Reborn - Super Chef

Chapter 44

A+A-Chapter 44

One week ago, the chicken feast that Ye Chui prepared for Elder Han made Elder Han so happy that he overate and was hospitalized. For a chef, this is definitely a great accomplishment. The news will surely make the chef famous.

However, when the media reported on this matter, there were few that mentioned Ye Chui. Most of the headlines were

“Tian Xiaoduo, a five-star chef, was very skilled in cooking. A fame food critic, Elder Han, end up overeating because the food is so delicious and was admitted to the hospital”.

“Tian Xiaoduo’s cooking is praised by Elder Han. He can achieve great things in the future!”

And so on, basically did not mention Ye Chui’s name.

Ye Chui was an unknown teenager, and Tian Xiaoduo was a five-star chef. During the press release, Ye Chui and Tian Xiaoduo both stood together and claimed that they had made a big meal for Elder Han. Most people will unconsciously attribute all the credit to Tian Xiaoduo.

As a result, Tian Xiaoduo’s popularity rises, and he becomes the most sought-after chef in the restaurant industry in Xizhou. Meanwhile, Ye Chui not mentioned. Some newspapers may have mentioned Ye Chui’s name, but even then, few people take notice of a 17 years old youth.

Because of this incident, Tian Xiaoduo met Ye Chui in private and apologised to him.

Ye Chui knew that it was not Tian Xiaoduo’s fault. The most important thing was that he had no use for this fame at the moment, so Ye Chui kept quiet.

At first, he intended to use the reputation he received to open a restaurant. The restaurant that he wants to open is a private restaurant that is not opened the public. This will allow Ye Chui to focus on cooking for a small clientele and allow him to ensure that the food is of maximum taste. For this type of restaurant to succeed, the chef needs awesome cooking skills and a great reputation.

But to Ye Chui’s dismay, he discovered that private dining restaurants are also available in

this world, but these restaurants are strictly restricted by the law.

Unless they are four-star chefs, they are not qualified to open private kitchens. All lower grade chefs must open their restaurant to the public and it is a crime not to do so. There is a stupid, idiotic legislation called food crime bill that severely punish any offenders.

After learning about this law, his plans had all went up in smoke. Ye Chui has to sit for the chef certification examination, and after he had pa.s.sed this stupid examination, he could only open a simple commoner restaurant. The fame that he got from cooking the chicken feast for Elder Han is of no use to him anymore.

To many people, this chance at fame is hard to come by, but Ye Chui did not mind it one bit. After all, the cooking skills belong to him, and he was confident about satisfying the taste buds of any food critics that he met in future.

At this moment, in the kitchen of Jun Le Xiang Restaurant, what Fang Tao said was to ridicule Ye Chui. All Ye Chui’s hard work in building his reputation ended up benefiting someone else – his s.h.i.+fu.

The most important thing was that he himself had benefit. He was the apprentice of Tian Xiaoduo. When his s.h.i.+fu gain some fame, he also benefits from the spotlight.

When Tian Xiaoduo left Wan Lai Fu Restaurant, Fang Tao naturally left as well. Right now, his s.h.i.+fu is the most desirable chef in all of Xizhou city.

Now that Tian Xiaoduo is going to be the head chef at Jun Le Xiang Restaurant, he would naturally have a place here, and his position is not low.

Seeing the smug expression on Fang Tao’s face, Ye Chui regretted not letting Han Yuyan kick this rascal that day in the hospital.

However, Fang Tao’s provocation did not seem to faze Ye Chui. Fang Tao wanted to annoy or make him angry with these words?

Ye Chui’s mouth curled into a faint smile. He wanted to teach this

this child a lesson and show him how to smack someone hard with the power of words alone.

“Is your s.h.i.+fu here?” Ye Chui smiled as he asked.

“What’s the matter, what do you want to talk with my s.h.i.+fu?” Fang Tao smirked. He hated Ye Chui. This feeling arises from his envy and jealousy.

When he first met Ye Chui, it was just a peddler selling mutton. But time and again, he had repeatedly gained the upper hand and thwarted his plans of currying favour with Cao Kang.

Not only did he get the upper hand with him. Even Cao Kang, a rich man, ended up losing each time he crosses swords with Ye Chui. Right now, Cao Kang had holed himself up at home and refused to interact with Fang Tao, destroying any hopes of Fang Tao building good relations.h.i.+ps with him.

All these made Fang Tao angry about Ye Chui.

After Ye Chui had entertained Elder Han, all the credit was taken by his s.h.i.+fu. This made Fang Tao very pleased and smug.

In fact, he planned to go to Ye Chui’s lamb skewers stall for two days just to show off in front of him. Never did he expect that this opportunity had appeared on its own, and Ye Chui was in such a dire situation that he ended up working on a chicken farm.

Fang Tao felt very smug and proud. He was about to serve as the chef of Jun Le Xiang Restaurant, but Ye Chui was just a delivery boy. Life is really unpredictable and he like this turn of events.

He sneered and continued to put Ye Chui down: “You were not happy about the job offer before when Manager Yang let you join Wan Lai Fu Restaurant. Now, let’s see how miserable you are! You have degraded to a delivery boy!  Do you want my s.h.i.+fu to help you open the back door, and allow you to join Jun Le Xiang Restaurant?”

“I’m not interested in working for either Wan Lai Fu Restaurant or the Jun Le Xiang Restaurant’s

Xiang Restaurant’s kitchen.” Ye Chui said with a chuckle. “My interest is to open my own restaurant.”

“Open a restaurant? I heard that you do not even have a one-star chef certificate. How are you going to open a restaurant?” Fang Tao smirked.

“By using your s.h.i.+fu, of course!” Ye Chui replied.

“What?” Fang Tao was stunned. He does not know what Ye Chui mean by these words.

Just at this time, Tian Xiaoduo walked into the kitchen with another middle-aged man. The middle-aged man was well-dressed and wearing a suit and tie. This man is none other than w.a.n.g Jianhua, the owner of Jun Le Xiang Restaurant. The two men were discussing the matter of Tian Xiaoduo joining  Jun Le Xiang Restaurant as the head chef.

w.a.n.g Jianhua was proudly introducing Tian Xiaoduo to the kitchen. Then Tian Xiaoduo saw Ye Chui, and exclaimed “little brother”. He immediately left w.a.n.g Jianhua’s side and hurried over to Ye Chui “What a coincident! What are you doing here?”

“s.h.i.+fu, Mr Ye is helping Jun Le Xiang Restaurant to deliver chickens.” Fang Tao explained.

“Delivery chickens?” Tian  Xiaoduo was astounded, “What is going on?”

“Helping a friend,” Ye Chui pa.s.sed the box of chickens to Chen Sitang, and smiled as he greeted Tian Xiaoduo, “This Jun Le Xiang Restaurant’s kitchen is really impressive. As a chef here, you have a good future. Oh, yes, congratulations on your new post as the head chef of this restaurant.”

Tian Xiaoduo was a bit ashamed as he smiled, “Jun Le Xiang Restaurant’s restaurant’s head chef suddenly resigned, and Boss w.a.n.g approached me. But I have not confirmed anything yet. Little brother, regarding my proposal, have you thought it over?”

Fang Tao was stunned. He immediately asked, “s.h.i.+fu, what proposal?”

“None of your business!” Tian Xiaoduo glared at Fang Tao in fury. He is not stupid and could see the smug expression on Fang Tao’s face when he was talking to Ye Chui earlier as soon as he stepped into the kitchen.

“Actually, I was a bit hesitant about the proposal. But your disciple had made mehad made me change my mind.” Ye Chui smiled as he nodded his head, “I approve of your proposal.”

w.a.n.g Jianhua also approached the trio. He asked in curiosity, “Chef Tian, who is this man? What is the proposal that he agreed to?”

“Boss w.a.n.g, I apologise. I could not join Jun Le Xiang Restaurant anymore.” Tian Xiaoduo’s face was filled with joy. He informed w.a.n.g Jianhua, “I intend to jointly open a restaurant with this little brother of mine!”

When Tian Xiaoduo took the $150,000 from Yang Yong and pa.s.s it to Ye Chui,  Tian Xiaoduo informed Ye Chui that he hopes to open a restaurant with Ye Chui.

With his five-star chef certificate, Ye Chui can open the restaurant of his dream. But Ye Chui was hesitant after thinking about it.

Tian Xiaoduo is now very well-known and is a celebrity chef. He can have his pick of working at any restaurants within Xizhou city. To let him give up such a good future, and embark on a risk-taking entrepreneurs.h.i.+p that may not bear fruit is not something that you would do to a friend.

Although Ye Chui was confident in himself, he always felt that it was unfair to Tian Xiaoduo to shoulder the risks as well.

At this moment, Ye Chui finally agreed. Fang Tao’s provocation had annoyed him. On the other hand, Ye Chui liked Tian Xiaoduo’s pursuit of finer cooking skills and is willing to guide him. Tian Xiaoduo would become his first apprentice in this world.

“s.h.i.+fu… you… what did you say?” Fang Tao’s face changed dramatically and quickly stopped Tian Xiaoduo. “How can you give up on the job of head Chef at Jun Le Xiang Restaurant, and cooperate with Ye Chui to open a restaurant? Then… then… what should I do?”

“Don’t worry”, said Ye Chui, “If you are willing to go to my place after the opening of the new restaurant, I will hire you. The starting salary is a little low, $800 per month, but we will offer bonus money if the restaurant does well.”

Fang Tao:“……”