Reborn As A Mom

Chapter 182

Publishedat 5th of July 2019 04:30:10 PMChapter 182
Next morning, a phone ring woke up Ira . She had slept late yesterday hence she got irritated and let it ring . When she glanced at Vivan was sleeping peacefully beside her, Ira stretched out to stop the disturbance .

When she reached the phone at the bedside table, the call had ended .

She checked her phone to find many missed calls from her Secretary . Ira called back and asked, "What happened?"

"Ma"am you need to be in the office . There is a morning meeting with Mr Peter?" Her Secretary said in urgency .

Hearing the name Mr . Peter, she dissolved her decision to sleep till noon and got up .

"Wasn"t the meeting two days ago?" Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes . It was a deal she had left to Ashay to handle .

"They rejected our offer," Her Secretary said in a low voice .

"Why? I planned everything in detail . It was a good deal . " With the phone in hand, she dragged herself to the washroom to get ready .

"Ma"am . . . No . The presentation got deleted by Sir . He explained some things but couldn"t convince them . . . It"s better if you meet them once . Mr Peter will be leaving in the noon . He somehow agreed for another meeting . "

Ira sighed . The Sir here meant Ashay . Mr Peter was a strict but righteous businessman . Unless Ashay made a blunder cancelling their contract wasn"t possible . Her Secretary was smart and capable . It would have been hard work to arrange another meeting .

She hanged the phone and went for a bath .

Vivan woke up to find Ira getting ready in haste . She dashed to find her bag .

"Slow down . What"s the hurry?" he asked .

"Few days . Few days I"m not in the office and there"s a big problem . I prepared everything for the deal . The man was ready for it long back . Ash just had to go there and take his sign . Why couldn"t he even do that?" Ira regretted giving Ashay such an important responsibility .

"Give him time Ira," Vivan said .

"I"ve been training him for a month and he just doesn"t get things . " Even though the meeting Ashay messed up was important but her concern was her Company . After all, she planned to leave the reins in Ashay"s hands . His incompetence was drowning all her efforts in displaying him as a perfect person for CEO position to the investors .

Ashay"s room was so cramped up, just like a teenager"s messy room . The bed, study table, bean bag, his guitar, the vast wardrobes and cabinets full of action figures .

In haste, she was wearing her earrings and walking out when she b.u.mped into his beanbag .
"Oh," The earing fell and rolled behind the table . She had to squat to get that .

"Let me come from the meeting, I will skin him alive . " Annoyed, she grumbled .

When she sat down her eyes fell on something lying behind the table . It looked as if placed there .

All her resolve broke at the instant she got it out . It was a diary .

"What"s that?" Vivan saw her face changed . The storm that was brewing a moment ago completely faded and silence took its place .

She didn"t answer . her head was hung low as she turned the pages of the dairy in rush . She stopped and fixedly said at one of the pages .

"Ira?" Vivan called out the flabbergasted woman .

"Viv, Why can"t I do anything right? Why do I still fail?" When she looked up her eyes were welled up with tears . Though they didn"t dare to fell .
Even after getting another chance she still made the same mistakes .
She sat down on the bed and pressed her hand on her heart to comfort the uneasiness .