Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 7: Minor Clan Lord Yang(2)

Book 1 Chapter 7: Minor Clan Lord Yang(2)

Translator: Hwarang

Editor: Jay



When I turned around, I saw Yang Gi Kang forcefully trying to hug Song He.

“I shall play with you since your trash master doesn’t want to play with me.”

At this time Kw.a.n.g Du stepped forward grabbing Yang Gi Kang’s arms and holding him back, “Young master, she is still a child.”

Yang GI Kang’s stare became sharper, “A mere servant dares to touch me?”

“I am sorry, I am truly sorry young master.”

Kw.a.n.g Du quickly withdrew his hands and fell back.

Yang Gi Kang let go of Song He who he was going to play with for a while.

Kw.a.n.g Du was calm, even though he had acted rashly without even thinking about the consequences that he might face later. Song He on the other hand was very anxious.

Yang Gi Kang wouldn’t even see what kind of feeling that these two have for each other. If he did, he probably wouldn’t have acted like this.

“Oh, I remember you” seeing as Yang GI Kang remembered Kw.a.n.g Du, he spat on the floor.
I got a bad feeling from this.

“What is this dirty thing? Hey, answer me before I beat you up. What is this thing?”

“It is spit, young master”

“Why is this laying in the floor? Didn’t I tell you before to clean up the yard properly?”

“I will clean it up right away sir.”

As Kw.a.n.g Du was about to clean up the spit with a rag, Yang GI Kang stepped on Kw.a.n.g Du’s hand.


“Hey, what are you trying to do with that?”

“Huh? I am trying to clean sir.”

“Hey, since it came from the mouth, you should clean it with your mouth.”

Kw.a.n.g Du’s face froze. Not only him, but everyone else who was watching this stared woodenly.

Seo Jung was especially nervous. He was debating whether he should intervene or not. If he intervened too rashly, no one knew how this maniac would react.

Song He came rushing forward.“Brother, I will clean it up.”

Kw.a.n.g Du said, “What do you mean! Go tend to the needs of the Gaju. Hurry up and go.”

He really wanted Song He to leave this place. Song He bit her lips and looked at me. Kw.a.n.g Du followed her line of sight and looked at me. Then everyone else looked at me.

“You should clean up this dirty thing.”

After hearing my response everyone’s face grew dark. Seo Jung looked especially disappointed. They were all thinking ‘what was I hoping for from him?’

There was great sadness in Song He’s eyes. It was as if she was saying ‘see wasn’t I right young master? I knew I couldn’t trust you. You tricked brother Kw.a.n.g Du’.

The victim Kw.a.n.g Du had a disappointed look but said with a calm voice, “Yes, I will clean it up.”

As Kw.a.n.g Du was about to lick the spit with his tongue I stopped him.

“Not you.”


“The one who spit should clean it up.”

I said to Yang Gi Kang with my chin up, “Yeah you, clean it up right now.”

“This son of a b*tch.”

“I don’t know who educated you, but didn’t your granddaddy ever teach you never to spit in another person’s house? Hurry up and clean it with your mouth.”

The faces of Seo Jung and other guards of our clan lit up. It was because I said what they wanted to say. At the same time the face of Yang Gi Kang grew pretty ugly.

“It seems as if you have become r.e.t.a.r.ded after getting hit in the head by a girl.”

I disregarded him and raised Kw.a.n.g Du up.

“Are you alright?”

“Why are you doing this? It’s ok young master. I will just clean it.”

“Why do you have to clean it?”

“Young master please don’t…”

The next moment I changed my voice and said to him, “As the heir of the Byuk Clan, I order you to step back.”

Aside from being good at martial arts I was also good at changing my voices.

“Yes, young master.”

He couldn’t disobey my command and backed off. Then I said to Seo Jung with the same tone of voice, “Please watch,  as I will finish this.”

After staring at me with a blankly for a few seconds he lowered his head and said, “I, Seo Jung, humbly obey your order.”

Everyone was surprised. This was the first time Byuk Lee Dan showed this kind of att.i.tude towards Seo Jung and they were even more surprised that Seo Jung actually accepted his order. Every guard in our family did the same as Seo Jung and lowered their head.

Yang Gi Kang imitated my voice and said, “The heir of Byuk Clan orders. HAHAHA. After giving two orders, I think I got so scared that I almost wet my pants. You childish b*stard, stop trying this c.r.a.p.”

As I stared the Yang Clan’s guard, some of them gave a dry cough.

“Don’t even clean it with your filthy mouth, it will only make the ground dirtier. Forget it. I will give you one change. If you truly apologize, I will forget everything that has happened here.”

Would he really apologize? I already knew the answer but I said it anyway to show that I had given him a chance.

“What if I say no?”

“Then you most likely will be punished.”

He came close to me holding his stomach laughing.

“Well then, will the great heir of Byuk Clan give me some pointers? Oh, I have been waiting for this day for a long time. You bankrupt b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I will make you disabled so that you can beg on the street.”

Before he even finished speaking he rushed forward and went for a punch to my face. But I was not someone who was just going to sit idle. He was someone that I didn’t even have to use my martial arts for. I simply dodged his fist and returned with an attack of my own.


I smacked him square on the chin, but he didn’t fall down. Was it because my fist was too weak? Of course not, because I didn’t want to finish him with one hit, I used to least amount of energy possible.

Yang Gi Kang charged at me again with fiery eyes.

“Son of a b*tch!”

He came at me again with his fist. But this time he put some energy into his fist and was wildly swinging his fist everywhere. If I got hit with it I could have been seriously injured.

Swoosh, swoosh.

It was the sound of a Ki infused fist flying wildly.

Seo Jung wanted to intervene and stop him, but didn’t as he saw me easily dodge the attacks. But what surprised him more was how accurately I was returning my fist.

Smack! His cheek turned one way and then the other.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

I continuously smacked him in his stomach, chest and face. It looked as though they were light hits, but in actuality Yang Gi Kang had bruises all over his body.

I was teaching him a lesson. The prank that you tried to pull on those two could have scarred them for life. But you will never understand even if I tell you with my words, so I am telling it to you with my fist.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Even though he looks fine on the outside, his internal wounds would take at least couple of months to heal. I wanted to beat him even more, but I couldn’t do that.

Someone from the Yang Clan intervened, “What have you done?”

I replied to them calmly, “All of you saw it from the beginning. You know what he did. He wanted someone else to clean up his spit with their mouth. Is that something a normal human being would ask?”

No one from the Yang clan could say anything. They were so embarra.s.sed that they could barely lift up their heads.

Getting up slowly and painfully, Yang Gi Kang said with a painful expression, “Kill that son of a b*tch! This is an order!”

The ones who received that order were all abashed, because they never expected to receive this order.

Seo Jung said from our side, “I think young master Yang is just bit bewildered, so I think you all can just disregard it. Just think of the consequences of obeying that order.”

As he was saying this he slowly moved his hand to his sword showing to others that he will not just sit back and watch if they tried anything.

Since both sides were evenly matched, everyone was tense and didn’t want to do anything. But if things did go down, we had a bit of an upper hand since we were in our territory.

So someone from the Yang Clan said something, “You are right, Elder Seo.”

Regardless of getting a warning, killing the heir of the Byuk clan was something that never crossed their minds. This most likely would have to be resolved by the Gaju.

At this time Yang Gi Gang unsheathed his sword.


He couldn’t control his rage and charged at me with his sword.

“No!” Seo Jung screamed, but he was a bit late as Yang Gi Gang’s sword was about to reach my heart.


I easily dodged the blade. To others it might be difficult, it certainly looked difficult to execute, but for me, the one who was once considered the Strongest Under the Heavens, it was as easy as walking.


I dislocated his arm.


But I wasn’t done with him yet. I slapped him couple of times in the face. His teeth fell out all over the place. It was not just one or two teeth, it was a good dozen. Then I finished him up with a punch to the stomach that sent him flying.

He went from being bedridden for couple of months to a couple of years.

I was just returning the favor that I owed him. If it was the old me, I would have killed him.

Because this happened so fast the guards of the Yang family couldn’t do anything. But they slowly acted like a headless chicken going in every direction to get the doctor, reporting to the Lord, and guarding the door.

The first one to approach me was Kw.a.n.g Du he said in a soft voice, “Young master! Are you crazy? Why did you lay your hand on him? Now what are we going to do?”

He was so worried that he was about to cry at any moment. “Get out of here first, Young Master. Let the Gaju take care of this. If Lord Yang comes, we will be in big trouble! Please get out of here!”



“Because you will most likely get beaten up because of me.”

He was already expecting it since it all started because of him.

“Are you moved?”

“No, this is not the time to be joking around! Please get out of here!”

“I think it’s already too late.”

I pointed with my chin to the direction that was behind him.

Far in the distance I could see my father and Yang Gi Chul rushing out to the courtyard.

“Don’t worry. When I die, I will ask them to bury you with me.”

Kw.a.n.g Du sat down where he was standing and murmured, “… You are pretending that you don’t remember, right? You did this just so that you can kill me, right?”