Reborn As A Mom

Chapter 170

Ira obediently sipped milk not because she dreaded his temper but for the babies. That"s what she lied to herself.
After she was done with breakfast, she walked to the washroom with the bag.

"I have stacked the toiletries you might need in the washroom," Ira sat on the sofa without even turning a glance at him.
She pouted and did not speak with him anymore.

Just a few moments back she was fine. Now, she looked like a wronged child. Ignoring Vivan"s presence, she picked a magazine to read.
Vivan blamed the changing demeanor on the hormones, not his fault.

He looked at her in a daze. While reading a magazine she dozed off. Her head leaned on the armrest with her palm resting on her stomach.

He got worried when she got fazed before leaving to their home. Only when she heard the receding steps of Ashay and Reeya did she leave the ward. Was she deliberately avoiding Reeya?
When Reeya and Ash came to meet him, he asked the girl whatever happened at the site.

She told him the events in short. How Ira got there? How she locked her in the car and then ran to her chief saying the man was her husband? Though he knew some of it, many facts surprised him How did she know he was there?
Why did she confuse him with others? He had things to clear.
He had many questions, but it was not the time and place to ask them.

"Oh! Sorry, I dozed off." She yawned. With the restless night and pregnancy, Ira was bound to be tired. From her voice, he could sense the exhaustion.

When she stretched her hands, her eyes fell on the clothes beside his leg. Ira walked to it them and picked the s.h.i.+rt and pajama up.

"Why are they here?" When she had gone out, Ira had cleared out the room before leaving and now these clothes were out of the bag.

Before she didn"t notice, he needed his underwear. But why did Ashay bring the T-s.h.i.+rt and pajamas? This luxury hospital has already provided him clothes. He didn"t need them till he was admitted.

"I"m getting discharged today," he explained. He tried to wear the pant before pain seeped his body.

"What about your leg?" Her voice held immense concern.

"We have some tests, some physiotherapy, then we can go home. Doctors said I should stand on my leg now."

Ira didn"t look convinced, "How will you stand with this?" Her hands gently brushed the leg that was dressed like a mummy. It was merely a day from the accident.
For the open surgery, the surgeon made an incision and inserted the rod in the bone to keep it aligned. These sutures couldn"t be healed in a day.
Now they say it"s time for him to walk. That"s insane

"They won"t let me leave the hospital until I walk down the stairs. Don"t worry, I will walk with braces and crutches. At this time placing weight on the bone that"s healing helps to heal." He explained further.
Ira smiled in relief. Although she had not much medical knowledge, all that talk meant Vivan could walk. Nothing mattered if his leg was good and so doctors gave him a discharge.

His words though true weren"t completely honest. In fact, the doctor advised him to stay admitted for couple more days.
However, for Vivan, Ira"s comfort came first. He saw how adamant Ira, sleeping on the sofa to accompany him. Besides, the hospital was not a safe place for a pregnant woman to be.

As per the doctors advise he had to walk the next day and continue physiotherapy at home.

Another reason being he wanted to hold her to sleep. Nothing in the world can replace that feeling of inexplicable peace.