Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 31: Into the Summer (2)

Chapter 31: Into the Summer (2)

Translator: Hwarang

Editor: Coyo


From the small window of his small office, Kal Sa Ryang stared blankly at the practice ground. This room was only five pyung wide and was filled by bookshelves and books. This place, which was where the regular advisors would work, was considerably smaller compared to his previous office when he was still the chancellor. He was demoted from his position as a chancellor into a regular advisor. And there were eight other advisors like him. But he wasn’t someone that was going to stay idle.

Suddenly someone opened the door and came in, “What are you staring at?”


Kal Sa Ryung abruptly got up his seat, “Have you arrived, sir?”


The person who entered the room was the new Chancellor, Sa Ma Cheon. He walked next to Kal Sa Ryang and stared out the small window. The empty practice ground was only full of heat.


“The weather is getting warm.”

“Yes, I believe it will be a relatively hot summer.”

“You can never know someone’s fate. Remember a long time ago when I used to wait hours just to see you. After all that waiting, do you remember how long you would actually meet with me for?”

Kal Sa Ryang didn’t reply.

“It was only quarter of an hour. After making me wait for hours you only met with me for fifteen minutes.”


Kal Sa Ryang wasn’t saying anything but he remembered everything clearly. Back then when Sa Ma Chun visited him on behalf of the Heavenly Dao Gate, it was about the right of Heavenly Dao Gate’s new business. Sa Ma Chun was even bribing him for the right. It was enough to buy multiple large gardens. But why would Sa Ma Chun even use this sort of scheme when Sa Ma Chun clearly knew that Kal Sa Ryang was not the type to take bribes? Did Sa Ma Chun really believe that Kal Sa Ryang would take the bribe if it was big enough? Kal Sa Ryang remembered dismissing Sa Ma Chun rather quickly because he was mad.

“I am sorry about what happened back then. I was so busy that I made a mistake.”

Sa Ma Chun showed his yellow teeth as he smiled.

“Ha ha ha. I understand how you feel. Now that I am here I know how busy it is.”

“I am very grateful for your generosity.”

“Did you know that if it weren’t for me, after revealing that you were going to stay you might have gotten kicked out?”

“Of course, how could I not know? I am truly grateful for what you did.”

“Why did you decide to stay? Did you stay so that you can take revenge on me?”

Sa Ma Chun’s glace became sharper and Kal Sa Ryung’s expression grew darker.

“Why would I even do something like that? I…”

Full of emotion Kal Sa Ryang couldn’t finish his sentence.

In a low voice he said, “I lived in the Murim Alliance for my whole life. I have never thought about living elsewhere. Even in this situation I am happy that I can still be of use to the Alliance.”

After staring at Kal Sa Ryung he said, “Yes, I understand how you feel. If I was in your shoes I would feel the same. I look forward to working together.”

“That is want I was going to say. I will give it my all.”

“Ha Ha Ha. Good, very good.”


 After that Sa Ma Chun left the office and Kal Sa Ryang regained his calm and made a small smile. This was something funny since he was tired of the Alliance now. He wanted to live his life like Baek Pyo. But he couldn’t leave because there was something he had to do. I am certain that  Mengju-nim was The betrayal of the Moonlight Sect and the Iron Calvary Sect couldn’t have happened overnight. This was something that happened over years of planning and scheming just for the death of the Mengju-nim. They would have used some sort of a method that not even G.o.dly doctor could find out, or maybe even the G.o.dly doctor was on their side.

He was going to find out. Find out who killed the Mengju, and once he finds out he will seek revenge. He could never forgive those who trampled on the work that he dedicated his entire life for. But what he could forgive even less are those who the Mengju who gave his life to bring peace to Kang Ho.

Kal Sa Ryang already knew that Sa Ma Chun didn’t trust him. He knew that he was like a thorn in Sa Ma Chun’s side. It was easier to eliminate the previous chancellor but Sa Ma Chun didn’t do so because there was some value in keeping him. Sa Ma Chun knew about the resources and network that Kal Sa Ryang had at his disposal and also Ma Bong Gi had replaced all the sect masters that opposed him. Which made Kal Sa Ryang a toothless and clawless tiger. But Kal Sa Ryang didn’t feel any danger.

He knew he was going to be used for a while. Yes, I will be used by you for a bit. Just like they had done, he was going to take his time. First, he was going to find out what happened, then he would gather enough power to defeat them. It didn’t matter how long it took, but he was going to hold out until then.

He looked around his office once more, “…This is not so bad.”


After returning from the mission Kw.a.n.g Du changed. He started to pay more attention to his clothing.

“Do you think this will go well with me?”

“Isn’t that the martial artist robe that I picked for you?”

“I should have picked one that had color similar to yours.”

“Didn’t you buy that because you respect me?”

“It was a mistake.”

The reason for his change was made clear. During the process of killing the four bandits, Kw.a.n.g Du was able to save one member of the sect. Now that I look back, the one he saved was one of the two female by the name Do Soon. She was twenty one and was cute and lovely. The reason for this change was because she gifted him a practice sword and a wet stone for his sword. It was an ordinary item that most martial artists exchange.

“This isn’t some normal gift.”

“Don’t you think she gave them to you out of grat.i.tude?”

“Your jokes are too much. I am very serious person.”

It was true Kw.a.n.g Du was more serious than ever.

“What kind of gift should I give her?”

“Why? It was a gift of appreciation for saving her life.”

“Since I received one I must give her one.”

“You just want an excuse to have a chat with her right?”

Kw.a.n.g Du flinched.

“No. It’s just common courtesy and manners.”

“Hu Hu Hu.”

“It’s not what you think.”

Why is it not. Your face is red like an apple.

How would I not know his feelings, he was twenty five. How could his heart not be fl.u.s.tered? Hey punk, do your best. But thankfully Kw.a.n.g Du was able to reach out to his first love without much trouble.


Next day Kwan He and seven other members of the sect came to see me.

“We would also like to learn throwing techniques.”

It seemed that they were moved by my throwing technique that I used on the bandits. The ones gathered here were the ones that wanted to learn throwing techniques and the one who gathered them up was probably Kwan He.

“Even though I am not an expert at throwing techniques I can teach you the basics.”

All martial arts lead to one road. Since I mastered the Sword Art I can easily master other arts. Even though it may not be to the degree of sword art I can still master throwing arts, spear arts, and other arts.

I told the others to bring some practice targets and some throwing knives. I set up the targets and lined them up in front of them.

“There are some experts in Kang Ho who mastered the art of throwing weapons. Actually they are quite scary opponents. Just think about it. What would happen if they, who can snipe a small target from a hundred meter away, throw multiple blades at you? Wouldn’t they be able to hit multiple vital areas? What if they can even predict where you are going to move next?”

They all nodded their head as if they were all scared.

“Of course it takes years to get to that level. But there are disadvantages to it. They are the weakest at close combat. They wouldn’t be able to do anything if their opponent give off even slightest sword ki.”

But there was an expert whom I fought against that was able to give off their ki through his throwing weapons. He was one of the Blood Heaven Sect grand elders, Kw.a.n.g Hu. He was truly a difficult opponent to deal with. Once he made a throwing gesture at least ten blades came at me. Later I became really curious where all those blades came from and where he was keeping all his blades. But he truly was an expert who was able to infuse his ki into his blades.

I still remember that fight to this day since it was one of my most difficult fights. Once I finally took him down I had at least three blades stuck in my body. But to train to that level was truly hard. Throwing Art may seem easy at first but the deeper you go into it the harder it becomes.

“For you mastering it to the degree where it saves your life is enough.”

“Yes. That is all that we wish for.”

Kwan He replied with a loud voice and everyone else nodded.

And I started to teach them the basic of throwing techniques. How to hold the weapon. How to breathe. How to aim and throw.

“Now throw!”

Everyone threw their weapon at the practice target. Most of them missed their mark but Kwan He was able to hit its edge.

“Concentrate. For throwing techniques, concentration is key.”


Everyone picked up another pair of blades and practiced. They became more proficient with every throw. It was beneficial for a martial artist to be able to handle a throwing weapon.

“After hitting the target three times from thirty paces away I will teach you the next step.”

“Thank you sect master.”

“No need to be thankful. I just want to help you all improve. I like people who strive for improvement. You can look for me any time you have any question.”


After their thunderous response, the members of the sect resumed their training. About half an hour later I started correcting their posture and form. ‘Isn’t it troublesome instructing others?’


Maybe it was because I have never taught anyone before, but it was a pretty good feeling teaching others. Furthermore, it was helping me in my training. Since I was someone who reached the peak, helping others allowed me look back at my foundation, which allowed me to think about many things.  

For example.

“This is how it’s done.”

There are some days when I spend the whole night recalling the instructions that I gave.

‘Is that really how it’s done?’

It made me think about some aspects that I have never thought about before and made me curious. As I have never taught anyone I didn’t know how this will affect me. But since I put my all into teaching, I knew the results would be good.


Since I didn’t see Kw.a.n.g Du for the whole day I was curious and went to his room. He was sitting down at a table writing something down.

“So you even know how to write?”

“Eh, aren’t you looking down on me too much?”

“I am just proud of you.”

Not just our house but the servants for many others houses didn’t know how to write.

“Did you think I was just picked for this job?”

“So you were pretty smart when you were young?”

“Of course. I was the smartest.”

His talent for martial arts might have derived from here as well.

“But what are you writing?”

“I am writing a letter for Miss Do.”

“Miss Do? You mean Do Soon-ee?”

“What do you mean by Do Soon-ee? Just because you are the sect master doesn’t give you the right to say the name of someone else’s girl.”

“Someone else’s girl? Is that someone you?”

“It will all depend on this letter. whether I really will be it or someone else will. Ah, I bought some gift but I don’t know what to write.”

Kw.a.n.g Du was scratching his head.

“You also want to give a letter?”

“I don’t feel comfortable saying it in front of her. So I want to express my feeling this way.”

“What did you buy?”


The gift that he bought was a small string decoration for the hilt.

“When I saw her sword, she didn’t have it. So, I bought a small one since it might get in her way. What do you think?”



I nodded. Once you become an expert you don’t need decorations such as those because even though it may not disrupt your flow it has no added benefits. But since he bought a short one it won’t get in the way. And they were not at the level where something like that would make a difference. Which made it a good gift to charm her.

“All I have to do now is write a letter. Do you have any advice for me?”

“Love understands love; there is no need for talk”

“Yes yes, really helpful. If you have nothing else to say, please don’t bother me.”

Before I left I said something, “The most important thing about a love letter is…”

Although Kw.a.n.g Du pretended to not listen, but I sensed that he was listening closely.

“Being truthful. Just express what your heart is saying.”

His ears became red. I got out of his room smiling. I was curious as to what will happen to his love on this summer day.

Now that I think about it, is this his first love?