Reborn - Super Chef

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Fang Tao is a two-star chef. Also, because he is a disciple of Tian Xiaoduo, his usual monthly income can reach $7000 – $8000. To ask him to work for Ye Chui at a salary $800 a month? Of course, he would not agree to it.

He suffered a huge blow, and tremble as he looked at Tian Xiaoduo: “s.h.i.+fu, you … … you are not serious, right?”

Tian Xiaoduo smiles: “You fool! You have witnessed the level of Ye Chui cooking skills with your own eyes. If you work for him, you can definitely increase your cooking skills. This is a good thing!”

To Tian Xiadoduo, there is nothing more valuable than the pursuit of finer cooking skills. This is why Ye Chui likes and value Tian Xiaoduo.

“…..” Fang Tao shook with fury and frustration. He would rather die than to work for Ye Chui

Fang Tao is the type of men that is willing to do anything to climb the social ladder. He tries to curry favour with Cao Kang for this reason. But unlike Cao Kang who see Ye Chui as a serious compet.i.tor, Fang Tao could not do so. In his eyes, he looked down on Ye Chui. Ye Chui is nothing but a mere mutton skewers stall seller.

Jun Le Xiang Restaurant’s boss w.a.n.g Jinahua suddenly interjected, “Chef Tian, are you unhappy about the pay? Is that why you decline the offer to work at Jun Le Xiang Restaurant? Do not worry, we can negotiate the pay.”

“No, no, I’m very satisfied with the pay you offered, Boss w.a.n.g. It is just my personal wish to open a restaurant with Ye Chui. Therefore, I can only apologise to you and decline your generous offer.” Tian Xiaoduo hastily replied.

To be frank, Tian Xiaoduo actually had no interest in working at Jun Le Xiang Restaurant. This would not increase his cooking skills. He was more interested in opening a restaurant with Ye Chui. He was sure that if Ye Chui guides him,

his cooking skills will increase by a lot.

But under Fang Tao’s insistence and relentless persuasions, he gave in and came here for an interview.  After all, Ye Chui had not agreed to his proposal yet, and he thought that Ye Chui is not keen.

Hearing Tian Xiaoduo’s words, w.a.n.g Jianhua looked at Ye Chui in surprise. He does not know why this young man could attract a fine chef like Tian Xiaoduo.

He could never guess that to Tian Xiaoduo, it is an opportunity and honour to work with Ye Chui.

“Boss w.a.n.g, I apologised,” Ye Chui smiled as he greeted w.a.n.g Jianhua.

w.a.n.g Jianhua smiled, “Since Chef Tian wants to work with you, I could only blame myself for not having the ability to attract him. There is nothing to apologise for. I hope that if you have the time, we can discuss the experience of running a restaurant business.”

w.a.n.g Jianhua is much better and calmer than Yang Yong. He may be unhappy, but he hides his real feelings well.

Ye Chui smiled and nodded his head, then he informed Tian Xiaoduo, “Let’s go!”

“Fang Tao.” Tian Xiaoduo followed after Ye Chui. He noticed that his disciple was rooted to the spot and he turned around and call his disciple.

But Fang Tao did not move.

“Fang Tao!” Tian Xiaoduo shouted, “Let’s go!”

“I …. I will not go with you and a.s.sist Ye Chui!” Fang Tao’s face changed. Then he becomes more determined, “I want to stay at Jun Le Xiang Restaurant!”

Tian Xiaoduo’s eyes blaze with fury, “What do you mean! You are my disciple! You have not graduated yet!”

“So what if I have not graduated yet?” Fang Tao sneered, “Did you really think that I will follow you and work for Ye Chui?”

Tian Xiaoduo had said that restaurant was opened in cooperation with Ye Chui.

However, Fang Tao understood that with his s.h.i.+fu respect for Ye Chui, Ye Chui will call the shots in the business venture. In that case, what position does he have when he

he arrives? He would be nothing more than a kitchen hand!

In addition, he and Ye Chui are at loggerheads. If he were to work for Ye Chui, Ye Chui may make things difficult for him.

Since his s.h.i.+fu had fallen so low as to work for a mutton skewer stall owner like Ye Chui, it is best to break off the relations with his s.h.i.+fu. He could no longer benefit from this relations.h.i.+p.

He straightened his clothes, looked at Tian Xiaoduo and continued, “This is the last time I am calling you s.h.i.+fu. In future, I am no longer your disciple!”

“You… You….” Tian Xiaoduo’s fat and round face turned red with anger. He had never expected that his disciple could say these words. “Fine! You think you are doing well and do not need my mentors.h.i.+p anymore? Ok! From now on, you are no longer my disciple!”

Tian Xiaoduo fumed as he left the kitchen.

Ye Chui smirked at Fang Tao.

One day, Fang Tao will realise what he had lost.

Ye Chui did not say a word as he left the kitchen. In his opinion, it is a good thing that Fang Tao initiated the break in the relations.h.i.+p between Master and disciple.

This Fang Tao is a man who wants to get rich by any means. He had recognised Tian Xiaoduo as his s.h.i.+fu as he wanted to take advantage of Tian Xiaoduo’s 5-star chef ranking. This type of man is unscrupulous and will do anything to get what he wants. Sooner or later, he will turn around and betray Tian Xiaoduo when Tian Xiaoduo is down.

In future, Tian Xiaoduo will be Ye Chui’s disciple. He does not like Fang Tao as his grand-disciple and considered this man to be unworthy.

After Ye Chui and Tian Xiaoduo left the kitchen, w.a.n.g Jianhua’s original pale face looked awkward.

He glanced at the chefs in the kitchen and barked coldly: “What are you doing here, just standing around and gawking? Go back to your work!” After shouting, the chefs in the

in the kitchen immediately busied themselves.

w.a.n.g Jianhua looked at Fang Tao again. He smirked: Just now, Fang Tao said he wanted to stay Jun Le Xiang Restaurant. He does not like Fang Tao’s c.o.c.kiness. Without Tian Xiaoduo as a backer, he had no reason to employ Fang Tao. After all, 2-star chefs are dime a dozen. What does Fang Tao have to offer him to work here?

Fang Tao noticed w.a.n.g Jianhua’s gaze.

He smiled and said: “Boss w.a.n.g must be curious about the boy who was here just now. He is called Ye Chui. Do you recall the feast in which Elder Han ate so much that he was hospitalised? The chicken feast is actually not prepared by my former teacher. It’s not Tian Xiaoduo’s work, but this Ye Chui’s work.”

“What?” w.a.n.g Jianhua had not heard of this and was somewhat surprised. “Is the cooking skill of that teenager that impressive?”

“He just happened to have several ancient recipes. There is nothing to boast about?” Fang Tao said disdainfully. “Master Tian ignored his ident.i.ty and lowered his status to b.u.t.ter him up. But this kid is nothing special.”

w.a.n.g Jianhua could hear the resentment that Fang Tao had for Ye Chui and smiled as he asked: “The recipe that can make Elder Han stay in hospital is definitely amazing. Since Ye Chui can have these recipes, he naturally is impressive.”

Fang Tao’s face broke into a sinister smile, “Then what if I also have these recipes?”


In the taxi, Tian Xiaoduo sat beside Ye Chui and was unhappy as he could not get over his disciple’s betrayal.

When the two of them reached the foot of the block, Ye Chui invited Tian Xiaoduo upstairs: “It is now lunchtime and I am going to cook lunch. I had promised Little Rain to cook a big meal for her. Join us!”

Tian Xiaoduo was very happy and excited when he heard that there is a feast. But he suddenly recalled something and shook his head, “No, no thanks. Not today. My wife hadMy wife had cooked for me. I will go back for lunch.”

Seeing Tian Xiaoduo’s reaction, Ye Chui was surprised. How come this fatty seemed to be afraid of his home? Didn’t he charged into his living room and ate the food he cooked for his sisters the first time they met?

Ye Chui could never imagine, nor will he believe that this fatty is scared of meeting w.a.n.g s.h.i.+yu. Tian Xiaoduo was traumatised by the experience of being locked up in the police station.

Seeing Tian Xiadouo is unwilling to follow him upstairs, Ye Chui had no choice but to alight first. Tian Xiaoduo immediately thought of something, “Ye Chui, I am quite familiar with the restaurant Industry in Xizhou. I will find somewhere to start our business in. When I found one, we will go and take a look at the place together?”

“All right,” Ye Chui smiled and nodded, “Thank you for your hard work.”

“There is no need for thanks. This much is nothing.” Tian Xiaoduo shook his head and replied.

w.a.n.g s.h.i.+yu is a bright girl, and she had got another perfect score for her tests. To encourage her to perform well academically, Ye Chui had decided to cook a feast for her. He intends to make [Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs].

He had just placed the freshly cooked plate of sweet and sour pork ribs on the dining table when An Jing [1] brought w.a.n.g s.h.i.+yu home. As soon they reached home w.a.n.g s.h.i.+yu excitedly rushed up to Ye Chui, “Ge Ge, Ge Ge [3], I found a suitable apartment! Let’s move there!”

These few days, Ye Chui had been looking for a suitable house. But he did not have any luck. How could w.a.n.g s.h.i.+yu found one so quickly?


[1] I think it is a typo. The sister name is An Jing. But here it type 安乐 An Le.

[2] Thank you for reading this chapter at prosperous food translations. We are glad to have you here.

[3] Ge Ge = Big Brother