Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2027: Chaos

Chapter 2027: Chaos

The 48 hours of turbulence didn’t make Ye Jian feel uncomfortable. She didn’t vomit or feel dizzy, and neither did the other members of the Xueyu unit..

They had all undergone sea training, so these conditions that could affect battle would not leave an impact on them.

There was no sunlight and no fresh air. No one knew when they would be arriving. Ye Jian, who had been eating compressed biscuits for two days, waited quietly.

The port they arrived at was a port in South Asia. This country had been trading weapons with their country. The ten members of the Xueyu unit came out from the bottom cabin like ghosts.

When their boots stepped on the metal, there was a rhythmic thumping sound. Ye Jian’s nose could detect the smell of rust in the air.

“Left, left, left, follow!” From the front, Pigeon’s voice could be heard from a close distance. He ordered his comrades behind to move forward quickly.

The military had provided the blueprint for the bottom of the cargo s.h.i.+p. The ten of them left according to the escape route on the blueprint.

The weapons trading country that they had arrived in had a time difference of nearly three hours from their country. They departed from Jin City 48 hours ago and arrived 48 hours later. The time in their country was nine in the morning, and the time here was six in the morning.

The cargo port was the military port of this country and was heavily guarded. The ten people who came out from the bas.e.m.e.nt of the s.h.i.+p formed three groups and quickly moved forward to avoid the gun-wielding soldiers in camouflage uniforms.

“Four o’clock, three soldiers, dodge!”

“Four meters to the deck.”

“There are soldiers patrolling the sh.o.r.e with binoculars. Group C is on alert. Group A and B will move forward quickly and exchange positions.”

They communicated in hand language throughout the journey, maintaining the alternation between going forward and being on alert until all ten of them had rounded the back of the freighter and completed the zipline jump.

In the early morning, the sea was filled with mist. After entering the sea, the ten people swam from the sea to the sh.o.r.e. On the sh.o.r.e, there was a commercial car arranged by the Everyone’s identification doc.u.ments were in the car.

The ten people who were drenched got into the car and checked their IDs. After confirming that there were no mistakes, they quickly changed their clothes.

Ye Jian was a female soldier. The male soldiers in the car instinctively looked away. The three male soldiers at the back used their clothes to help s.h.i.+eld Ye Jian and turned to look out of the window until Ye Jian finished changing.

They now had identification doc.u.ments and plane tickets. Ye Jian and White Crane entered the waiting room first. They didn’t exchange glances until they successfully boarded the plane.

The plane took off at 12 p.m. sharp. Xia Jinyuan lowered his head and looked at the time. He jumped into a convertible jeep and said to a brown-haired, brown-eyed foreign man beside him in fluent English, “You can send the goods and get the money now.”

“Are you sure it’s okay? If there’s a police officer, you have to handle it yourself.” The brown-eyed foreigner glanced at the Chinese man with contempt. The Chinese man was crazy about money. He really didn’t mind the police shooting him, huh?”

Xia Jinyuan, who was wearing ripped jeans and a motorcycle leather jacket, had an unruly look in his eyes. His entire aura had changed. He no longer looked like a soldier. Instead, he looked like a Chinese worker who worked as a dealer for guns, ammunition, and weapons.

Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows at the man who had one arm on the car door. When the man was waiting for his reply, he stepped on the accelerator and drove off, leaving a long trail of exhaust behind.