Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 58: Divine Sword of King Shura (1)

Chapter 58: Divine Sword of King Shura (1)

Translator: hwarang

Editor: Klaurem


I looked down the cliff from the entrance of the cave.

Although I couldn’t see the bottom of this cliff, I was rather happy.

If I covered the entrance of the cave, no one would be able to discover it in the future.

Looking up the cliff. I saw a crack in the wall. This would now be my new entrance.

I jumped up and grabbed the edge of the crack. Then I pulled myself up on top of the rock.

Although the rock was tilted I didn’t lose my balance due to my strong ki that was reinforcing me.

If I fell down this cliff now, I probably wouldn’t die since I could use my sword to slow down the process. Since I had a divine sword, the Heavenly Origin Sword, I would make it down alive.

This was one of the training methods that I used. Although it wasn’t as high was this, I used to jump off a cliff like this to temper myself.

By doing this I was able to feel what life and death situations were like, which allowed me to raise my concentration.

I walked to the center of the rock and took out the book “Practices of the White Crane” and started reading it. I was enlightened by the techniques even more than from just the figures.

This martial art used the whole body to fight against the enemy but its central points were the hand and the feet. It used the hands and feet to divert the attention away from the enemy and use another part of the body to deliver the finishing blow.

If the enemy thinks that the fist is coming, an elbow would come in its place. If they predict that the foot is coming, the back or the shoulder would come.

I wanted to know the full potential of this martial arts but it seemed that it will take a huge toll on the user so I will test it out in the future. For now, I would just stick with the basic and practice the ki flow.


Boom! Pang! Boom!

I started executing the movements while practicing the ki flow and the technique felt alive.

After executing all five stances I realized that this wasn’t an ordinary technique. It was stronger than the weaponless techniques that I learned from the previous Fight King.

Although there were only five stances, it was well balanced and had a high-skill cap. As I said before the most important thing about martial arts was not the technique but who was using it.

“Practices of the White Crane” was a martial art that was on par with my Ashura Soul Chasing Sword Art, which had its own mysteries.

I really wanted to know, which expert left this sort of precious technique?

Then I remembered something that Number Seven said on the carriage. ‘Was it necessary to master another martial art that was in complete contrast to the sword art?’ Now, I had gained a martial art technique that was a complete contrast to my sword art.


After practicing it a few more times and memorizing the contents of the book, I burned the book. Something like this would always bring conflict amongst martial artist so it was better to erase it from the world. If I had to pa.s.s it on to the next generation I could always write it down again when the time was right.

From this, I learned something I should never forget. I was able to obtain all this because this senior wasn’t greedy and left everything for his successor.

‘Senior, I do not know what you want, but I believe what I am trying to achieve isn’t too far off from what you tried to achieve. So please watch over me as I move forward.’

As I went down from the peak I discovered the small cave that was the entrance to the cliff. I slowly drew my blade and the Heavenly Origin Sword reacted to the hundred years’ worth of energy coming from my dantian.



When I slashed the empty air with my sword, a bright sword-light slashed through the air.


The next moment the single sword-light divided into two pieces. It was like an asteroid split into many pieces after entering the earth’s atmosphere.


The divided sword-light divided again.

Split! Split!

One turned into two, two turned to four, four to eight, and eight to sixteen.

Suddenly sixteen sword-lights rained down upon the entrance of the cave.

Booooom! Crash

The entrance of the cave collapsed.

Just because the sword-light divided didn’t mean that its destructive force of it was reduced. Every single piece of the sword-light was just as strong as the original. It was just that instead of one there were now sixteen sword-lights that flew out. They didn’t randomly fly into a direction, I can control where and how they landed.

Imagine it, how can someone be able to block all sixteen of these sword-lights?

This was the fourth technique of the Ashura Soul Chasing Sword Art, the Soul-Escaping Technique. And this was the reason why I wanted to obtain sixty years’ worth of energy as soon as I could. There was one flaw to this technique. Since this was my personal technique, no one else could copy it; thus once I used this technique, others would discover that it is I, the Strongest Under the Heaven.

After the dust settled down, the entrance of the cave was buried in a landslide. Now, no one will be able to find this cave even by chance. The only way to enter this cave was to enter it by jumping in through the peak. Since no normal person would be willing to do this, this was a secret that would be known only to me. Even if I told them where the entrance of the cave was, most would not be in the right mindset to enter the cave.


After coming down I bid my farewell to the owner and the elder of the village.

“It was truly a beautiful view.”

“I am glad that you’re satisfied.”

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

“Please come back more often.”

“I will.”

Although they might have said it because I was another customer, I will come back here often. However, I have no intention of visiting the village again.

Leaving the village, my next destination was not my home but the headquarters of the Murim Alliance, Mu Han.




A man entered the Murim chancellor’s office.

His name was Jo Byuk and he was Sa Ma Chun’s right-hand man. He was just coming back from a mission to find the Divine Sword of King Shura.

“How did it go?”

“I looked everywhere where Kal Sa Ryang had gone, but I couldn’t find it.”

Sa Ma Chun had a nasty look on his face, “He must have hidden it really well.”

“That’s what it seems like, sir.”

Sa Ma Chun believed that Kal Sa Ryang took the sword somewhere. If it was another sword, he wouldn’t mind but the Divine Sword of King Shura was a priceless treasure.

Although he had long relation with the Heavenly Dao Gate and did many things for them his position as the Chancellor wasn’t secure. Since he was chosen he must show his value through his abilities.

Jo Byuk carefully said, “There is something that I getting on my mind sir.”

“What is it?”

“When the new Mengju was appointed, I heard the entire Fierce Guard Sect changed as well.

“Yes it did.”

“Might he have it?”

Since the Fierce Guard was in charge of the protection of the Mengju, there was a possibility that they could have taken the blade. But Sa Ma Chun didn’t believe that they had taken it.

When he read the report on Baek Pyo, he didn’t believe that Baek Pyo was someone who was capable of something like this.

“He was someone who was very loyal to Chun Ha Jin, there is no way that he would steal something that belonged to Chun Ha Jin.”

“But what if Kal Sa Ryang entrusted the sword to him?”

“Kal Sa Ryang?”

Sa Ma Chun nodded his head, “Are the two of them close?”

“They didn’t have a terrible relationship.”

Sa Ma Chun nodded, “If it was something else he might have, but he would never entrust something like the Divine Sword to anyone else. He must have hidden it somewhere no one would be able to find it.”

The Divine Sword of King Shura was a priceless item, so he believed that Kal Sa Ryang would never entrust it to anyone else.

‘But just in case’

Since he didn’t want to leave anything for chance he said, “Where is he now?”




The place that I arrived at when I got to Mu Han was the Wind Tavern. Since I was here, I wanted to see Kal Sa Ryang and Baek Pyo’s face as well as learn more about the Murim Alliance.

When I entered the tavern, Baek Pyo recognized me “Didn’t you come here before?”

“Yes I have. I am surprised that you remembered me.”

“How could I forget. You were my first customer. Didn’t you have some snacks and alcohol at that place?”

The first time that I came here I sat at my usual spot and ordered the food that I usually ordered when I was still the Mengju. I remembered the surprised look on Baek Pyo from before.

“Yes I have”

“Haha, you came at a good time. Please sit down.”

I sat down at my usual place. But something was different than before. There was a decoration of shield and sword on the wall.

“The interior seems to have changed.”

“I just made it since I was bored.”

“It looks great.”

“Thank you.”

Seeing him like this, I was so happy that I wanted to bring him to San Dong with me.

“How is the business?”

“Haha, just enough for me to make a living.”

“Do you have any family?”

“Yes, I have a wife and a son.”

“You must be happy.”

Then Baek Pyo said it in a low tone, “You must be knowledgeable.”

“About what?”

“Before you are married you live with your eyes opened, but after you are married you live with your eyes closed.”

This was something that I had said to Baek Pyo before. Who would have thought that he would say this back to me?

“I’ll take it as you must be wise in deciding your companion.”

He stared at me.

I asked him while laughing, “Are you regretting your marriage?”

“How could I? I am very happy. Hahaha.”

Out of all the Murim-in that I knew Baek Pyo was someone who was very faithful to his family. He truly loved his wife and son.

“What should I get you today?”

“Same thing as before. Do you remember it by chance?”

“Of course.”

After handing me some alcohol and basic snacks, he went into the kitchen to prepare the dish.

After watching his figure for a bit I asked him, “Are you truly happy?”

Then Baek Pyo stopped his cooking and looked at me. He was in disarray since I must have been the first customer that had asked him such question.

Baek Pyo said while smiling, “Yes, I am happy.”

Whether that was the truth or not I did not know but it seemed that Baek Pyo was happy.


Then another customer entered the tavern.

The person who entered was Jo Byuk and he didn’t stop giving off his cold ki. He then stared at me with bloodl.u.s.t.

Since I was always suppressing my energy I must have looked like a normal customer in his eyes.

Then another person followed. This time I was surprised when I saw him. The person who just entered was Sa Ma Chun.

I remembered Sa Ma Chun’s face, it seems Baek Pyo must have remembered his face as well.


“Do you remember me?”

“Of course. I don’t know if you might remember, but I saw you a couple of times.”

“Oh, yes we have…”

“Why have you … please have a seat here.”

Sa Ma Chun sat down.

“I heard that you were the owner of this place.”

“Ah, yes I am.”

“Can I have some wine please?”

“Of course.”

Feeling a little alarmed Baek Pyo quickly brought some snack and wine.

Baek Pyo may be alarmed, but I was more nervous than him.

Would Sa Ma Chun have come here by chance? Would he take care of someone who already left the Alliance? Of course not. He was someone who only did things that were beneficial to him. He wouldn’t care about anyone who left the alliance.

Then why was he here?

He must have had a purpose for coming here.

Something must have happened.

Sa Ma Chun asked Baek Pyo, “Have you met Kal Sa Ryang recently?”

“Oh yes, I met him once.”

“Did he come here?”

“Yes, he came over to visit when I opened this place.”

“You two must have been close.”

“Yes, we were.”

Baek Pyo didn’t hide anything and told them everything.

Good job Baek Pyo. That is how you do it. You can never lie to them about anything that they are going to investigate. You must never tell a lie, but you must also never tell them the full truth. You must stay in the gray area between the two.

Then Sa Ma Chun asked various questions like why he was running this shop, how many customers come everyday. This went on for an hour.

“I must get going since I am busy.”

“Thank you for visiting. Please take care of yourself.”

As Sa Ma Chun was about to go out he asked, “Did Kal Sa Ryang entrust you with anything?”

He asked this question so suddenly.

But Baek Pyo answered calmly, “He didn’t entrust me with anything.”

Sa Ma Chun smiled while staring at Baek Pyo, “I Hope your business is successful. Your wine tasted very good.”

With that, Sa Ma Chun exited the tavern, and my heart finally calmed down.

I didn’t know if Sa Ma Chun got what he wanted but I knew that this place and Baek Pyo would get involved in whatever was happening.

I wanted Baek Pyo to be happy. Even if I couldn’t make him into one of my subordinates, I still wanted him to be happy.

Because of that, I didn’t want Baek Pyo to be involved with whatever was happening in the Alliance.  So although I don’t know what he wanted out of Baek Pyo, I must take care of this business in Baek Pyo’s stead.

After emptying the cla.s.s I smiled and said, “Since the wine tasted so good I think I will come back tomorrow.”