Reborn Girl’s New Life

Chapter 709 Gave Away His Sister

Chapter 709 Gave Away His Sister

Luo Jiachi valued his granddaughter-in-law. He stayed at the Shao Family in Yuncheng for the whole afternoon and left Yuncheng after dinner.

As soon as Luo Jiachi left, Shao Tianze called Shao Xue out of the room and asked her to go to the study to talk alone.

“Did you know the Luo Family’s proposal?”


Shao Xue nodded.

Shao Tianze said, “Since the Luo Family is willing to marry you, just get married and go to Harbor City.”

Shao Xue answered, “OK.”

In this way, the siblings talked frankly.

Looking at Shao Xue, Shao Tianze felt emotional.

“I thought I could keep you by my side for a few more days.”

Shao Tianze appeared to be sincere. However, Shao Xue knew in her heart that Shao Tianze was anxious to send her away quickly.

Nevertheless, when Shao Tianze wanted to send her away, he chose a family for her that was beneficial to the Shao Family.

Since Shao Tianze was willing to act, Shao Xue was also happy to cooperate.

“I also want to stay by your side longer, brother.”

Shao Tianze smiled, “Although I want to keep you by my side a little longer, you are an adult and should marry and settle down, finding a good husband, having children, and living a good life.”

“Even if I get married and live in Harbor City, I will often come back to visit you, brother.” Shao Xue said.

Shao Tianze nodded, “I am glad to hear you say that.”

They made a few more polite remarks, though they both knew what kind of person each other was.

Shao Xue didn’t want to say anything hypocritical or polite to Shao Tianze. And Shao Tianze achieved his goal by marrying Shao Xue to the Luo Family.

After saying these, he asked Shao Xue to leave to rest.

“After the Luo Family returns to Harbor City, they will choose the date of the wedding ceremony of Luo Xi and you. During this period of time, wait patiently at home.”

Shao Xue nodded, replying, “OK, I see.”

The Shao Family and the Luo Family both valued etiquettes.

For the wedding of Luo Xi and Shao Xue, only when everything was ready could it be held.

In the following week, the Luo Family had been enthusiastically calling Shao Tianze to discuss the specific matters of the wedding.

“I have found a fortune teller and chosen the date. The eighth day of the next lunar month is good.”

Hearing Luo Jiachi’s words, Shao Tianze asked the housekeeper to bring him the Chanese almanac. He leafed through the book and saw that it was indeed a good day for marriage.

Shao Tianze laughed, “You said it is a good day. That won’t be wrong. I believe you will choose a good day, Mr. Luo.”

Luo Jiachi smiled, “It is great that you also agree.”

Shao Tianze naturally agreed.

Therefore, after saying these, he asked Luo Jiachi, “Will Luo Xi come here again before the wedding?”

“Of course, he will.”

“But Luo Xi can’t go after the first day of the next lunar month. Before the wedding, the bride and groom are not suitable to meet each other.”

“Yes, yes. I just worry about whether the two young people will miss each other.”

Shao Tianze’s words were full of joy.

Hearing the sentence, Luo Jiachi also laughed ambiguously, “Even if they miss each other, they have to hold back. After getting married, they can meet every day.”

What Luo Jiachi said was reasonable.

Shao Tianze understood, so did Shao Xue and Luo Xi.

For two people in love, a day of separation was as long as three years. But for these two people who didn’t like each other, it did not matter if the fake couple could not see each other for a week.

Shao Tianze and Luo Jiachi called frequently. They all attached great importance to this wedding, so they handled various matters attentively.

Four or five days pa.s.sed immediately. The wedding day was only three or four days away.

The media trumpeted Luo Jiachi’s coming to Yuncheng, so the alliance of the Luo Family and the Shao Family through marriage went viral in Yuncheng for a week.

However, the Luo Family and the Shao Family had never responded to the various versions of the news circulating in the media.

As the wedding date was approaching, the Luo Family and the Shao Family thought it was time to announce the marriage news.

So, three days before the wedding, they held a press conference to announce the marriage of the Luo Family and the Shao Family.

In Yuncheng, the Shao Family was one of the top business families. With the solid foundation established by Gu Changge, the Shao Family had always been influential in Yuncheng.

No matter what happened to the Shao Family, the media would catch it at once.

This time, as soon as the news about their marriage conference came out, many media and reporters rushed to contact them and wanted to enter the press conference.

As the vane of Yuncheng media, Fanxing Magazine would be on the invitation list no matter what important news was going to be released in Yuncheng.

This time, as for Shao Xue and Luo Xi’s marriage conference, Fanxing Magazine was naturally invited.

After receiving the invitation call, Xiao Hong called Song Yunxuan.

Song Yunxuan was very interested in this. However, sending Xiao Hong to the press conference would seem too high-profile.

After deliberating, Song Yunxuan asked Xiao Hong to find a new but hard-working employee to report on the press conference.

Xiao Hong sent Song Yunxuan the information of the new employee who would partic.i.p.ate in the press conference.

After carefully reading the information of the new employee, Song Yunxuan said, “Let Youyun do this.”

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s consent, Xiao Hong called Fanxing Magazine. She told Youyun the exact time, told her not to be late, and formulated questions for her.

Youyun was young, only 26 years old this year. And she had many years of experience working in newspapers. It was very appropriate to leave this matter to her.

After receiving questions from Fanxing Magazine, Youyun went to the press conference and waited, which was jointly organized by the Shao Family and the Luo Family.

The reporters of some other magazines also chose to stay there and wait.

Because journalists might grab seats at such a press conference.

Everyone wanted their own magazine to get first-hand news and the closest position to ask questions.

When admission was allowed at the press conference, Youyun was the first to enter the scene.

The Luo Family and the Shao Family were experienced and thoughtful. After the reporters entered the venue, they saw the location of their magazines.

Youyun was placed in the second row.

In the first row, there were several well-known and established magazines with more than ten years of experience in the media industry. With its development and current status, Fanxing was very respected to be placed in the second row.

After taking her seat, Youyun sent a text message to Xiao Hong outside.

Xiao Hong asked Youyun to turn on her phone all the way.

Song Yunxuan listened to the press conference in the study.

The voices of Luo Jiachi and Shao Tianze sounded in turn.

While listening to Shao Tianze’s voice, Song Yunxuan lowered her eyelashes slightly.

She could not help but recall that the Gu Family also held such a big press conference when she decided to marry Shao Tianze.

At that time, faced with the reporters’ spotlights and microphones, she solemnly announced her marriage to Shao Tianze.

However, she felt it was ridiculous when she recalled what she had said.

It would have been great if she hadn’t married Shao Tianze.

Gu Changge would not have ended up with tragic death.

The most important thing was that her son and daughter would not have been in danger after their mother died.

As Song Yunxuan lowered her eyes, she couldn’t help but think of her daughter.

Seeing Song Yunxuan’s eyes down, Xiao Hong frowned and asked, “Manager Song? What’s the matter?”

Song Yunxuan said, “After Shao Xue leaves, there will be no one to trust around Miaomiao.”

Hearing these words, Xiao Hong also realized that Song Yunxuan was worried about Gu Miaomiao.

She nodded and said, “Yes.”

“I want to take that child to my side and raise her.”

Hearing Song Yunxuan’s words, Xiao Hong quickly reminded, “Manager Song, at present, this is completely impossible.”

Song Yunxuan laughed, “I know.”

Nevertheless, she would be able to take back her two children soon.

After Shao Xue married Luo Xi, Song Yunxuan would be able to deal with the Shao Family without any concern.

And in the future, the Luo Family would watch the Shao Family with cold eyes, which would make other people try to help Shao Tianze completely dispel the idea of contacting Shao Tianze.

After Shao Xue and Luo Xi’s wedding, Shao Tianze and the Luo Family would be a formal alliance.

If something happened to the Shao Family but the Luo Family did not help him, the help of other families would be excessively unnecessary.

The extra help was nothing.

More importantly, the unnecessary help might cause dissatisfaction and hatred of the Luo Family.

No one would cause trouble for themselves.

Smart people knew this truth.

Song Yunxuan only wondered, when Shao Tianze was desperate, whether some fools would be deceived by Shao Tianze and take risks.

Song Yunxuan let out a breath, raised her hand to rub her eyebrows, and motioned to Xiao Hong to take the phone away.

She didn’t want to hear Shao Tianze’s voice anymore.

Even the voice coming from the mobile phone made her feel sick as recalling her time as Shao Tianze’s wife.

Xiao Hong quickly took the phone away and asked Song Yunxuan with concern, “Manager Song, are you OK?”

“I’m fine. Just a little tired. I need some rest.”

Song Yunxuan was pregnant now. It was normal for her to get tired easily.

Xiao Hong understood how tired pregnant people were. She nodded and got out of the room.

After Xiao Hong left the room, Song Yunxuan closed her eyes and quietly recalled what Shao Tianze looked like in her mind.

Now, he was going to get his sister married.

That was great.

He walked in step by step towards the trap she had laid.

He would soon fall into the trap she set. Then, he would be crushed by the mechanism she had set up.

She would not let Shao Tianze go.

Even if things in the past gradually became blurred, the hatred was unforgettable.

In any case, hatred could not be washed away from her bones and blood.

Only by using Shao Tianze’s blood to pay the price could the hatred in her heart dilute.