Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 76: Some Things that can"t be Caught in the Web (1)

Chapter 76: Some Things that can"t be Caught in the Web (1)

Translator: hwarang

Editor: Klaurem


It had been a while since I last visited the cave. It was the cave that I usually visited when I had something important to do.


I took out everything that was in the bag one by one.


First, I took out the adamantium steel. There were different qualities of adamantium steel since some of them were infused with different metals. The price of the steel varied depending on how pure the adamantium was. Since adamantium steel was so expensive that even the wealthy wouldn"t make a weapon out of it.


There was someone that I remembered from my previous life who used the adamantium, and it was the Black Dragon from the Demon Sect. He tried using it against me in a desperate attempt

but I cut it down and in the end, he lost his life.


From the quality of this adamantium steel, I could see that it was a pretty high quality. I decided to give it to an artisan who knows how to handle it so that he could create a sword or two or I could

use it for later if needed.


Since this was a precious item which I couldn"t use right now, I hid it near the cave.


Next, I took the banknotes and precious jewels out of the bag.


There were five hundred thousand nyang worth of banknotes. This was Ya Chun"s life savings that he cheated off all those people, and the precious jewels that he had were worth probably a hundred thousand nyang.


There were two things that I was going to do with this money. First was to create an information sect. Considering who my enemy was, it was imperative that I had a good information sect.The second thing that I was going to do was have Baek Pyo create a secret sect of formal experts

and masters who listen to my every command. I was going to allow Baek Pyo to take full control of this. Everything from choosing the members to running it. I knew that Baek Pyo was more than capable of doing something like this.


The final thing that I took out was papers and notes. As I was burning them something caught my eye.


It was a book full of codes and numbers. I knew that this was Ya Chun"s secret notebook. I wanted to burn it I didn"t. something told me that I should look at it before burning it. So I put it back in the bag.


With that everything I brought from San Dong Dark Guild was organized.


As I came out of the cave I looked down the mountain. My enemies were growing stronger, and I didn"t hate this. This was another reason for me to get stronger.



The next day news spread very fast.


That the Ho Yeon School"s Ho Yeon Nam had died and the Heavenly Dao Gate"s Yeom Hwa was

critically injured.


Since one side was the Ho Yeon School while the other was the Heavenly Dao Gate this was a

major event. It was spreading like a wildfire, and the news that Ya Chun died at an expert of the

Heavenly Dao Gate followed soon after.


Everyone was talking about this event, whether it be at an inn, restaurant, or tavern.

The Murim-in of San Dong were especially tense since they were afraid something might



And it was the same for my parents.


"I wonder what type of repercussion this typhoon will bring."


"That I what I think as well."


Both my parents were discussing the future.


"I believe we don"t have to worry too much about it."


"Why do you say that?" My father asked calmly.


"The Ho Yeon School is located at Kang Suh while the Heavenly Dao Gate is at Kwee Zhu. Both of those places are far from here. Since things have already reached a conclusion would they really come all the way to San Dong again?"


My father nodded, agreeing that it was a valid point.


"Then what do you think about the San Dong Dark Guild? Would they try to get revenge and

turn the San Dong into Chaos?"


"I believe that they are finished. The Dark Guild themselves are beings of evil. They don"t have the power to do anything right now. If they wanted to take revenge they would just watch from the sidelines as we take each other down."


Both my parents nodded their head. Their stares at me were full of pride. Besides what was

going to happen, since their son became like this, what more could they want?


I was feeling very good. Since I was able to eliminate the ones who needed to be eliminated and I earned a huge sum of money. However the best thing was I was able to keep Song Hwa Rin out of harm"s way.


This was the result that I wanted. Having them fight each other.


When you meet a very strong enemy on the battlefield the most important rule was to divide and conquer. This was the method that I used to use often back then.


If the Heavenly Dao Gate made more and more enemies, then the Heavenly Dao Gate"s

influence and power would be divided and weakened.


As I raise my strength I would find out who is behind Ma Bong Gi.


It wasn"t the time for me to grab their attention just yet. I still needed to raise our strength.


It seemed like there would be peace in San Dong for a while.


"I will go back to Mu Han tomorrow."


"Already? You should stay here longer." My mother said regretfully.


But my father held back his regret and said, "Yes, you should to these things while you are still



And he gave me an advice like always, "Remember to treat your subordinates fairly and



"I will remember father."


Although this was something that I always heard, something came to my mind. "Maybe to become a great leader, that was all you needed?"


You might think that being in the highest place, you might need to do many things, but after thinking about it maybe everything could be made easy if you did that?





When Song Hwa Rin opened her eyes, the morning sun was brighter than ever. When was the

last time she felt like this?


After stretching she got out of the bed, "Ah, I slept so well today."


Moments later Soo Ran came in with a cup of water, "Milady, you look better than ever."


"I slept really well today."


It was the first time in awhile that she had such a deep sleep and she didn"t have any nightmares



Soo Ran was happy to see this. She was feeling terrible watching her lady have nightmares every



Song Hwa Rin looked out the window. Although it was the same scenery from yesterday, it looked

different since she was in a different mood.


The moment she heard the news about the death of her master, she was sad. The moment she felt sorry for her master she realized that she had escaped from her master. Her scar had healed

a bit.


If she was delighted at the news of the death of her master then it would have meant that she still had a scar. However, since she felt sad and sorry for her master she was able to move on.


Then a maid came in and relayed a message.


"Master Byuk has arrived."


"What? Tell him to wait a bit."


She quickly left the room.


"Where are you going Miss?"


"I need to clean myself! Then I must put on makeup. Go find some decent cloth. You know? The one that I like. Hurry! GO!"


Seeing her lady act this way for Byuk Lee Dan, Soo Ran made a smiling expression. This was a

side that she had never seen from her lady.


Soo Ran looked out the window and was able to see Byuk Lee Dan in the garden.


After meeting Byuk Lee Dan, Song Hwa Rin was changing. She was getting brighter and more



Although she hated Byuk Lee Dan at first, now she was thankful for him.


"But you can"t make my miss cry master Byuk."


An hour later, Song Hwa Rin came to the garden yawning.


"Why are you here so early in the morning?"


She was stretching as if she just got out of bed.


"Did I come too early?"


"No. I was just waking up. I didn"t clean up yet."


"I"m sorry."


"No. I"m sorry for making you see me like this."


However she still looked beautiful, and her clothes suited her really well.


"Why did you come so early?"


"I"m going back to Mu Han. It might be two or so month since I return, so I am just here to tell



"Oh, so that"s how it was."


Although she acted like she didn"t care she was pretty sad on the inside.


The relationship between her and I was changing daily. This was what she was thinking since she

didn"t know my thoughts. She was wondering what sort of change our next meeting would bring. Her heart was fluttering.


She said to me, "Thank for what happened, really."


This was the truth, since she was going to have to bear the pain for the rest of her life I didn"t help



"Have a safe trip."


"Before I go, I must fulfill my promise."




"Didn"t I tell you that I was going to teach you a better martial art?"


"Were you serious?"


 "What, you thought I was joking?"


Seeing her nod I asked her with a surprised face, "Then why did you make the decision to forget

your previous martial art?"


"Didn"t you say "trust me"?"


There was a moment of silence.


"Hahaha." I started laughing. She really trusted me without a second thought. "Shall we go



I took her to a practice ground that was empty and we faced each other.


The martial art technique that I was going to teach her was the Clear Thunder Sword Art. It was a

pretty famous martial art for women.


This sword art is incomparable to the sword art that she learned from Ho Yeon Nam.


First, I taught her the basics, after showing it to her a few times I taught her the more advanced



I just taught her the key points so she was able to learn it quickly and accurately. This was how we spent the rest of the day. I was doing my best teaching her while she was doing her best to learn.

By the time it got dark, I finished teaching her everything.


I told her with a smile, "If you fully master this, then you won"t be beaten."


Although I said it jokingly, she knew how profound this sword art was. She was very excited to

learn something so profound.


"I"ll check on you the next time so just practice what I taught you."


She didn"t ask me how I knew this martial art.


"I"ll do my best!"


I added, "The person who is using the martial art must be wise. You must never grow complacent and try to be free. Never forget that the people who can use their martial art freely have practiced hundred if not thousands of times. Practice is the only way you can be free."


This didn"t only apply to martial arts.


This was how freedom was.


With bright eyes she nodded her head. She probably knew what I meant by this since she was

very smart.


"Then I"ll be going."


"Then next time you see me I"ll have gotten much stronger."


"I"ll be expecting it."


As I was about to take off she did something that I never expected.


She took out her hand for a handshake.


Her hands were trembling since this was her first time shaking hands with a man.


I grabbed her hand firmly but not too tightly.


This was her first handshake with me.




I returned to Mu Han immediately.


On my way there I visited the cave and took the adamantium steel with me since there was no

artisan who knew how to handle it in San Dong.


I hid the adamantium steel inside the cave White Crane"s Peak. This place as safer than any vault

in Kang Ho.


Then I went to the place where Kw.a.n.g Du and Kong Soo Chan was living.


"Younnngg Ma.s.sster!" From afar Kw.a.n.g Du ran towards me and hugged me. I didn"t try to avoid

him since I truly missed him as well.


"I missed you, Young Master!"


"Hey punk! When others see you, they might think that this is a reunion of separated



"Then let them think like that. We heard stories about what happened in San Dong, so I was



Haha. He was someone who couldn"t sleep at night because he was worried for me.




Seeing my mischievous smile Kw.a.n.g Du said, "Oh my G.o.d."


Kw.a.n.g Du could sense that all this was related to me.


"Don"t worry. Things were solved rather well."


"Young Master?"




"Weren"t you afraid? I might be afraid to even get near them."


"Of course I was scared, but don"t I have someone who will die for me?"


Kw.a.n.g Du took a step backward. "But must not forget that your sword fodder is still very weak. It

might take another hundred years for it to grow stronger!"




Kong Soo Chan who was in the back walked towards me and greeted, "Did you have a safe trip



"All thanks to you."


"You look better."


I might have looked better but Kong Soo Chan did not. He looked tired after working so hard.


"You should take rest as you work."


"I am eating and sleeping as I work."


"This is an order."


"Yes! If you insist." He said with a tense expression, "Master Byuk, there is something that you need to come see."


It seems he was a bit excited. So, I followed him without a second thought.