Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 11

Hiruzen: "Okay, Asuma here is the chakra paper. Let"s see what affinity you got." He said while pa.s.sing the paper to my hands.

After inserting my chakra to the paper, the paper split in half and then the paper got soak wet. Which meant my affinity was Wind chakra and Water chakra.

Hiruzen: "I can"t believe this…..this is a Elemental Bloodline Limit, and from what I see it means that you could create a new one by combining both wind and water. Just like the First Hokage could combine both Earth and Water chakra to create Wood elemental chakra." He said shocked.

Asuma: "So dad, what elemental jutsu are you going to give me then? I got two elemental affinities does that mean you will give me 2 C-rank for wind and 2 C-rank for water jutsus? Also do you know what elemental chakra I can create with the two, wind and water combine?" I said to him.

Hiruzen: "Actually I have heard from a clan residing on the land of water that are a Bloodline limit similar to yours since they both got also wind and water affinity. Their name is the Yuki clan and had heard reports that hey manipulate ice so I suspect if you fuse those elements you will get Ice elemental chakra. I will have to send some of my Anbu to see if they can get some info of their techniques. If possible to see if I can contact them and get a instructor from their clan. Of course I will give them benefits, in exchange I could allow some of their clan members to relocate to Konoha as long that there are willing to work for Konoha. I"ll have to inform the counsel about this including Danzo since this is a big decision but I believe he will oblige since this could reinforce the military power of the hidden leaf village. As for now, indeed since you have 2 elements I will give you two according to each. Here , these are Wind release: Great Breakthrough and Wind release: Gale palm. For water I got Water Clone technique which is rare since this is a jutsu used by Kirikagure and Water Prison jutsu which also belongs to Kiri the reason that I can"t give you anything from konoha is because we rarely use water techniques and we don"t have C-rank water techniques. I do have the Water Dragon bullet but that"s a B-rank technique and I promised only C-rank jutsus." He said pa.s.sing me 4 different scrolls to me.

Asuma:" Awesome! I"ll try to learn them and be proficient on them by the end of the month….scratch that I will have it done in 2 months since now I got school I won"t have has much time." I said with a slight embarra.s.sed smile.

Hiruzen: "Well looks like I got allot to do, I will inform you if I get my hands on anything related on the Yuki clan. As for now you will have to experiment till you manage to create Ice elemental chakra, for the wind and water chakra training, and concepts I got a scroll of my own training on them and my insights. This will help you master chakra manipulation control over such elements much easier since it took me years to master my craft. I am known as the "Professor" not for nothing." He said has he pa.s.s a book label Water Chakra Manipulation techniques and how to train it, and another book label Wind Chakra Manipulation Techniques and how to train it by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Asuma: "I will study them with all my heart! Thank you very much dad. Also I got a favor to ask of you if you don"t mind. It"s a request if you can do it, please read in your free time." I said, as I pa.s.sed a letter with information about Might Duy and her daughter, I watch him leave after that. It looked like he had allot to do.


During the next 5 days, I focused on training on the 4 techniques I got from my dad. I trained about for 4 hours for each technique daily before the school started. Meaning I was training for about 16hrs only on ninjutsu. The wind techniques where easy and water didn"t took me long to master, after that it was mostly exhausting my chakra reserves and meditating to use my techniques again. This type of training I have been doing with the guys to help up expand our chakra reserve the most efficient and fastest way possible. I also read both books my dad gave me about elemental chakra manipulation/control so if he ever ask me about my opinions I"ll be able to answer him, it indeed help me understand the insight works of it instead of just be ignorant and use my absolute and perfect chakra control as a crutch. You never know when this will be useful since for sure I am going to be end up with students eventually. Got to be a good teacher too.

I did not approach any training for my ice release since I really didn"t knew anything about combining elements directly to create a new one. Plus 5 days was too short to even make any progress in developing jutsus. I did practice Water Release: Gunshot a C-rank technique which was used by the 2nd Hokage and also a technique Gamabunta used against the Ichibi (Shukaku). With this technique I can spam out allot of water for follow up water techniques like the Water Prison and Water Dragon Bullet, which my dad doesn"t know I have already practice before.

The funnest part was practicing the Water Clone technique since the clones are better than Konoha"s Clone technique and is similar to Shadow Clone(Bushin Kage) since the clone can perform ninjutsu and fight since it is an actual body/clone made of water, but the strength of the water clones is only 1/10 of the original one so as long I train my tai jutsu crazily even my water clones would be dangerous to fight.

Energy wise it wastes less than the Shadow Clone since you already have a medium for the clone which is water. This technique is so good I was planning on pa.s.sing it to both Gekko and Kusei, since you could also create a clone from already existing water in your surroundings without needing to use your water elemental chakra.

Well the day came that I attended the academy. I got to cla.s.s 1-A  and sat near the back and near the window but not on the corner, I left 2 seats available since I got early and was one of the first in cla.s.s. I reserved those 2 seats for Gekko and Kusei. Not long after some minutes some kids started to flow into the cla.s.s. I waved to Gekko and Kusei the moment they got in, as I showed them the seats I reserved for them. They smile and took their respective seats, Gekko taking the one closest to the window and Kusei in between both Gekko and I.

The teacher finally got in which I didn"t recognized which makes sense this was the real world now and is not like they would show every single person/ninja in the series. Our teachers name was Kokolate he was about 5"ft 10""in tall wearing the standard Chunnin flank jacket. He was overweight not but much but he did had a belly, his skin was light brown he didn"t wear his head band on his head but had it embroider on both of his shoulders on his shirt. Kokolate had a weird unusual haircut since it was a short Mohawk style showing his green colored hair. He was also wearing your usual black frame similar to the ones Aizen from Bleach wears which couldn"t hide his bright green eyes.

Kokolate: "Welcome to the Academy, I will be your home room teacher for this year. My name is Kokolate Saburoso. My likes are chocolate bars, chocolate drinks with milk, well you catch my drift. I also like ramen and the meat from the BBQ owned by the Akimichi, I also love the spicy food. My dislikes are other sweets not related to chocolate since I mostly don"t have that much of a sweet tooth beside chocolate. I also don"t like too much salt on my dishes since I prefer them just slightly salted. My family owns a store where we sell spices and sweets derived from chocolate so if anyone is interested to be patrons I"ll write the address in the corner of the board. I am single and am 15 years old so if you got any older sister or a single mom don"t shy away to send them my way! Okay enough about me I will teach you guys today about the history of Konoha…." He said smiling has he went on, and on about how the foundation of Konoha was established.

I got to say the teacher was indeed good since he would throw some jokes in between and interacted well to the questions of the students. If he caught somebody sleeping, he would let them at least for 15 minutes before he actually throws a book, a eraser or a chalk to the student with such precision to the forehead of such students, he did gave a heads up and if they were still sleeping he attacked with such items to wake up the students. After about 2 hours of straight up history, he did give us a small quiz to see if we even paid attention. Kokolate said he would be testing us daily if we paid attention and was included in our grades. That affected allot of the kids responses since now they knew they couldn"t just sleep in his cla.s.s.

After that he gave us 1 hour and 30 minutes of Shuriken throwing training. Where he gave tips and showed us the basic way to throw a shurinken. Most of the students did well but for those that didn"t Kokolate gave them specific instruction"s depending on the kid. After that we got separated from the girls from the cla.s.s for about 3 hours since they had specific Konuichi training that did not involve the boys at that time a female ninja open the door and took all the girls out going to a different place. For us guys we only had some extra time so the Kokolate gave us challenges like let see how many push-ups you can do in 1 minute challenges, how many pull-ups, how many squats, frog jumps you could do, he even told us he was going to rank us and depending on our standing he would award some extra points that he would record to save and depending on our grades on our test he was willing to use those points to curb some of our grades. That got allot of the kids motivated so everyone got compet.i.tive. We had fun for the rest of that time.

After the girls return back Kokolate gave us some Academy Combat lesson for about 1 hour since he show us the katas/forms and watch has every student was doing them. He also said that by the end of the week he was going to check our progress because after that he was only going to make it into pure sparring session from then on by next week, and if we needed to improve it all depended on ourselves and self-practice. And the Final 2 hours was mostly he teaching us Math/Algebra since this was still the first year. Kokolate inform us that some subjects where going to be different depending the day of the week as he had a teaching schedule he created for time efficiency. He also inform that he was the only one doing that so some other may have been doing something else so we should feel confuse about their progress compared to our cla.s.s.

The next day Kokolate didn"t give a long cla.s.s in history he just kind of rush it since we gave the cla.s.s in about 30 minutes and answer some questions then gave us a quiz about his lecture just to make sure we listen. After that he gave a 2 hour long cla.s.s where he teaches us about what is chakra and the way to it, giving us the famous Leaf exercise. I got to admit I like how efficient and friendly Kokolate was. Apart from that after school Gekko, Kusei and I would gather at the training compound and train together in our swordsmanship for about 3 hours. Now if we wanted to do our h.e.l.l Tai jutsu training we needed to do it on our own, since now we also had homework from school that Kokolate would give to us every 3 days.


(By:Author: I appreciate the thanks but prefer opinions about the chapter. Also I have plans for this new teacher Kokolate…..maybe he will be the teacher in charge of Asuma"s team. Since in the original they never mention his teacher at all.)