Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 86: At the End of Where the Monster"s Tail Lies (2)

Chapter 86: At the End of Where the Monster"s Tail Lies (2)

Translator: hwarang

Editor: Kidyeon


As always, Number One was gazing at a painting on the wall.

The person currently reporting to him was Number Seven. "Someone known as "Lord Nameless Warrior" killed Yeom Hwa."

Number One turned around and asked, "Did you see the fight with your own eyes?"


"How was it?"

"He used a martial art that I"ve never seen before."

"How was he compared to you?"

"He"s out of my league."

"What about the Midget?"

This was a meaningless question, as had many ways to deal with opponents that were stronger than them. Since the Midget was a top-tier, this question was even more meaningless.

However, Number Seven was still very hesitant. "...I don"t have the ability to determine that."

"So he"s that strong?"


"Who is he?"

"We don"t know anything about him."

"So an expert like him simply fell down from the sky, killed Yeom Hwa, and disappeared?"


"So you"re saying that this was a coincidence, and that he doesn"t know about us?"

"That"s what I believe, as he didn"t detect us."

"Of course. He shouldn"t have suspected anything."

Number One lightly tapped on the table with his finger. This was a habit of his that appeared when he was thinking about something.

"Kang Ho has been too quiet for too long. I guess it"s time that these people began showing up. Number Seven."


"I"ll leave this "Lord Nameless Warrior" in your hands. Find out who he is, what he does, what he wants, everything and anything. We need to know everything about him."


As soon as Number Seven had finished replying, another man entered to room and gave a report, "We"ve found the location of "Lord Nameless Warrior"."


"He"s in Jung Joo."

"Jung Joo?"

"He"s with Ma Ryung In. Number Two sent us a report that the nameless warrior had made contact with Ma Ryun In at Jung Joo."

Ma Chul Goon was being observed by Number Three, while Ma Ryung In was being observed by Number Two.


After giving the report, the man left the room.

"First he got involved in your case, now he"s involved with Number Two? This can"t be a coincidence. This man… this is very suspicious."

His tapping became faster, then stopped.

"Number Seven, go and get me a status report."

"If I get involved, Number Two won"t like it."


Number one looked at Number Seven. Number Seven simply nodded her head, as she couldn"t disobey her orders because of a petty reason like this.

"I"m sorry. I"ll leave right away."

"Take the midget and the drunk with you."

The Drunk was also one of the top four in the organization.

"Take even the Drunk with me?"

"You told me that he was strong, right? If you need to, eliminate him immediately. Disregard what Number Two thinks, I"ll trust you decision."


Number Seven left the room.

After she"d left, Number One got up from his seat.

He walked back to the painting and began staring at it once again.

Then he mumbled to himself, "Don"t die. If you die… only the dead will mourn."

No one knew who he was implying when he said this.




I had dinner with Ma Ryun In.

It was an extremely fancy dinner, such that I wondered how he was able to have such a fancy meal down here.

Since I"d eaten three Devil Spirit Pill, I only had a single year left in their eyes. But for him to have a meal with me like this, it means that he must need me to do something.

What does he want me do?

"Do you really have an antidote for the Devil Spirit Pill?"

Ma Ryun In slammed his chopsticks down on the table. "Didn"t I tell you? I have the antidote. I hate it when men start nagging me."

"I"m sorry."

"Don"t be in a rush. I"ll give it to you when the time is right."

It would be difficult to ask a second time since he"d shown his anger like this.

He truly was a master of manipulation.

"I have something I"d like to ask."

"What is it?"

"Why did you kill that man yesterday? It seemed like you were doing some sort of experiment on him."

He stared coldly at me. "I didn"t show it to you so that you could ask me questions about it."

Then he started laughing. "Do you know why I didn"t send you off right away, and why we are instead having a meal like this?"

"How should I know?"

"That"s it."

"Say it in words that I understand."

"That"s exactly it. You"re ignorant."

"Interesting. You like me because I"m ignorant. I think that, if everyone was like you, they could become the Murim Mengju."


I began eating again. I was currently eating everything without hesitation. This was one of the benefits of having the Poison Immune Physique: I could eat everything and anything I wanted.

"I"m looking for an ingredient."

I stopped eating again. "What ingredient?"

"Shall we see what sort of ingredient?"

"Alright. After we finish eating."

I began eating again. Even though I did want to know his secrets, if I appeared to be to interested in them, it might arouse his suspicion.

If he wanted to show me, he would. If he didn"t, he wouldn"t.

Ma Ryung In grinned. "What"s so good about the food that you eat every day."

"It"s because it"s food that we eat every day that I enjoy it."


After we"d finished eating, Ma Ryun led me to a room.

I followed him through a corridor. Even though I didn"t seem to look too interested, I paid close attention to every detail as we walked.

The place that we came out of was about ten paces away from the room that I"d first met him in. It seems that there aren"t any weird hidden contraptions in this corridor.

After we exited of the room, we arrived in the corridor that Chu Do Chi had shown me. I still felt the eighteen experts.

Then he took me to the room that I"d felt a weird feeling from.


The room opened and we entered.

"We can"t allow an outsider inside."

Behind the door stood a single man.

As soon as I saw him, I immediately recognized him. Especially his eyes.

They were the same as Number Seven"s.

He was someone from "the organization". So they"d sent someone to every single successor. This must mean that they"re part of something greater.

Does this mean that Ma Bong Gi is related to it? Or is he not? I"ve got lots of questions.

Ma Ryung In smiled and said, "This won"t do."

"Why aren"t you asking me about how I feel about him?"

"How is it?"

"I want to beat him up more than you."

"Hahaha. You should take things slowly. If you see everything in a single day, it won"t be fun."

"That"s true."


He closed the door.

I followed Ma Bong Gi around to the other two rooms.

One had a strong Ki inside of it, while the other had a mysterious sensation.

But whatever they were doing, it was inside of those rooms.




I left the place blindfolded again, and the carriage started moving.

This time, I also tried my best to remember where the place was.

It would"ve been easier if the carriage had left towards Bang Jung again, but it didn"t.

After riding for awhile, we stopped at an inn.

"Wait for your orders here."

"Inside the inn?"


"s.h.i.t! Aren"t you ignoring me too much? You should"ve rented out a place for me."

"Didn"t I tell you before? You"re nothing. And you"ll do as you"re told."

"Hmph! I"ll never forget the fact that you fed me three poison pills."

"If you keep on acting like this, you"ll lose your life."

Although he"d checked and seen that I had almost a hundred and twenty years" worth of energy, Chu Do Chi wasn"t afraid of me. He was just like his subordinates; he wasn"t afraid of death.

"Didn"t you get ninety years worth of internal energy with my help? And didn"t I take you to see Lord Ma? I don"t have any intention of killing you."

This person lies, that person lies… Kang Ho is full of liars.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"I swear."

If he wants to trick me this much, I guess I"ll just have to be fooled by him.

"How long do I need to wait for?"

"Until you receive orders."

"Fine. But I won"t stay in an inn. I don"t like being stuck in a place like this. If you"re going to give me an order, give it to me in the morning.

"If I can."

As he began to leave I warned him, "Don"t you dare try to spy on me. When I find someone trying to spy on me, I"ll immediately kill that person without hesitation. I"ve warned you."

He mumbled, "Truly an arrogant punk. Let"s see how important you really are. Let"s see how you live the last year of your life."

I went into the inn that he"d rented me a room in and told the owner, "I"m going to sleep, don"t bother me."

"Yes sir."

When I went up to the room, I used my energy to scan the room. Luckily, there was no one observing me.

Thus, I immediately jumped out of the window and began tailing Chu Do Chi. He"d never expect me to trail him.

It was probably because I"d warned him that I"d kill anyone who tried to spy on me. As such, he was simply heading directly to wherever he was headed.

The place that he entered was the Jung Ju Martial Art School.

The person who welcomed him treated him respectfully. With this, I knew that this was another one of their offices. I was able to sense that the person who"d opened the door was a hidden expert.


After leaving the place, I rented a carriage.

When I entered the back of the cage, I said to the driver, "Please head in the direction that I"m about to tell you. But please understand, it"s been awhile since I"ve been there."

"Try to remember it slowly."

That wasn"t going to work if I wanted to use what was in my memory.

I recalled what had happened that day. However it was difficult, as it had been a different time of day, thus the noise had also been different. The carriage had also felt different.

But since my memory was better than ever, with a little concentration I was able to recall everything.

After a few tries, I finally found the place that I was looking for. It was a small manor located some distance away from the city.

I"m sure that they"d never expect me to find this place as soon as they"d released me. This was the most important part in taking down your enemy.

The old manor didn"t even have a sign put up, proving that it was a pretty old manor.

I wasn"t in any rush to enter the place. There were many experts that made me hesitant tp enter, as well as the fact that all the traps and contraptions inside made it impossible to actually enter the place.

And if I truly decided to go crashing in, I"d only have one chance to do so.

I climbed a tree and observed that place from a distance. This was because I got the feeling that someone was going to visit this place.

The simplest way to find the backer would be to find someone who"d interacted with Ma Ryung In.

Since I might be discovered, I hid in a tree and did my best to dissipate my presence whilst I simultaneously spread my senses to observe the area.

Around midnight, someone finally left the building.

It was Ma Ryung In, and there were eighteen others following behind him.

From what I could tell, those must be the eighteen experts I"d sensed in that room. So they were Ma Ryung In"s guard.

He left the place in a carriage, while the other men left on horses.

Seeing that he"d left, I got the desire to enter the building and truly wanted to know what was in that room. But, on the off chance that I couldn"t get through, or if I couldn"t find something, everything would"ve gone to waste. Thus, I suppressed that feeling.

Today"s target was Ma Ryung In.

As such, I went flying after the carriage.