the battle just started. The attack caught the defending group to be caught off guard. This caused quite a few to die before they were even able to defend themselves.

Shen Yun"s group was the number one killers so far, killing a total of 13 people in a matter of five minutes. The teen in purple and black clothing was also keeping up with Shen Yun"s group alone. He has reached a total of 8 people killed by himself.

With fifty people left, it was going to be a pretty even battle. Zuhn figured at this point his soon to be members were going to lose people. He was correct, a small group new members got cut off from the main group.

Twenty people rushed at the group that got cut off, they were all killed. Though, they killed around ten of the twenty that attacked them. Leaving forty people defending while 23 people were still attacking.

Zuhn was quite shocked at the skills that the members were showing. The forty people left were all high silver or gold. Meaning that the rest of the battle was going to be decided by skill alone.

Shen Yun"s group was still going strong, having a total of 17 kills confirmed. While the teen in purple and black had a total of 10. A man that was Middle stages of gold appeared randomly in the group of 40.

This caused many low ranked gold members to die in an instant. Shen Yun"s group instantly moved over to the Middle Gold Staged man. It was a six v one and Shen Yun"s group still lost two people in the battle.

With the heavy hitter gone, Shen Yun"s group and the rest of the members made quick work of the rest. Blood was flooding the streets below. The veteran members were quite impressed with Shen Yun"s group and the teen in purple and black.

When the battle finally died down, with only three enemies left. Zuhn and the other veteran members jumped down from their spots. Zuhn signaled the veteran members to kill the remaining people.

Zuhn then told the veteran members to add up all of the scores and move the members into a line. Making the members line up from most killed to least killed.

There was a total of 16 people who survived during the battle, each and every person killed at least one person. The strongest person was the teen in purple and black with a total of 15 kills by himself.

Next was Shen Yun with 7 kills. The weakest person with only one kill was a short chubby teen. Zuhn walked over to him and stared into his eyes.

Zuhn then looked to the man next to the chubby teen.

"You two, fight to the death. I only want 15 people."

The older man immediately pulled out his weapon as the teen hurried to take his out. The other 14 teens stood in a line looking at the battle in front of them.

The two people stood away from each other by with their weapons out and ready. Zuhn signaled for the battle to start.

The older man made a quick strike, leaving his spear stuck through the teen"s neck. Killing him in only a couple of seconds.

"Just what I thought," Zuhn muttered under his breath.

Zuhn at the beginning was quite interested in this older man, he was an inner disciple with a lot of skills from the looks of it. With the battle over, Zuhn told Liu to bring everyone to his courtyard for an announcement.