Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 602 Took the Initiative

Chapter 602 Took the Initiative

Song Yunxuan arrived at five o’clock in the morning in New Yerk.

It was still dark. When she got off the plane, she went to the airline with Mei Qi.

They just walked out of the airport.

Two Amarican men with blond hair came over to shake hands with her. A beautiful female translator said, “Miss Song, we are employees of New Yerk Airline and responsible for picking up the families of missing pa.s.sengers. We have established a family reception group. Please follow us.”

After her words, the two Amarican men gestured to show the way. Then, they led Song Yunxuan to a Hummer.

Song Yunxuan did not leave immediately but turned to look at Mei Qi.

The original Song Yunxuan left the small Qingcheng Town at eighteen, not good at Englesh. However, she, Gu Changge, was proficient in Englesh.

And she was fluent in four languages.

However, now she didn’t need to communicate with them personally because there was Mei Qi.

She just needed to understand their words.

Noticing Song Yunxuan’s look, Mei Qi leaned towards Song Yunxuan.

As expected, Song Yunxuan whispered to Mei Qi, “Ask them if other families of the missing will go to the reception group.”

Mei Qi translated Song Yunxuan’s words into Englesh and told the Amarican receiving persons.

The translator said to Song Yunxuan with a smile, “Our reception team picks up all families of the missing. Miss Song, you are the calmest of them all.”

Song Yunxuan smiled and said to Mei Qi, “We don’t take their car. We find a car by ourselves. Ask them where the reception team is.”

“We need to take you two to the hotel first.”

The receiving translator said, “Some families of the missing are too emotional. Some even fainted from being overly sad. Therefore, we arrange for you to go to the hotel. Miss Song, please take our car.”

Hearing her words, Song Yunxuan nodded and said, “But I don’t like Hummer. Please tell us the address, and we will go by ourselves. You can lead the way.”

Seeing Song Yunxuan’s firm att.i.tude, the translator shrugged helplessly and translated Song Yunxuan’s words to others.

The two Amarican men nodded and agreed.

Song Yunxuan winked at Mei Qi. Then, they got in a taxi.

The taxi followed the Hummer.

Looking at the car in front, Song Yunxuan frowned.

Mei Qi asked, “Manager Song, when did you dislike Hummer?”


Song Yunxuan’s voice was soft. Dangerous emotions were brewing in her eyes.

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s words, Mei Qi nodded, “Me, too.”

Song Yunxuan laughed and turned to look at Mei Qi, “a.s.sistant Mei, your taste seems to be similar to mine.”

“Not similar, but the same.”

Mei Qi looked at Song Yunxuan’s eyes and showed a resigned smile.

Seeing Mei Qi’s smile, Song Yunxuan said nothing. She only retracted her gaze to see where the car in front was going.

The car in front moved all the way forward. Its speed was not fast. To ensure that the taxi could keep up, it even slowed down several times and waited.

Song Yunxuan squinted her eyes.

When the Hummer slowed down for the fifth time and waited for them, Song Yunxuan said to Mei Qi, “It looks like the destination is almost here.”

Mei Qi responded, “It seems so.”

Just after Mei Qi responded, the Hummer in front stopped. They signaled Song Yunxuan’s car to stop after they got off the car.

Seeing them motioning for him to stop, the Amarican taxi driver wanted to slow down and stop.

However, Song Yunxuan said, “Speed up.”

Mei Qi translated it into Englesh.

Hearing the request, the taxi driver was puzzled and looked at the pa.s.sengers behind through the rearview mirror.

Then, he looked at the person beckoning him to stop the car outside the car window. He hesitated.

Song Yunxuan smiled, “If you stop the car, we may encounter a gun battle.”

Mei Qi translated this sentence to the driver.

The driver immediately stepped on the accelerator this time. The taxi ran past the woman who got off the Hummer to block them like a shuttle.

The female interpreter did not expect that the taxi would accelerate instead of stopping. She frowned and then turned her head and shouted at the two people in the car.

After hearing her yelling, the two people stepped on the gas to catch up. They even didn’t have time to carry the female translator.

“Go to downtown.”

Mei Qi conveyed Song Yunxuan’s meaning to the driver in Englesh.

Glancing at the Hummer that was quickly catching up behind him, the driver frowned and speeded up.

Seeing that the car in front was speeding up, the car behind chased after it, refusing to give up and clinging.

Looking back at the car, Song Yunxuan felt bored and said, “If they keep chasing, we will enter the downtown area. Then, what can they do with me?”

She could probably guess who sent the car behind.

But what was the use of watching over her tightly?

Although Chu Mochen disappeared now, Song Yunxuan would not easily die in a foreign country.

Song Yunxuan pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes slightly.

The two Amarican men in the Hummer watched the car about to enter the downtown area. They had no way but to call Shao Tianze.

Shao Tianze answered the phone and frowned before saying, “Fire.”

Then, he hung up the phone.

Gu Changle heard what Shao Tianze said and felt worried, “Failed?”

“No. Not yet.” Shao Tianze explained to her.

However, Gu Changle didn’t believe him and said, “If they didn’t fail, why did you need to decide whether to fire?”

“Song Yunxuan found that the people who greeted her were not from the airline and took a taxi to the downtown area.”

If they chased into the downtown area and shot, it would cause unnecessary casualties. If the casualties were too great, the Amarican police would intervene. It would be difficult for them to separate their relations.h.i.+ps at that time.

Gu Changle also understood this truth and frowned, “Song Yunxuan, the little b*tch, is really alert.”

“Otherwise, how could she survive to the end when she faced Song Yunqiang and Song Yunjia in the Song Family?”

Hearing the words, Gu Changle despised the Song Family in her heart, “None of the three children of such a big Song Family killed the young b*tch. Now a young girl is in charge. Such a shame.”

“I’ll say.”

Shao Tianze sneered.

He should have paid attention to Song Yunxuan a long time ago, but he didn’t take it personally.

He had thought that Song Yunqiang and Song Yunjia could defeat Song Yunxuan in the Song Family’s internal fight. However, unexpectedly, Song Yunxuan was the last winner in such a despicable Song Family.

It not only approved that Song Yunqiang and Song Yunjia were incompetent.

It should be recognized that Song Yunxuan had true abilities that could not be ignored.

When Shao Tianze frowned, Gu Changle was also a little worried, “If Song Yunxuan finds that we want to kill her in the WS, will she be back from the WS soon? If she comes back from the WS, it will be difficult for us to kill her.”

Shao Tianze pursed his lips, “I know everything you say. However, I believe Song Yunxuan will not choose to return from the WS right now at this time.”

Gu Changle furrowed her brows, “Do you think Song Yunxuan will stay in the WS for a while for Chu Mochen, waiting for the airline to find the plane?”

“She will.” Shao Tianze said slowly, “Song Yunxuan will stay in the WS even if it is her show to Chu Mochen’s parents.”

Gu Changle couldn’t stretch her frowning eyebrows, “Her show to the Chu Family?”


“Will it work?”

Gu Changle felt puzzled.

However, Shao Tianze said, “How could it be useless? Now Chu Mochen is just missing, so all parties are waiting and watching, not daring to hurt Song Yunxuan. Even if Chu Mochen dies in this plane crash, the Chu Family will not collapse overnight because Chu Mochen’s parents are still in the Chu Family. As long as there are people in the Chu Family, it is useful and is still a big tree that can shelter Song Yunxuan.”

Gu Changle understood.

Seeing Gu Changle gradually understand, Shao Tianze smiled, “Song Yunxuan is smart. Whether she really fell in love with Chu Mochen or took advantage of him, she shows that she cares very much about Chu Mochen. Seeing Song Yunxuan’s actions, Chu Mochen’s parents will continue to support and protect Song Yunxuan in the future even if they confirm that their son is dead.”

Gu Changle squinted, “Song Yunxuan is scheming. She is so young and has so many conspiracies.”

“Otherwise, why do you think Chu Mochen loves her only?”

Chu Mochen’s social status made him never lack women.

And the women around him did everything possible to marry the rich.

However, no woman had succeeded for so many years.

Only Song Yunxuan, from a small town, became Chu Mochen’s lover and got such protection and support.

It had shown that Song Yunxuan was full of craft and cunning.

Hearing Shao Tianze’s words, Gu Changle thought for a while and said, “Since Song Yunxuan will stay in the WS for long, we will still have the opportunity to reorganize an in the WS even if this time we fail.”

“In theory, it is possible to keep her in the WS forever. However, in fact, Song Yunxuan will definitely strengthen her vigilance after experiencing this If we want to take action again, the chance of success is much smaller.”

Hearing Shao Tianze’s words, Gu Changle comforted him, “You have ordered them to shoot. There is no news yet. We cannot confirm whether the operation has failed.”

Shao Tianze nodded, “Yes. We can’t confirm that the operation has failed for now.”

They could only wait.