Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 46: There is no Next Time(1)

Chapter 46: There is no Next Time(1)

Translator: Hwarang

Editor: Klaurem


Late at night, Jung Yeo came to my room with a bottle of wine in his hand.

“Would you like to have a drink with me?”

“Sounds Good”

From his att.i.tude, as well as his late visit, I could tell that he was about to tell me his decision.

Was he going to follow me, or stay as the Bangju of the Yang Clan.

He made up his mind rather quickly so I didn’t know which choice he would make.

We had a light conversation while drinking our wine. He  was the one who was talking while I was listening.

He told me stories about when he first joined the Kang Ho.

When he was still a child a Kang Ho-In saved his family by killing off some bandits. After that day he was determined to become a Kang Ho-In.

He then told me about the different circ.u.mstances he had to go though.

By the time we were almost done with the bottle, he had reached the most recent events of his life.

“As you can see I am just an ordinary person. No, rather I think I am below that of an ordinary person. Somehow I made my way to become the vice-leader of the Yang Clan, and was used like a tool. That is when I met you, Young Master Byuk, and you made me into the Gaju of the Yang Clan.”

Then he asked me while staring into my eyes, “Do you still want me even though I am like this?”

I kept it short, “I do”

“Let me just ask you one last thing, what is the dream that you wish to achieve?”

The first thing that I thought of was the Spirit Sword State. As a martial artist, I truly wanted to reach this state since I couldn’t achieve it in my past life.

However there were many others things that I wanted to achieve.

First I wanted to know whether or not I was poisoned. If I was I would get my revenge. I wanted to get revenge on the people who poisoned me and betrayed Kal Sa Ryang.

I also wanted to raise the Byuk Clan to be the strongest Clan of all the Central Plain. As well as show filial piety to my parents and nurture Kw.a.n.g Du and the rest of the Sword Sect into fine martial artists. I also wanted to reunite with Baek Pyo and Kal Sa Ryang.

Now that I think about it, I truly wanted to do a alot.

Since Jung Yeo was asking for my grand ambition I could give him one answer.

How would I answer his question?

Then I thought of something, and said, “I want happiness.”

Wouldn’t I be happy if I achieved all of my goals?

“I want to be happy, and I want everyone around me to be happy as well.”

Jung Yeo looked at me dumbfounded then busted into laughter, “Ha ha ha!”

He stopped laughing and said, “I am sorry. You said something that I never expected.”

“It’s alright. What kind of answer did you expect?”

“I was nervous that you might say something like world unification.”

He was expecting that I would be the Sleeping Dragon that was going to bring change to the world.

Since I was someone who once achieved unification of the world I knew how difficult it was.

“I am sorry for not living up to your standards.”

He smiled at my reply.

Then Jung Yeo kowtowed in front of me.

“I greet my master. I swear unto the heavens that I will serve you faithfully until I die”

I could tell that my answer of finding happiness reached his heart more strongly than achieving world unification would have.

I grabbed his hands and raised him up.

“I will think of you as part of my family. Please help me, who is lacking in many ways.”

“I will give you my life.”

“I will prove to you that your choice was the correct one.”

“I wish to become happy alongside you, my lord”

I was truly happy. It wasn’t hard bringing him to my side since I had helped him while he was on a tough spot. However forcefully bringing him into my side wouldn’t have this type of effect. He wouldn’t be this open and loyal if I pressured him into submitting to me.

He was truly showing his sincerity and loyalty.

Following Kw.a.n.g Du, the Sword Sect as well as Kong Soo Chan, I have now managed to obtain another faithful subordinate.

I needed to further develop my relationship with them.

Their loyalty could change the next day, or it could never change in a thousand years. This loyalty could change with a single word or not change with a thousand words.

But I was going to accept this risk and develop the relationship between us since there was no perfect human relationship.


The next day I arrived back home.

Since I pressured Ma Jung Soo into a corner I decided it was a good time a take a break and take care of business back at home.

I planned to let Jung Yeo operate the Yang Clan independently. Even though Jung Yeo said that he was willing to merge with the Byuk Clan I didn’t think it was necessary yet, so I said no. I planned on raising many independent organization and merging them at the critical time. I was someone who once operated the largest organization in all of Kang Ho. I had hundreds of organizations like the Yang Clan working under me.

So I left him with two tasks.

First, I ordered him to send a good spy to shadow Ma Jung Soo. Especially if he tried to make any moves on Song Hwa Rin, I told him to let me know right away.

Second,  I told him to make a message system through the carrier Pidgeon. Of course it was outside from both our houses since I didn’t want to attract too much attention to our houses. Since Ma Jung Soo was at the Yang Clan house so they really couldn’t do anything that would attract too much attention. In addition I allowed him to choose trustworthy subordinates to run the system. Since we were a martial artist organization anything related to information was very important. For added safety measures I added something special.

It was a secret code that only Jung Yeo and I could understand. In the Murim Alliance there were many different codes. From simple codes to more complex ones that were used in the battlefield.

For this, I used one of the more complex ones. It was similar to one of the codes that Kal Sa Ryung used, so there was no way for anyone to decipher this code.

Jung Yeo was once again amazed seeing that I knew such complicated code.

This is how you are supposed to show faith to your subordinate. Later on down the road they might not remember it much, but it was important to show your abilities now.

I told Kw.a.n.g Du about the death of Old Man Flower Fan.

“Ah! Really? You did very well young master.”

He was as happy as if he took care of his own nemesis.

“Are you that happy?”

“Yes. I am sure the child as well as the elderly woman are happy in the afterlife. I am so happy that I really want to tell the owner that went to the countryside, that we took revenge for him.”

“He will know eventually.”

“Will he?”

“I am sure. How will he forget about it? Unless he truly wants to forget, he will know what happened. He will think that justice is still alive in Kang Ho.”

I wanted to tell the owner right now too, but it will only bring more danger to them. Returning everything back to normal must happen later.

“I hope so too”

“Kw.a.n.g Du-ya”

“Yes young master?”

“Get stronger”

My words had many meanings, but I was certain Kw.a.n.g Du understood what I meant.

That afternoon I oversaw the Lesser Sword Sect’s training.

“Are you training hard today?”

“Yes Sir!”

Everybody’s answer was loud and their gaze was sharp.

Individual training, group training, along with throwing practice, everyone should have been tired but no one seemed to complain or show much sign of fatigue.

Anyone who has taught before will agree with me, that you are more naturally inclined to teach those who try their hardest.

Since all of you are trying your best, I shall as well.

It seems that their hard work paid off as they had improved vastly. Especially Kwan He, I really wanted to praise him in front of everybody.

Kwan He sought for me after practice.

“Sect Master. I have a question about my martial arts”

His pa.s.sion for learning was truly fierce. I could tell because right after he finished the intense group training he sought after me to learn something.

“Whenever I use this technique I feel like I am losing my balance.”

And he showed the technique.

After seeing his performance I said, “That is because the weight distribution on your leg is wrong. Doesn’t this technique use the right leg to execute? But you are putting more weight on your left leg.”

“Yes, you are correct. I learned that balance was the key to this technique. Since more weight would naturally go toward the right leg I decided to put more weight onto the left leg.”

“That is precisely what is disrupting your balance. Just naturally put the weight onto your right leg, and maintain your balance through your body.”

“I can do that?”

“Why did you believe you couldn’t do that?”

“I had always learned that balance comes from the legs.”

The martial arts that he learned was called Comprehensive Manual of Sword Technique and it was pretty popular amongst different martial arts schools. It wasn’t a set of special techniques that are handed down through school and sects but a fairly common technique that was widely available. Since it was decent sword art, many different martial school taught it. However, there was limit to the Comprehensive Manual of Sword Technique since it was so popular.

Since Kwan He learned these sword techniques thoroughly he would eventually hit a barrier. But there was no need for me to tell him this yet. That was still a long way off.

“In martial arts there is never a ‘definite’ as there will always be ‘change,’, since that is the way of martial arts.”

“Ah, I understand Sect Master. Thank You!”

But he wouldn’t truly comprehend  what I meant yet since what I said to him had a more profound meaning behind it.

I could see that the callouses in his hands were the result of his intense training. He was following my guide by the book, and was buried under his training. So I told him the complete opposite thing that I said before.


“Yes, Daejoo-nim”

“You can take it slow. Even though training diligently is good but going overboard can lead to setbacks, just like the technique that you showed me.”

“I will remember your guidance.”

After bowing to me he left. Regardless of my warning I am sure he would train diligently.

Now that I think about it the words that I said to him might apply to me as well.

Even though Kwan He who was only twenty-three might not know it, but I did. There are many things that you can experience when you slow down a bit.


“I don’t think it is wise to accept this deal”

San Dong Merchant Guild’s financial manager, Baek Joong, said worriedly, “You can still cancel it now.”

The owner of the Guild, Ko Soon Kyung, was slumped in  his chair with his eyes closed.

Since Baek Joong served Ko Soon Kyung for a long time he could sense that Ko Soon Kyung was giving him the eye, but this matter wasn’t something that he could just back down on.

“Just by his looks, Ma Jung Soo is a dangerous person. Soon Kyung-Nim, please don’t bring in a tiger to chase away pack of wolfs.”

After hearing what Baek Joong said Ko Soon Kyung opened his eyes, “I am about to get eaten by wolves, what does it matter if I invite some tigers?”

Baek Joong said with a surprised tone, “Is the situation that grave?”

“Yes, it is. Due to the last incident, the other two merchants’ guilds are at our throats.”

Last time San Dong Merchant Guild tried make a deal with the Yang Clan to get to the central plain but then there was some confrontation with other merchant guilds.

“Ever since they figured out that we couldn’t make the deal with the Song Clan they are now pressuring us even more.”

Since that time, the Northeast Merchants had been pressuring the San Dong Merchants.

Since they were even willing to take risk to pressure the San Dong Merchants, San Dong

Merchants were losing business left and right.

There was no other place than an inn where news spread the fastest. After hearing the news that the San Dong Merchants weren’t doing so well they were losing even more business agreements.

Baek Joon made a serious expression. Since he was the internal financial manager he didn’t know that such things were taking place.

“Even if we make an agreement with them, how would we provide a hundred thousand nyang? Why are you going to such a degree to make an agreement with them?”

“I plan on borrowing money from one of the Dark Guilds”

Baek Joong was surprised.

The Dark Guild got their t.i.tle because they did many backroom dealings at night. They were either loan sharks or they did things that would only benefit them. It was easy to borrow money from them.

But this was a very dangerous deal. Not only would they have to pay high interest, if they didn’t pay back the money then the Dark Guild would do anything to get their money back.

“They are a very dangerous organization”

“I know”

“No, I don’t think you know. If you did, you wouldn’t make such a rash decision”

Baek Joong continued, “The ones who do the dirty work of Dark Guild are rather scary.

They are not only skilled in martial arts, but they are very ruthless. If they have a target they will do anything to get their money. There are also rumors saying that they use banned weapons to fight against other Kang Ho-in.”

Unfortunately, even though he said all this he couldn’t change Ko Soon Kyung’s mind.

“I will borrow one hundred thousand nyang from them”

“Guild Master”

Ko Soon Kyung closed his eyes again and sunk into his chair, “Since this mountain is full of wolves and tigers it is not going to get worse inviting in some scoundrels.”