Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2852

2859 Dilemma

Xia Jinyuan was a special forces soldier who had undergone devil camp training. However, he couldn’t help but sweat in the face of this compet.i.tion.

Li Jinnian, who was still carefully reading the rules of the compet.i.tion, raised his head and said calmly, “The purpose of Eka a.s.sault is to test the ability of the special forces of the partic.i.p.ating countries to familiarize themselves with using the equipment in their hands and their teamwork combat through strong actual combat and harsh rules.

“Therefore, its difficulties are built on the foundation of our usual training. With a good foundation, the challenges won’t be difficult.

“Our foundation is solid. No matter how physically exhausted we are, we can grit our teeth and endure it.

“Now, four of the 12 teams are partic.i.p.ating for the first time. The terrain is unfamiliar, and the situation of the compet.i.tion is complicated. That’ll become our biggest obstacle. There’s a time limit. Once we take a detour, we might fall behind in many challenges.

“Look at the detailed rules below. There are 11 control stations throughout the entire process. All partic.i.p.ating members have to reach each control station within a specified time, no more or less than five minutes, to qualify for the next compet.i.tion. Even if it’s only by one minute, points will be deducted. If we exceed 20 minutes, 30 points will be deducted.”

“We can make sure that we’re not late, but it’s hard to guarantee we won’t arrive early.” Big Shark, from the Storm Commando team, looked troubled. It was understandable that their points would be deducted if they were late, but there was no way to explain why their points would be deducted if they were early.

“This is fair to the countries that are partic.i.p.ating in the compet.i.tion for the first time. Just like us, we’re unfamiliar with the terrain and only have one map in our hands. Once the map is lost, it’ll be a problem to find the next control station. As for those countries that have partic.i.p.ated in the compet.i.tion many times, even if they lose their maps, they can rely on their previous experience to find the main transportation routes and other routes.”

This was Ye Jian speaking. She guessed the reason why they couldn’t arrive early and got nods from her comrades.

That made sense. It was indeed possible.

Ye Jian continued, “I just calculated the time. To reach the next control station, we can only keep running. We won’t be able to rest for a full three hours. It takes two hours to be more sure of reaching each control station.”

“We can’t rest for more than two hours. If we’re 20 minutes late, we won’t be able to proceed to the next control station. This is ruthless. We have to be careful. If we’re set up, we might be 20 minutes late.” T6’s young face was filled with ruthlessness. “We have to be careful to avoid the other party’s trap.”

“If they set a trap for us, they’ll set a trap for others too. As for us, we can set a trap for others as well. This is very fair.” Xia Jinyuan had already finished reading the contents of the entire folder. He closed the folder and smiled slightly, revealing a lazy and dangerous smile. “It’s not scary to lose. What’s scary is not knowing how you lost.

“Since this is our first time partic.i.p.ating, we should be prepared to lose. Take it as an opportunity to learn and broaden your horizons. We can look forward to partic.i.p.ating next time and trying again.”

Xia Jinyuan couldn’t confirm if the helicopter was equipped with eavesdropping equipment. There were many things he didn’t say directly. There was no need to say them either. He had already said everything he needed to say.

Ten minutes after the Chinese team took off, Saluk took off with his comrades and flew to the eastern forest.