Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 30: Into the Summer (1)

Chapter 30: Into the Summer (1)
Translator: Hwarang
Editor: Kidyeon
Kong Su Chan gave me some missions that I could give to the Lesser Sword Sect for them to get some real experience.

“I’ve just received a mission for us. The Tae Ju Merchant Guild from the Kang So Fortress arrived here a couple of days ago to make a trade. However, it seems like they’ve had some sort of conflict with the Tae An Armed Escort Agency. They went to other escort agencies, but it seems like they weren’t able to find a decent one.”

“Aren’t there other escort agencies in the area?”

 “Usually, armed escort agencies fight each other like cats and dogs. However, when it’s necessary for them to help each other, they’re like brothers.”

“So they’re siding with the Tae An Escort Agency.”

“Yes, that’s what it seems like. It seems the Tae Ju merchants didn’t have any time to waste, as they’ve offered us quite a bit.”

“How much?”

“Two thousand Nyang.”

It seems like they were carrying something valuable.

“However, it might get a little dangerous.”

I would’ve declined this mission if I was going to send them alone. However, since it was their first real experience, I’d decided to follow them.

“Alright. We’ll accept the mission.”

Afterwards, I went to the blacksmith and bought twenty swords that were in-stock. Usually, I’d order personally crafted weapons, but since we were short on time, I had to do what I could to acquire weapons for us.

Even though I wasn’t showing it, I was also a bit nervous.

The next day, we loaded up the Tae Ju merchants’ merchandise into three different carriages.

We didn’t hire a driver, since there was someone in the Lesser Sword Sect who had experience in driving carriages.

After all the preparations had been completed, one of the merchants came up to me and said, “I heard that this isn’t the Sword Sect of the Byuk Clan, but a subsidiary one.”

Before they’d hired us, I’d made it clear to them that we were the Lesser Sword Sect of Byuk Clan.

“Yes, we’re the subsidiary one.”

“There are precious items in there. Please make sure to take care of them well.”

They’d hired us since they didn’t have much time, but it seems that they don’t trust us.

“Don’t worry. It will arrive without any damage.”

“Then, it will be in your care.”

But how could his worries be comparable to my parents’? My parents’ worries were as large as Mt. Tai.

I’d calmly persuaded them by saying these two things: I can’t be a frog forever looking up from the bottom of a well, and I can’t live like a bird in a golden cage.

But I also can’t babysit the sect forever. They need to go outside and experience real combat for themselves. It’s said that it’s a hundred times more efficient to experience a real-life battle than to practice by yourself all day.  

Our mission was to deliver the merchandise to the Tae Ju merchant guild, which was located in Kang So Fortress. And the time-limit that we were given was only ten days.

We started off casually.

There was five people in each carriage, with the rest of us on guard duty.

I took Kw.a.n.g Du with me without question. Since he didn’t know how to ride a horse yet, I personally drove the first carriage with Kw.a.n.g Du sitting next to me.

“Is it alright for me to follow you?” Kw.a.n.g Du carefully asked me. It seems that he’s worried because of the others from the Sect.

“Definitely., Aren’t you my right hand?”


He seemed a bit relieved since I’d called him my right-hand man. These days, Kw.a.n.g Du was very cognitive of Kwan He.

When Kwan He ordered the sect they moved with order and discipline.

Watching him, Kw.a.n.g Du whispered into my ear, “He seems like an elder brother, even though he’s two years younger than me.”

“I think so too.”

“No, how could you agree with something like that? I threw away my adultness to make you happier!”

“Ha ha ha.”

Yeah, yeah, I’ll confess that I’m happier because you did that.

Kwan He was also conscious of Kw.a.n.g Du. However, even though he was just naturally reacting to Kw.a.n.g Du’s wariness, he also wanted to gain my trust.

Because of Kw.a.n.g Du, Kwan He will make a conscious effort to not make any mistakes. And Kw.a.n.g Du will also do his best to do the same.

This sort of development was exactly what I wanted.

Nothing happened for a few days.

We’d usually camp outside in the woods.

At night time, four people would be on guard duty at a time. Kwan He determined the order and the time.

I believed that this process would lay the groundwork for our sect.

I could raise my cultivation instantaneously with elixir and medicines, but these sort of  bonds could only be built up with time and experience. Experiencing these sort of things was leaps and bound ahead than just hearing about it. It would only help you if you personally experience it.

Deep into our trip, when we’d become more lax, a group of bandits approached us from the front.

There were around thirty people wearing masks.

Someone who seemed to be their leader coldly said, “If you hand over everything you own, we’ll let you live.”

It seems like they aren’t your ordinary bandits.

They were confident. As such, they hadn’t ambushed us at night, and had instead waited for our approach. However, this was beneficial to us.

“Prepare for battle! Set up a perimeter like you were trained.”

Hearing my commands, everyone moved rapidly. There were many different formation that they’d practiced. However, at times like these, where all of the enemies were in front of you, it was best to use a V formation where your strongest point was at the front and your weakest point was at the end.

The bandit leader immediately gave the command to attack.


All of the bandits rushed forward.

Normally, I would’ve left everything to them, but since they outnumbered us, and their skills were comparable to ours, I decided to take the initiative.

Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish!

Five bandits fell from hidden weapons that I’d thrown at them.

Not only did it decrease their numbers, but it also decreased their moral.

As a result, the bandits became a bit hesitant. When this happened, I gave my order.


Everything happened in an instant, but our side had a higher moral.

“Chief Kwan take the left, Kw.a.n.g Du take the right! Just do as you were taught!”

I was in the middle to face their leader.

I didn’t use my Ashura Soul-Chasing Sword technique, but used the clan’s Brightmoon Sword technique to face him.


Whilst dodging his sword, I raised my own. I was going to end this as quickly as possible. However, their leader moved faster than I’d expected. But, since I’d antic.i.p.ated his next move, I was able to get a vital hit in on him.



I was able to deliver a clean strike to his side, causing blood to start running out.

As he was falling to the side, he released a large amount of killing intent.


He tried to rush at me with his killing intent, but...


I stabbed him in the heart. As he was dying, his face was filled with disbelief, as he’d never expected this to happen. I turned around after pulling my sword out of his chest. Everything that was currently happening on the battlefield came into my field of vision. Since I’d lived most of my past life in battle, I’d experienced all sorts of things. I was able to instantly tell who was in the most dangerous situation.


A hidden dart from my hand went flying.


It found its mark as it buried itself in the back of a bandit who was about to stab one of our side’s member. I immediately rushed towards the next most-dangerous location.

One of two bandits who was facing one of the sect members turned his attention towards me.

“Who dares!”

He slashed his sword at me wildly.

Unfortunately, he’d encountered me. I was someone completely out of his league.

I easily dodged his sword and returned the blow.


My sword easily penetrated his heart.

At the same time, I infused my energy into my voice as I yelled, “Wake up!”

The sect member who’d been dazed from being a.s.saulted regained his focus, then went to help his comrades.

After he left, I scanned the battlefield once again.

Kw.a.n.g Du had already dispatched three people,while Kwan He had dispatched two. The rest were fighting in a state of chaos.

We had the advantage thanks to Kw.a.n.g Du and Kwan He’s performance. Thus, I slowly took down the bandits as I walked through the battlefield.

The balance of the battle tilted once I joined the fight. A bandit fell every single time I slashed my sword. I was utilizing the Brightmoon Sword Technique at its maximum potential.

The one who took down the last bandit was Kw.a.n.g Du.


This was the fourth enemy that he’d killed. This might’ve been the first time that he’d killed someone, but he’d been able to kill four. Even without properly cultivating it, this sort of result was only possible due to the Seven Stances of the North Sea. His hand shook as he gripped his b.l.o.o.d.y sword.

I observed the rest of the Sect.

“Is there anyone else that’s injured?”

There were a few who had cuts on their arm and legs, but luckily no one had been gravely injured. This was mostly because I’d intervened rather quickly.

“Hurry up and patch up your wounds. The rest of you who are fine are on guard duty!”

Receiving my orders, everyone acted quickly. No one was in their right state of mind. Even though there were a few who’d encountered battles like this, for most of them, this had been their first battle. There were even some like Kw.a.n.g Du, where this was their first time killing a person. This was even Kwan He’s first time killing a person.

After tending to the injured, I gathered them up again.

“Is everyone alright?”


I asked Kw.a.n.g Du first.

“This was your first time killing someone, right?”


His voice was shaking. His hands and clothes were covered in blood. It seems like he couldn’t get over the fact that he’d killed someone.

“Kw.a.n.g Du-Ya.”


“Look behind you.”

He turned around.

“If you hadn’t killed those four, then four of those standing there might have died.”

Everyone was looking at Kw.a.n.g Du in a new light. They’d all thought that he was just a servant who ran errands for the young master; never had they expected this sort of performance from him. Their thankful gaze met with his.

“I know that it’s hard to get over it, but both to become a Kang Ho-In, and for your comrades, you must let some of your righteousness go, and dirty your hands. You might think that everyone is a Kang Ho-In if they simply wear a sword, but the real Kang Ho-In are those who embrace this, and overcome the difficulties it brings. Kw.a.n.g Du-Ya, do you want to be a real Kang Ho-In?”

After taking a deep breath, Kw.a.n.g Du replied, “Yes, I want to become a real Kang Ho-In.”

“You did well today. Thank You.”

“Young master... thank you.”

How could he not know of my feelings. He knew that I was saying this to comfort him, so that he wouldn’t burden himself further.

Afterwards, I called Kwan He over.

“Are you alright?”


Since he’d heard my speech to Kw.a.n.g Du, his eyes were full of life.

“This is something that everyone has to go through, and something that everyone will keep going through in the future. Now then, everyone, look at those that are beside you.”

Everyone looked at one another.

“All of you fought well. You were able to protect your comrades next to you because all of you fought well. You should say a thing or two to your comrades.”

When I said this, everyone started thanking one another. Afterwards, I made one final statement.

“Thank you all for getting through this without dying. I’m proud of you all.”

It seems that everyone was moved by my speech. Since they’d all seen how strong I was, they all seemed to see me in a new light.

“Thank you, sect master!”

“Hurray for the Lesser Sword Sect!”

While this was our first victory, it was also a chance for me to reaffirm myself with them.
After things had calmed down, I told the Sect Members to search the corpses, and look for faces that seemed familiar.

One of the members suddenly yelled, “Aren’t they the Beast Squad?!”

“The Beast Squad?”

“Yes. They’re a group of bandits who only target expensive cargo. They’re very famous in San Dong.”

Eveyone was surprised.

“It can’t be. The bandits that we killed were the Beast Squad?”

“Oh my! I can’t believe it!”

It seems like the Beast Squad were a pretty famous group of bandits. Because of them, many Armed Escort Agencies had lost their lives.

“They most likely have a bounty on their head.”

“How much do you think?”

“A couple of thousand nyang, I a.s.sume.”

“Ha ha, then we’re in luck.”

There weren’t any other attacks following that of the Beast Squad’s.

We delivered the cargo safely, and received our payment of two thousand nyang.

Afterwards, we went to the nearest Murim office and verified the bodies. It didn’t take too long to verify the bodies, considering we had the corpse of their leader as well.

From this, we were able to receive seven thousand extra Nyang. We received five thousand nyang for the leader, and two thousand for the rest of the bandits combined.

We’d left to get two thousand nyang, but seven thousand nyang had simply followed us. We were able to earn nine thousand nyang in one fell swoop.

I paid everyone thirty extra nyang in addition to their promised share. I also gave fifty extra nyang to Kw.a.n.g Du and Kwan He for their excellent performance. Everyone was happy.

Money is important, but people are even more important.
When we returned back home after finishing the mission without a hitch, the status of the Lesser Sword Sect went up. No one could believe what we’d actually accomplished it when it was revealed that the bandits who’d raided us were the notorious Beast Squad.

Besides a couple hundred nyang that I set aside for myself, I decided to give the rest to Kong Su Chan.

“Here’s eight thousand nyang. Please use invest it for us.”

After a moment of silence, Kong Su Chan asked me something.

“Why do you trust me this much? Is it because of my teacher?”

“At first, yes. However, that isn’t the case anymore.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It’s fate. I trust in my fate that my financial officer isn’t someone who’ll run off with all my money.”

“Thank you.”

As he was about to leave, he stopped and said something.

“I’ll ask you this question again someday. However, next time… I want to hear from you that it’s because you trust me.”

I gave him a light smile.

As he was walking away, there was a light haze around him.
The sunlight was slowly getting hotter.

This will be the first summer since my rebirth.