Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2433

2439 Complete Counter-Attack

A battle depended on long-term command. Even if the team was fierce in the early stages, it was useless if there was not enough momentum.

Did Ye Jian lack the energy and stamina to keep the momentum?

If that was the case, He Qun did have a chance of winning.

While the blue team was discussing, the entire situation changed drastically.

Information about the blue team’s battle was collected by the red team. At the same time, the ‘logic bomb’ virus from the pseudo-base station of the red team took down the first firewall of the blue team.


The firewall of the blue team’s information system was not that easy to break. When the red team attacked, the blue team was immediately alerted and counterattacked.

“The red team is making a move. They’re going big!” The student in charge of the blue team’s information system interrupted their discussion. “The red team is trying to cut off our communication system. It’s quite fierce. They’ve already broken our first firewall!”

Once the firewalls were broken, the red team would have all the information about the blue team!

“Track the location of their main server and complete the counter-attack. Then, enter the entire communication system and destroy it!” The commander-in-chief of the blue team frowned. He was still under a lot of psychological pressure. Everyone said that the blue team had the advantage, but at the moment, the blue team was being suppressed by the red team.

Previously, they had ambushed two battalions from the red team. However, the red team’s reinforcements soon came and the blue team had no choice but to give up. They didn’t achieve much in that battle.

It had been a few hours since the exercise started. It was time to teach the red team a lesson!

They didn’t discuss the topic of capturing Ye Jian anymore. The atmosphere in the blue team’s military tent became especially solemn. They started the siege battle.

They wanted to teach the red team a lesson, but they didn’t expect the red team to have been waiting to act!

In the red team, the freshman technical student who was guarding the main server sent the latest news. “They’re tracking our main server!”

“Just in time!”

The third-year technical student guarding the main server said excitedly, “Continue tracking and implant our virus into the blue team’s information control center! Set a time to destroy the information resources! We lost yesterday. We have to win today to make up for it!”

At the same time, Ye Jian issued the latest mission to the red team through the newly established wireless area.

With the second company controlling the movements of the blue team, Song Zhiqiu sent over the latest news. The forces of the three battalions of the blue team were finally restrained by him. One battalion had restrained the forces of three battalions… Ye Jian nodded in satisfaction.

“Half an hour. Hold on for another half an hour.” A faint smile appeared on Ye Jian’s face. “This is the most crucial time.”

It was already one o’clock in the afternoon. The most crucial time was for the red team to complete their maneuver. At the same time, the red team destroyed the information system of the blue team and caused all the battalions and companies to lose contact with the blue team’s command center. The red team launched a counter-attack and took down the high ground when they wiped out the blue team’s forces.

The ‘pseudo-base station’ was successfully established within one and a half hours. As Ye Jian issued orders one after another, the applause in the main tent became even more enthusiastic.

At this moment, the applause was for Ye Jian and the ten third-year students. They had completed the commander’s orders and successfully grasped the main point of this information battle.

After giving the order, Ye Jian loosened her grip and said to the sentinels who were protecting the ten technical students, “Guard this side well. I’ll go back to the military tent to take a look at the situation. The blue team is probably going to sneak over soon.”