Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 2907

2914 Target Results

Compared to the words Saluk said before he started shooting, Xia Jinyuan’s words were much simpler. He only said, “Don’t aim for the SFS border defense soldiers.”

The SFS border defense soldiers started firing their rifles, and the Chinese partic.i.p.ants started firing too.

Raising his loaded rifle, Saluk wished he could point it at any partic.i.p.ant from China and shoot them so that the anger in his heart could subside.

The entire compet.i.tion venue was filled with the sound of live ammunition. Bang, bang, bang… Amidst the dense gunfire, the partic.i.p.ants from the four countries rushed toward the small mountain.

This time, they were competing in soft power. Ye Jian had a heavy responsibility and had to achieve a perfect score. She placed the b.u.t.t of the rifle against her shoulder and used it to stabilize the gunshot. She looked straight ahead with a cold and sharp gaze. The first bullet was fired from the barrel with a bang.

Ye Jian was naturally sensitive to firearms. She had a detailed diagram of the rifle in her mind. While carrying the 35-kilogram backpack, Ye Jian fired her first shot.

Not only did she score full marks with her first shot, but she also guaranteed that her every shot scored full marks!

China was partic.i.p.ating in the Eka a.s.sault compet.i.tion for the first time with a learning att.i.tude. However, they couldn’t be humiliated by other countries. When it was time to be ruthless, they had to be ruthless!

Even if she wanted to be mediocre, she needed to have the ability to protect herself.

From time to time, some generals in the observation team would point their binoculars at the Chinese female soldier, Ye Jian. Her calm handling of emergencies and exquisite shooting skills in the first round left a deep impression on the generals. Hence, she more or less attracted their attention.

For the time being, there was no way to see her shooting target and the number of points scored. However, when they saw her posture, she won the praise of several generals.

Even the arrogant General Hywell couldn’t help but cheer when he saw the shooting posture of the Chinese female soldier.

“If she can achieve a grand slam, it’s enough to show that China’s strength is astonis.h.i.+ng.” If General Hywell stubbornly insisted that China’s strength was average, he would be making himself uncomfortable.

Hearing him praising a Chinese partic.i.p.ant, General Karlisle looked at him in surprise.

He didn’t expect the arrogant General Hywell to personally acknowledge China’s strength.

However, in the next second, General Hywell continued, “Perhaps this is the advantage of a female soldier. Otherwise, I don’t think China would’ve sent a female soldier to partic.i.p.ate in the compet.i.tion.”

He acknowledged Ye Jian’s strength. To be precise, he only acknowledged her personal strength, not the strength of the entire country.

He was still as arrogant as before.

Senior Colonel Amitabh scoffed. “General Hywell, did you lose your confidence because of the results of your American partic.i.p.ants?

“If the Chinese soldiers were really capable, they wouldn’t have waited until now to partic.i.p.ate in the Eka a.s.sault compet.i.tion. After the results are out, I hope that you’ll continue to think that the Chinese female soldier is capable.”

In his heart, Saluk was the real winner and hero!

It didn’t take long for them to rush to the small mountain. Within 15 minutes, all partic.i.p.ants from the four countries had ended their second round of rifle shooting. The entire compet.i.tion venue was filled with the smell of gunpowder. It floated away with the wind.




The four colored stickers were stuck onto the final targets of the various countries on the small mountain. When they heard the gunshots, every partic.i.p.ant put down their rifles with hot barrels and stopped shooting.