Reborn As A Mom

Chapter 181

Publishedat 5th of July 2019 04:30:11 PMChapter 181
The series of questions bombed her weak heart and she took a few steps back . In this confrontation,

she lost before even speaking a word .

Here, she was a loser! Lost him!

The woman pulled her hand, "Why?" She stood proudly in front of Ira . "Do you regret now? Do you even know Vivan? have you ever done anything for him?"

"Ira just because you have money doesn"t mean you can do what you want . A woman who is so selfish and egoist like you is not worthy of having such a good man!"

She smiled and pulled Vivan"s hand . They went away disappearing from my sight .

Ira fell on the ground," Viv, don"t leave me," she cried .

"Don"t go," she muttered in her sleep .

"Shh! I am here . " A knot formed on her eyebrows .

"Not going anywhere . I"m with you . " he comforted patting her shoulders .

She trembled in his arms, "What happened?" he asked when she shrank away .
It was a dream but it wasn"t far from reality . The woman was his second wife in his last life . He got a child with her .

The incident in the afternoon with this nightmare gave rise to an unknown sense of uncertainty . The woman was a factor she couldn"t predict in this life . Like Steve appeared before time will she appear too?

A full moon bloomed out of her window . Dark night and cold moon only bought nightmares and sleepless nights to her .

"Can"t sleep . " she replied .

"Sleep . I will sing a song for you . " He pulled her in his embrace and patted her back . She got closer to him, placing her head on his chest and breathing in the warm scent .

With enthusiasm, he started singing with his s.e.xy voice .

I love you like a cat loves a mouse,
Groom loves his spouse,
Like a shoe loves a sock,
Key loves the lock

Ira lifted her head up to look at his face . She expected a mild song helping her sleep . Instead, this one was funny .

Love you every action I take,
Love the cakes you bake .

Ira, Like Batman, loves his cave,
Beach loves its wave,
Zombies love brains,
c.r.a.p loves drain .

"c.r.a.p? Drain?" She glared at Vivan .

"I am c.r.a.p here . " He explained . So was she supposed to be a drain?

Ira shook her head in disgust . "Are these original lyrics? You made them didn"t you?"

"Okay . Like a flower loves rains . "

As Ira listened more and more, she finally couldn"t help but laugh out loud . . .

His voice was so gentle and serious singing this song . His tone didn"t match the song at all!

Instead of a gentle lullaby, she got a weird confession song . Was that a confession? She shook her head .

When all the stress disappeared from her face, Vivan breath out a sigh of relief . Even if she could hide, his sharp eyes noticed something weighing on her mind .

She smiled, lifted her lips to his and kissed .

How, how do you hear everything that was unsaid . . . ? How do you know what I need? How do you always have answers to questions I never asked?

In fact, more than anything she needed a love declaration . His a.s.surance!

"You were crazy to choose me . Now you had already made a choice . " This chance was given by G.o.d himself . Who is she to question him? Since it"s her good luck she should thank and move on . . .
Guilt has already drowned her in last life, carrying it on shoulders and walking in future is tough, it should hold no place now .
"Viv I am sorry, I won"t be sad and guilty towards you anymore . " She said aloud in her heart .
Clearing all her wrongs, all her accounts of the past .

Ira hugged him close but a face came to her mind .

She nestled silently in his chest suddenly looked up and said, "Vivan, you absolutely must not fall in love with others, otherwise, I will . . . I will . . . . . . " She racked her brains to think of a suitable punishment . If he really loved another she won"t be able to breathe anymore .

Her brain couldn"t come with anything . After a few seconds, her eyes brightened, "I will cuff off your shaft . You won"t be a man for the rest of your life . "

"You . . . enough" She dared to use this to threaten him .

Ira laughed and turned over . She took his arms and wrapped around her waist glueing her back to him . "I have not slept yet . Sing more," she ordered .

Burying his head in her neck, he bit her delicate skin and left a hickey on her white neck . "You" she complained .

"This is for doubting me . "

"This is for threatening your husband . "

"This for not appreciating my singing . "

"This for not replying to my words . "

"Enough . No . . . Okay I love you too . " She giggled, the love bites tickled her . Ira flinched when his warm lips touched her .

She didn"t doubt Vivan or his love . In fact, it was her insecurity . Don"t men liked those cheerful girls . She was too cold and frigid .

Feeling the woman"s warm breathing in his arms, a sense of peace arose in his heart . He hummed a mild tone and patted her back .

With the sweet feelings, she drove to the dreamland .