Rebirth Of A Serial Killer

Chapter 39

While Zuhn"s disciples did their work, Zuhn had an important group to make. The Round Table was a group that floated around in Zuhn"s head. This group was going to be a special group.

The Round Table will be the elites of the White Roses. Zuhn already had two people that in mind for the group. There was going to be a special requirement to join The Round Table. For starters, the person couldn"t be super well-known.

They had to be someone that doesn"t show off much. The teen in black and purple clothes was perfect for this position. Zuhn hasn"t seen his full skills yet, but the teen is a full member of White Roses.

Also, the man with the spear. The man looked around thirty and was very powerful. These two people were going to be the base of The Round Table.

Zuhn walked outside of his house and moved throughout the courtyard. Zuhn was hoping that while his disciples were busy, he would be able to talk to the two men.

Zuhn found the man with the spear first. Zuhn pointed to the man, "You, Come with me."

When the man saw Zuhn, he walked behind Zuhn with a serious face. Zuhn and the man walked around for a bit until they found the teen in purple and black clothing.

"Purple clothing, come with me."

The teen took put both of his daggers away and followed behind Zuhn. Zuhn brought them both outside of his house and down an alley. Zuhn put up a small barrier.

The barrier was around the same from the arena when he had Liu Lihua in it. Only this barrier was a lot smaller and stronger. No one could see or hear what was going on inside.

Both of the men were at awe with the barrier. They both knew that their sect leader brought them inside the barrier to talk about something serious.

"First, what are your names."

The man with the spear spoke first, "My name is Cai Yuan"

Zuhn nodded his head and turned to the youth.

"My name is Chen Xian"

"Alright, both of you. This barrier that we are in will last a while. No one can hear or see what we are doing."

Both of the men looked around, from the inside they could see out. Though, from the outside, it was a black dot in the alley.

"Let"s get down to business, you two are here for a special position in White Roses."

Both of the faces of the men lit up.

"You two will be the Base Members of The Round Table."

The two both remembered Zuhn talk about this during the announcements to join the sect. Zuhn didn"t really speak about the Round Table much. Just that whoever was in it gain lots of power in the sect.

The two men were both filled with excitement.

"So, How the Round Table works. First, you must not tell anyone about you being in the Round Table. Secondly, You must blend in with everyone else in the sect. Meaning, you must join a department. There is one department that I will be blocking you guys from joining, but we will talk about that later."

Zuhn looked down at Chen Xian, "You will be joining the"s division. Actually, you will be an officer in the division."

Chen Xian was even more excited from before. Chen Xian was already a great, it was also his dream to become one. He already had the skills to back it up.

Zuhn looked back over to Cai Yuan.

"Cai Yuan, I need you to join something that isn"t going to put you into direct combat."

Cai Yuan nodded his head.

"Alright, what is The Round Table, you may be asking. Well, this group is special like I said. Only I and other members of the Round Table will know whos in it. None of my disciples or high ranking members will know about you guys. Your number one goal is to watch the White Roses sect. I want you guys to find weaknesses and people that are problems for the sect."

"All of you will have a monthly meeting to discuss with me about the sect. The Round Table will also be responsible to make large decisions for the sect."

The two men nodded their heads. Shortly after the barrier went down, both men disappeared from the alley. Zuhn slowly walked back to his courtyard.

Once Zuhn walked inside of his courtyard he felt an aura of a Martial Sky Ranked around him. Over on top of the courtyard was a man looking down on him.

The man that was looking down on him was Shi Huang. Shi Huang didn"t have an expression on his face. It was completely blank.

Several members of White Roses noticed the man hovering above the courtyard.

"You! Who are you, and what business do you have with White Roses?"

Shi Huang looked down at the teen that yelled this at him. Shi Huang smiled and waved his hand. Sending magical power towards the man. The man"s face turned different colors when he saw the magic coming towards him.

Before the magic could reach him, it was destroyed in front of him. The man looked behind him and saw Zuhn looking at him. Shi Huang also noticed this.

"You"ve grown quite a lot, Zuhn."


Liu and the other disciples heard the situation and made it outside of the house. When Liu saw Shi Huang hovering above the courthouse she also most went to go attack him.

When Shi Huang saw Liu Lihua we were quite shocked.

"So, You found the spell I cast on her years ago."

"Indeed I did."

The other members around were all at awe, their sect leader was talking calmly to such a powerful person.

"Zuhn, Nice little operation you have going on here. It would be a shame if everyone was killed."

"Yea, It would be. Though, we all know you can"t do anything."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I Am."

"Haha, Well. I"m not here to fight anyone, so keep your angry calm for now. I came here to discuss a rather important matter."

Zuhn nodded towards Shi Huang then back at his disciples.

"You four, out of the house. I will have a small chat with Shi Huang."

Shi Huang and Zuhn entered the house and sat in the living room. After a couple of minutes, a strong aura burst through the house. Loud cracks came from inside, the four disciples were about to go inside.

Suddenly, Shi Huang flew through a wall in the house. His body went through three walls before crashing outside in the courtyard. The disciples and members looked back to the whole.

Inside was Zuhn wiping the blood off his mouth.

"All Veteran members create a perimeter around my house, stay out of the situation."

In seconds all of the veteran members of the sect were out of the courtyard and watching from tall buildings. The four disciples and Zuhn were the only ones left.

"You three, leave and go protect the other members. Liu Lihua, It"s time for the promise I made with you."

Zuhn smiled as the three other disciples disappeared.