Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon

Chapter 37: The method of avoiding the Wind (1)

Chapter 37: The method of avoiding the Wind (1)

Translator: hwarang

Editor: COYO


As the Western Saber Clan’s leader, Hw.a.n.g Chung, made his way to the guest pavilion he was more nervous than ever. Because the person he was going to meet here at the Yang Clan’s household was Ma Jung Soo. Ma Jung Soo had secretly sent someone to set up this meeting.

The Western Saber Clan was ranked sixth in San Dong City so naturally he attended the previous meeting. He was one of the Leaders who had a bad premonition about Ma Jung Soo.

He thought of Ma Jung Soo as an ‘Insolent pup’ who only has the guts to threaten others because the backing from his  father. But he knew that he could never express his true feelings because the Heavenly Dao Gate was an organization that he didn’t dare to  make an enemy of and now they are in control of the Murim Alliance.

Guided by  one of the maids, he found his way into the guest room. Ma Jung Soo was drinking by himself as he was waiting for him. As Hw.a.n.g Chung made his way, Ma Jung Soo stood up and greeted him, “Oh! Welcome Hw.a.n.g Bangju-nim.”

“Lord Ma. It is my honor being here.”

Although Ma Jung Soo was too young and had not made a name for himself, Hw.a.n.g Chung had no other choice than to address him as a lord.

Hearing Hw.a.n.g Chung’s response, Ma Jung Soo quickly said, “What do you mean Lord Ma? It is too much. Just treat me as your brother.”

“Ha Ha. I don’t think I am worthy to call you that.”

“No no. I wasn’t even born when you took down the Scarlet Demon. You are more than worthy to call me brother.”

Hearing that, Hw.a.n.g Chung was surprised.

“How do you know that I killed the Scarlet Demon?”

Thirty years ago, when Hw.a.n.g Chung was still in his prime, an Evil Pract.i.tioner with  Scarlet Hair made a great disturbance in the city of San Dong. Since he was overflowing with youthful vigor he was brave enough to exchange blow withs the Scarlet Demon and brought him down. And Ma Jung Soo was well-informed about this story.

“After hearing it from my uncle I grew to respect you.”

“Your uncle is?”

“He is called the Crimson Lightning Master of Kang Ho.”

“Oh! You must mean the Crimson Lightning Master, Ma Choong Hyun. His fame reaches far and wide, even I have heard of him in this rural city.”

The Crimson Lightning Master Ma Choong Hyun was a very famed expert of the Heavenly Dao Gate. He was one of the top five experts of the Heavenly Dao Gate.

“And His Lordship knows of me?”

“Yes, he definitely knows of you. He even told me  to become someone worthy of respect like you.”


Hw.a.n.g Chung was happy on the inside. Even though he couldn’t verify that what Ma Jung Soo said was true, he was still pleased that Ma Jung Soo knew about something that happened in the past. But since Ma Jung Soo said that he heard it from the Crimson Lightning Master, it didn’t seem like something Ma Jung Soo made it up. Even though he was on his guard he wanted to believe Ma Jung Soo.

“In this trip to San Dong the person who I truly wanted to meet was you, Hw.a.n.g Bangju-nim.”

“Oh, so that’s how it was.”

Even though he knew that Ma Jung Soo’s words were intended to lure him but it was too sweet. He thought that this soft sweet tone was indeed better than the rough and arrogant one. But it didn’t seem like Ma Jung Soo was putting on an act to garner his favor. He really didn’t have the reason to do so either, and how can a grown man put on such act like this?

“Now, please receive a drink from me.”

Ma Jung Soo poured Hw.a.n.g Chung a drink respectfully. And the bad first impression that he made on the first meeting somehow turned good.

“Thank you for giving me your support. The donation is a great help.”

“It is our obligation to help you. Rather than that, thank you for your precious gift.”

“Of course I had to send you a gift. If my father found out that I had not done so I could have been in big trouble.”

This time he brought out Ma Bong Gi on top of Ma Choong Hyun. Since it came out naturally the doubt in Hw.a.n.g Chung’s heart seemed to have faded away.

“I have bigger plans for the future. I am expecting your support.”

“I will gladly help you.”

“To tell you the truth, I plan on working with only a few clans of San Dong. If too many Clans are involved it will only bring disorder.”

From this Hw.a.n.g Chung could tell that his clan was one of the clans.

“Thank you for taking care of me like this.”

Since Ma Jung Soo’s first impression was rather not impressive, acting friendly like this made him have a better impression of Ma Jung Soo.

“Please don’t forget. Hw.a.n.g Bangju-nim is someone that I respect.”

“You flatter me too much.”

The two clinked their


Half an hour later after they emptied the wine bottle and Hw.a.n.g Chung left. He left in different mood than he entered. He wasn’t the only one who changed, Ma Jung Soo who was drinking by himself also changed. His mood seemed completely different than when he was drinking with Hw.a.n.g Chung.

The door opened and Old Man Flower Fan and Si Gon entered.

Old Man Flower Fan said with a smile, “Job well done.”

Ma Jung Soo made a smirk and said, “Dealing with these country b.u.mpkins is like taking  candy from a baby.”

“But you can never lower your guard.”

“Don’t worry. I am someone who is always vigilant.”

Old Man Flower Fan was about to say something but didn’t. Someone who is vigilant never uses the word ‘vigilant’ in their sentence. But since everything went well there was no need to nag about it.

“Since everything is going according to plan I think it is time to move onto the next phase.”

Hearing that Ma Jung Soo’s eyes brightened.

“I can finally see her. The one who is called the Number One Beauty in San Dong.”

Old Man Flower Fan made a perplexed expression, “Your plan could go astray due to a girl.”

There was no way of suppressing his blood. Just like his father he l.u.s.ts after women.

“She is not just any girl. Haven’t you heard, they say that she is the most beautiful woman in San Dong?”

“Just keep my advice in the back of your head.”

Old Man Flower Fan looked at Si Gon. He signaled Si Gon to back him up, but Si Gon pretended he didn’t see it and kept silent.

“Leave the girl problem to me and take care of the invitation.”


“Ah. Where did that wretch disappear to?”

“I think she was standing outside a while ago.”

Ma Jung Soo approached the window. From far away he was able to see the woman who came to San Dong with him.

She was standing in the garden looking down at the pond.

“Have you found out anything about her?”

“Not yet.”


On this trip she was someone whom Ma Bong Gi sent to go with him. But Ma Bong GI didn’t say anything about her, so he didn’t know whether she was here to protect him or to observe him.

He secretly tried to find information about her but it was no easy task.

Staring at her Ma Jung Soo wondered, “Where did she come from?”



I decided to head home.

Since I didn’t have a method to deal with them yet, it would be bad if crossed path with them while staying at the Yang Clan manor.

Even though I was wearing a high-tier face alteration mask and most will not be able to recognize me, it was better to be safe.

I partic.i.p.ated in the training of my Sword Sect and trained with them. The more uneasy the situation was the harder one had to concentrate. Because unexpected situations call for careful planning rather than needless worry.

Because I acted like always no one was able tell the difference except one person.

“Young master, is there something bothering you?”

Like a ghost he knew that something was wrong.

“There is someone that I want to kill.”

“Oh my.”

Surprised, Kw.a.n.g Du asked me carefully, “Who might that poor soul be?”

“He is around twenty five years old and has many experts protecting him.”

Then Kw.a.n.g Du said in a surprised tone, “Could it be…me?”

Seeing me smile Kw.a.n.g Du smiled with me. I could see that he was trying his hardest to lighten  my mood.

“How is it going with Do Soon-ee?”

Kw.a.n.g Du said with a sigh, “That is …”

It seemed that something was not working out for him.

“I got the courage to ask her out to have tea on our day off.”

“And she said?”

“She said she was busy.”

“I see.”

“No matter how busy she is if she liked me she would make time for me? Right?”

Seeing me nodding Kw.a.n.g Du pouted

“Aren’t you agreeing with me too easily? What if she really is busy or she is too shy and wants to decline?”

“No. Be it men or women, if they like someone they will make the time. So, are you are not going to see her because you are busy?”

Kw.a.n.g Du frowned, “So it really is?”

“I am sorry but yes.”

“Hmph! I will seek revenge. I’m going to make her regret. I will get stronger, make more money, and become so successful that she begs in front of me. Then I will say, ‘get lost! It’s already too late.’”

Since I did not say anything Kw.a.n.g Du asked me, “Why aren’t you saying anything? Isn’t it refreshing?”

After a moment of silence I said, “Would it really be refreshing... after seeing the girl you liked cry?”

Kw.a.n.g Du shook his head after imagining the scene.

“Just thinking about it makes me sad.”

“Yes, revenge is not for everyone. Kw.a.n.g Du-ya, don’t they say first love never works out? Cheer up.”

I patted his shoulder and turned away.

Kw.a.n.g Du screamed later, “And, she is not my first love! She really is not! I am someone who is experienced.”

Next day an unexpected news came.

“Ma Jung Soo said he was holding a banquet for the heirs of the major clans. And you received an invitation as well.”

This punk, he really is forcing us.

With this I could predict his intent.

What was one of greatest weakness that most clan leaders had in common? It was their descendants.

Since he was in a similar generation, if he naturally mingled with the heirs and brought them over to his side he would have an easier time controlling San Dong.

I was now certain. He didn’t come to San Dong to make money. He came here to take over.

Next moment I thought of someone, “Ah”

Song Hwa Rin.

He most likely would have heard the rumors of how Song Hwa Rin was the Number One Beauty in San Dong.

Was he the type to stand still after seeing her?

Blood will never lie. He would act just like his father. l.u.s.ting after women. If he lived at the Heavenly Dao Gate House, he would most likely have learned it ten times over.

If not then he will offer her to his father. Since he is fifth in the line he will do anything to raise in his rank.

If he was the person I saw that day, both options were on the table.

Thinking about her and my father-in-law I will never allow her to be in such a dirty situation.

‘How should I take care of this?’



That night Song Hwa Rin was having a dream.

It was the day when Byuk Lee Dan made a scene at her house after getting drunk.

“Hmph! Do you think your looks will last a thousand years? You will get wrinkly when you get old. So don’t get too”

“Go back home!”

“No. I won’t go back like this.”

Byuk Lee Dan threw himself towards her. Song Hwa Ring pushed him away as he was forcefully trying to hug her. He fell down due to him being drunk.

“Go away! Come back when you sober up!”

“Push me? b.i.t.c.h you dare push me?”

Byuk Lee Dan quickly got up and chased after her. This time Song Hwa Rin grabbed his arms. He was reeking of alcohol.

“You want to see those punks outside right? That’s why you want to send me away right?”

“Stop saying weird things. What do you see me as?”

She gripped his hand harder.

Byuk Lee Dan said mockingly, “With that sort of martial arts you dare ignoring me?”

She took a deep breath and let go of his hands

Byuk Lee Dan said, “You are mine. You were mine since you were born.”

“Stop joking around. I am not yours!”

Byuk Lee Dan said with a doubtful eye, “What you have someone else? Yeah? …”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Unable to hold back her anger she started throwing her fists.

Even though she didn’t use her internal energy Byuk Lee Dan lost his balance and fell down since he was drunk.

Up to here was just like that day.

If things happened as normal Kw.a.n.g Du would quickly take Byuk Lee Dan to his house.

But today’s dream was different.

Lying on the ground Byuk Lee Dan said with a calm voice, “You said people never change?”

Byuk Lee Dan slowly picked himself up but this Byuk Lee Dan was different than before. A confident stare, a calm voice, this was the Byuk Lee Dan of the present.

“No, people are the ones who change the fastest.”

The moment her eyes met with his calm eyes, “Ha!”

With a scream Song Hwa Rin woke from her dream.

She was full of cold sweat.

She could hear her guard’s, Soo Hwan’s voice, “Miss are you alright?”

“I am.”

She got off her bed and sat down at the table. She poured herself a cup of tea and drank it.


With a big sigh she looked outside the window. It was early in the morning.

“I am coming in.”

Soo Ran came in regardless of the answer.

“Miss”, Soo Ran asked with a worried look.

“Was it the same dream as before?”

Song Hwa Rin was having the same nightmare ever since her return.

“No, it was a different dream today.”

“What was the dream about?”

Just like the previous nightmare she didn’t tell Soon Ran-ee.

“Don’t worry too much. It been a while since I came home and I have become too lax.”

This was something Song Hwa Rin always said.

Soon Ran looked at her with a worried look since she couldn’t believe that she was having nightmares because she was being lax. And it had been six month since her return.

“Miss, I think you should go see a doctor.”

“I said I am alright!”

At that moment one of the maids came and made a report, “Master Byuk came over for a visit.”

Song Hwa Rin was surprised.

“Byuk Lee Dan came over this early? Did he come to meet with my father?”

Then the maid said something she would never have expected, “No. He said he wanted to meet you.”