Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 20

We finally manage to get to the front of the entrance of the training grounds were the Forest of Death was located. They gave us the instructions about the 2nd exam. Which pretty much where that we were going to be release inside with our team members. Each team was going to be given a scroll with the symbol of Heaven or the symbol of Earth. We were forbidden to see whats inside the scroll or open it till we reach our destination which is the tower that is in the center part of the forest. Also in order to pa.s.s you needed to have both Heaven and Earth scrolls. Meaning that you had to fight for it with other teams in the forest of death, which were going to be release in a timely manner in different location around the forest since it had different entrances. Killing is allowed on the forest of death but is advice against it if possible.(Doesn"t mean it doesn"t happens.) This exam is going to last for 5 days to reach the tower and manage to collect the 2 scrolls needed to enter the tower. Teams where going to go to the checkpoints that were given by the proctors were they would be given their scroll. They location or bases were well protected so no onlookers would know what scroll the team got before they got release in the forest. They given us 1hr to prepare what we needed for the survival on the forest, to procure food you could hunt inside it since it also had wild life and other stuff like in a real forest.

While we waited I discovered that the Chunnin proctor was actually Kokolate younger sister and was 14 years old about to be 15. Looks like she was a brocon and may be the one making it hard for Mr. Kokolate to get a girlfriend behind the background/shadows. I notice also that the ninjas were looking at my team from afar while waiting. I don"t know if they see us as compet.i.tion or   as a target. I am the son of the Hokage after all, making me a big target for several opposing villages. I really didn"t mind even if they target my team as my target was also them, I wanted to extract information about the Lighting Armor technique.

 For this purpose or the purpose in general I been developing a Jutsu similar to Goku"s technique that he used when he went arrived at Namek and touch Kurulin head with his hand and read his memories. This technique requires focus and for the target to be immobilize since is not like in Goku"s case were they got no training against mind attacks. So I would first have to capture one of them alive and seal his chakra with a 5 Element seal so the victim couldn"t use chakra to defend himself from my mind invasion and read his memories. If anybody see me do this they would think I am using the Yamanaka clan techniques but I have never actually had seen them so I couldn"t tell them. I had to develop this techniques myself and requires a good amount of control for the Yin chakra since it involves allot of spiritual control to invade another being mind.

Several teams have already taken their scroll and were guided to their respective entrances. They where doing this timely since they would release a new team to the Forest of Death at least every hour. By the time we were given our turn, 4 hours had already pa.s.sed. We got the Heaven scroll a.s.sign to our team and the entrance we took as entrance number 13. The team decided for me to stay with the scroll. Me being smart use a storage seal that I tatoo in both my inner side of my wrist.(similar to Sasuke from Shipuuden where he store surinken and kunai). To store the Heaven scroll, so there was no way for the enemy to get the scroll even if they try to kill me. If i was unwilling they would never get it out of me. We indeed created a decoy scroll with the same looks and same Heaven logo and gave it to Kusei since he was the genjutsu specialist in our team and could trick others in believing that he had the real deal scroll.

Being the team"s captain I decided that we would first get ourselves a place to camp first. Second I told them my plan was not to rush it and that we would head to the tower on the 3rd day. I also inform them that I wanted to target the ninjas wether they had the Heaven scroll or Earth scroll didn"t matter, since I wanted to extort/estract some information from them. I upfront told them my goal of trying to pry on the secrets of"s Lighting armor techniques. I gave them my intel about them and what to expect, specially to Kusei since I told them they could use some type of the beginning stages of the lighting armor, rendering his Genjutsu null.

We found a nice spot near a river stream so we make camp there on our first day while getting some fish to eat. Raido was put on guard while we collected food and got some wood to cook he fishes. Kusei did took some lunch bento boxes he had on store but we just added the fish to the dish to have a more full filling meal. The bento boxes that Kusei took out that day were some of the staple, like cooked rice, beans, some orange marinade chicken strips with some green peas. He also took some beverage container thermos with delicious sweetened green tea. We took turns eating since we had to be on guard for any intruders/enemies or anything with hostility. This forest also had tigers, giant leeches and most likely other type of predatory animals. The first day pa.s.sed sleeping and alternating watch every 3 hrs. Early in the morning we began to scout the area for other teams since we needed to secure a Earth scroll to head to the tower by the 3rd day, obviously only if I managed to get the info out of the ninjas.

While we scouted we found team Obito fighting against the Sunakagure (sand) ninjas. Obito was fighting a teenager that had a type of pale brown chinese coat with short purple hair they were exchanging blows while throwing shurinken. While Rin was fighting the opposite team only girl who had short green hair with side bangs and a short ponytail. Her dressing was similar to Ino"s but also was the same pale sand color. Looks like Rin was using chakra scapel jutsu since her hands where emiting the pale blue chakra. While the Suna girl ninja had a kunai in each hand emiting lighting/electricity. Finally Ronin Uchiha was fighting what looks like the team captain of the suna ninjas, he had short brown hair and was throwing kunais and shurinkens to Ronin in different patterns. They exchange some blows too. Till the Suna Captain manage to break the stale mate when he got close enough for Ronin to caught his left arm on a close grip. Ronin thinkin that he got him had a smirk but the same was for the captain of the Suna ninjas. I hear him said his jutsu while raising his right arm with a half tiger hand sign.

Suna Captain: " Sword of Wind"

He slash down in a top to downward left slash to Ronin, who barely manage to react on time but not without injury has he was bleeding. He had a slash from the top of his chest to his torso the cut was not deep enough but enough for blood to be seen.While this happened he didn"t hesitated while he got attack since he countered at the same time when it happened with a Great Fireball Jutsu directly to the Suna Captain. The fire envelope the Suna captain, I heard a scream and then i saw  a silloette come out from the fire at a fast speed. Looks like he got his hair all burn off and part of his left face and upper left torso including his left arm. Obito managed to injured his enemies left leg with a kunai letting the Suna team at a big dissavantage. While it look like Rin was the one injured since she had some cuts and it look like she got a direct strike by the Suna Kunoichi with a lighting charge fist which send her flying to a tree hitting her back. Obito immediately went to a.s.sist when this happened. The Suna Kunoichi was not moving her left arm at all. Looks like Rin use her Chakra Scapel Jutsu and cut some ligaments from her arm or injured/cut her left arm nerves.

Suna Captain: "Here have our scroll!!! We are retreating! Karen let"s go I"ll carry Tusa." He said with a agonizing face since he had his head and left side burned. Throwing his Heaven scroll to Ronin who glady accepted.

Karen: "Okay, Baki i"ll do what you say this time!"

The girl was p.i.s.sed but she knew she had to follow her captains order. The Captain picked up Tusa who had his left leg injure and had problems moving. While Karen ran behind them with a watchful eyes on her surroundings. Finally looking a little surprise since she saw us from afar barely noticing us. Looks like his captain manage to grasp that he was not alone while fighting so since they were worse for wear he decided to retreat. He couldn"t afford another fight. His technique of Sword of Wind he pull out from his finger was a extension of Wind Chakra manipulation since I could see the energy extend outward from his finger in a razor sharp form, creating a type of invisible sword on his hand. Looks similar to chakra scalpel jutsu but this was meant for injuring and cutting/killing not for surgery like the chakra scapel. Seeing it, I immediately memorize the technique since I also am a wind chakra user and would be a really useful technique if I don"t have a sword in hand.

Ronin: "Obito! Pick up Rin and let go!" He said while looking at our direction but most likely he couln"t know our exact position since his eyes were swimming around not staying focus on one spot.

Obito: "Okay!....Rin let me help you." He said while picking her in a piggyback  and started to run in the direction of Ronin. Which after they disappear running away.

Raido: "Are we not following them? They are injured and have both scrolls. It would be a perfect opportunity to get the scroll easily."

Kusei: "Yeah, I would feel bad if we did that. They look like they tried hard. It wouldn"t be fair."

Raido: " Life is not fair, the world is a cold mistress if you are not up to fight to survive." he said in a annoyed tone.

Asuma: "Calm down both of you. We are not following them, I"ll would prefer to see more Konoha ninja"s reaching the next stage. Its better to target other villages. This Chunnin exam is not only for promotion but to showcase the power of the ninja villages. The less partic.i.p.ant of the other villages, means Konoha would be on the top position. This will bring more revenue to the village since more jobs would be ask for us ninja of Konoha. So forget that idea Raido and lets find other team not related to Konoha. Lets try to find I want their lighting armor jutsu." I said in a affirmitive tone.



(3 day of exam)

We managed to find a hidden gra.s.s ninja team and some mist ninja teams but for the luck of us they only had the Heaven scroll. We beat them up and still took the scrolls. We even manage to get our selves some jutsu scrolls. One was from the gra.s.s ninjas. The justus were Hidden Blade Gra.s.s and Hidden Bladed Gra.s.s Bullets. The first jutsu made the gra.s.s in the surrounding sharp and hard like knifes. While the second one did the same but then fired the gra.s.s like shurinkens/kunais to the enemy position. From the mist we got Water Style: Murdering Sebons, where you created sebons out of water in mid air and control target the enemy sending the sebons at high speed penetrating the bodies of enemies like if they where actual bullets this technique is one that Haku used against Sasuke. The other technique was Water Style: Water Cutter Stream, this jutsu make you spit/throw out a thin, high pressurized water stream from your mouth capable of cutting trees and rocks like a hot knife on b.u.t.ter, a really dangerous technique.

 Kusei also got some nice techniques based on genjutsu, he got the mist clones jutsu which created illusionary clones based made out of mist and another technique known as Mist Mirror Wall which it created a refraction in the air creating a type of mirror in the air with the water particles reflecting any images opposing to the enemy. So if the enemy attack at the direction of the technique they will see a reflection of themself coming attacking them, something similar to the 3rd Mizukage technique but a weaker version since this one didn"t created a opposing version of you made of water to attack.

Raido manage to found himself with some weapons some extra poison,antidotes and even took some gas/oxygen mask from the mist ninjas.

By the afternoon we encounter with a group of Sunakagure ninjas. It was not the ones that fought Obito"s team with was a different team consisting of 3 guys. One was using a small sickle connected to a small chain ball. One with  big as fan like Temari the sibling of Gaara and the third individual had a pair of chinese maces. We surprise attack them me taking down the big fan dude first by body flicker next to his back slashing down my sword with wind element cutting into pieces his big a.s.s fan. Follow by a second slash cutting of his right hand, right after chain it with a Great Fireball. He jumping away thinking I was aiming at him, but the fireball was aim at his detach hand/limb incinerating it to dust. While this happened Raido dash toward the sickle and chain ball guy. He didn"t give a chance he aim his sword at his chest in a piercing motion. The Suna ninja reacted on time to block most of the attack as the sword barely penetrated his chest, well near his stomach about 1 inch deep. Raido then just jump back and threw some shurinken making distance. The suna ninja was slow because of the injury in his stomach as he was holding it with his left hand trying to stop the bleeding, which did not stop.(looks like Raido used a anticoagulant poison) The suna ninja was losing blood fast, some of the shurinken actually managing to hit on him. 2 seconds after that he couldn"t move his limbs. (Raido used paralyzing poison on his shurinken) The poor suna ninja couldn"t hold his stomach now either just bleeding out to dead as he dropped/flopped to the floor(or at least it seem so). The guy in with the 2 maces didn"t even noticed a thing as he was trapped in a genjutsu fighting Kusei, by the time he realise it and use kai to get out of the illusion he had several slashes on his body, bleeding out and falling to the ground unconscience. Right after Raido and Kusei back me up surrounding my opponent. We threaten him, I told him his friends where still alive, maybe near death but alive. I used  I promised him to let them alive and even rescue his team mates from dying in exchange from his scroll. He comply and we got the Earth scroll. After that I knock him out, I use some sealing jutsus to close the wounds of his teammates and him till they heal completetly. Follow with that we found some jutsu scrolls of chakra strings training for puppeteering, and some sand/earth manipulation jutsu like, earth dome jutsu, earth style: hiding like a mole, earth style: Sand storm, earth style: Sand tornado, and earth style: sand clone. 

Since we had already the both Heaven and Earth scrolls we decided to head to the tower also searching for the ninjas. By the time we got close to the tower I sense we where being followed. It looks like instead of we searching for the they were the ones that were hunting us. I inform to the team and headed to a clearing were they didn"t had that many trees.

Asuma: "You may come out now!!! I know you guys are hiding, I didn"t knew the ninjas where so cowardly!!!" I yell at their direction.

Looks like they got surprised and got out of hiding one behind a tree  another from on top of a branch and the last one got out from some bushes. Captain: "Looks like we won"t be able to surprise attack you, but it fine by me. I would to test your sword skills [Sword Master Asuma]. I really don"t like that they call you like that, especially to a little brat like you who is just a 11 year old brat! You only get all that hype because your dad is the Hokage!! You are just a fraud just like your whole team!" he said in a yelling voice. 2: "Yeah, you all have some flashy nicknames for only being gennin, whats up with [Poison Sword Raido] doesn"t it give away what you are all about. No much of a surprise there." the second musclely ninja said. 3: "Either way you all going to die in the hand of us. The Raikage would indeed give us big benefits if we kill the son of teh 3rd Hokage." he said with a evil smile.

The three ninjas drew out their sword and started to power up. Lighting emaniating from their bodies like in the first time Goku went Super Saiyain with the yellow lighting but the ninjas were using blue/light blue lighting coming out  of their muscles/bodies.

Asuma: "Guys watch out, I don"t think this guys are Gennins at all they are way stronger than even Chunnins, they maybe Elite Jounnin who got here on purpose to kill Konoha ninjas." i said in a serious tone to both Raido and Kusei both putting their guard on. Captain: "Well, well, well, looks like we got a smart one in here. No wonder you got to be 1st in your cla.s.s graduation. That"s indeed right, we already kill some 5 Konoha teams, 2 teams manage to escape but are gravely injured don"t know if they will survive the forest. At least for sure they won"t pa.s.s this 2nd phase thats for sure. Once we done with you we will keep hunting Konoha ninja"s this year their will be no chunnin graduates. Hahahaha." he said amping up his lighting chakra armor till it was visible at least a little all over his body now.

The three ninjas charge up more glowing blue with electric arcs. The immediately surrounded us, Raido, Kusei and me new this was going to be hard so we immeadiately drop our ankle weights and activated our gates of life to speed up our selfs since  lighting armor is reknown for their incredible speed. Our judgment was right since even tough we activate up to 3 gates we barely equal their speeds. This reminded me of Gekko speed when he used the 2nd gate, since he mostly focus on reaction time and speed on his swordsmanship and footwork. When we clash with their blades we got overwhelm because they had even electricity emaniating from their sword leaving us a little numb upon each impact lowering our reaction time.  d.a.m.n, if it wasn"t for the 3 gates we activated we would be in a worst situation since the 3rd gate gave us a small heal boost.

Asuma: "Guys retreat I"ll take them myself, I will use 4th and my technique I was reserving in the for the finals. Genjutsu is useless on them and your poison wont slow down their reaction because of the lighting armor. So try to distract with projectiles and ninjutsu!" I said to both Raido and Kusei.

Raido/Kusei: "Right!"

They retreated while throwing shurinken and kunais running around in odd patterns for the so the ninjas would have a hard time. Captain: "Oh, look at that he thinks he is people. Do you think you can defeat me. I am indeed am impress that you can keep up with us but you and your friends look more lose for wear(tired) to do anything of such stuff." he said while smirking and swinging his giant buster blade toward me.

Asuma: "4th gate of life, Gate of Pain, Wind Owl Chakra Cloak!"  I said has my chakra cloak started to  glowed yellow with feathery texture.

The 4th gate had the chance of causing muscle tissue to tear upon use from the intensity of the speed and strengh granted boosting all my Tai Jutsu skills. I also cover my chakra sword with my wind element chakra and rushed toward the captain. Ready for impact slashing at his sword with mine. The other ninjas where busy chasing Kusei and Raido since they where running fast and using even paper bombs to get away from their persuers while still maintaining a good distance to me if I needed back up. At the last second of him pact I used Body flicker on top of my current techniques. Out of what look from my body 2 more of me appeared shooting out at blured speeds appearing behind both ninja 1 and 2 both of me swinging my sword at both of their neck. After a second they reacted and turn to see their back with a eyes open  they tried to slash me/clones/images but went through them. It wasn"t a genjutsu but a physical illusion because of my speed. The moment they did that my illusions/after images dissappeared and then a flow of blood spill out of their necks. One second later their heads dropping out till they hit the floor with shocked expressions.

At the same time the captain had clashed sword with my sword, this time the electricity didn"t affected me since I was covered on wind elemental chakra.The ninja had a surprise face. Since at the moment of impact my sword was already more than have way cutting his giant buster blade like if it was made of b.u.t.ter. He let his sword go and jumped back while doing some hand signs. Creating a clone beside him then doing another pair one using water stream jutsu while the other one did Eletric circus jutsu fusing them creating thunderstorm stream jutsu aiming at me. I couldn"t waste time so I upped it again till the 5th gate, the gate of limit. Then I used my signature pose of the SwordG.o.d Style and used several "Sonic Blades" about 4 slashes to destroy the jutsu letting him wide open. I follow by using 6 "Sword of Light" 2 cutting in 4 the clone of the ninja and the last 4 slashes aim at both arms and legs of the captain. All of this happened has the only saw 6 lines of light that went through him. Second later notice that he lost his arms and legs and was on the floor bleeding. He wanted to yell for help with a horrorfying look when he turn his head to see that at that exact same moment the head of his comarades were on the floor as their bodies were barely falling.

Asuma: "Looks like its over.Cough!Cough!" I said has I had deactivated my gates and cloak but still took out some sebons and threw them at the captain at acupressure points to stop him from bleeding.

I still needed to extract info, so I threw 2 more sebons to put the ninja in a comatose state. I then used sealing jutsus to completely stop the bleeding of him for sure this time and used the 5 element seal so he won"t have the ability to resist my mind invasion jutsu. Took me about 30 minutes to extract every ninjutsu he knew and if he had any valuable info. Looks like he did indeed killed 5 Konoha teams, their were not people I personally knew but this guys torture them and play with them till death. The ones that manage to escape was Anko"s team and Gekko"s, thanks to Gekko"s speed they had trouble even if they were 3 against his team, Gekko didn"t even doubt he was outmatch so he used gates till 2 at the beggining and then upped till 3 gates and ran with his teammates in hand. Anko look"s like knew summon jutsu already and use her snakes as distractions and use the earth style:Head hunter jutsu to ran away underground which her teammates follow with.

I collected the info and wrote everything about the Lighting Armor Cloak of the Raikage on a scroll and all other jutsus the Captain new, I couldn"t get it from the other two since they were dead. Took me 4hrs to finish transcribing everything, once I finished I beheaded the captain and burn all the bodies with a Great Fireball jutsu. I did stay with the head and seal them in a storage scroll. I don"t know If i can use this for ransom/threatening or if this 3 ninjas had a bounty on their heads. I was also planning on reporting this to my father once the exams were over.

Once I was done I kind of broke down a little. I over strain my body, I barely manage to hold using the 5 gate, Gate of Limit, good thing I only use it for about 4 to 10 sec? I couldn"t measure time I just reacted and move to fast to even count the time. For the next day was pa.s.sed to recover, my chakra reserves were fine and dandy but my body was sore, its been a long time I felt like this. I totally need to learn more about the field of medical ninjutsu, Basic Mystic Palm ain"t going to cut it anymore. I needed faster healing to repair muscle damage and soreness.

Well it was the final day, so we rush it non stop till we reach the tower. When we opened the scroll the one that greeted us was Odneuni, Kokolate"s younger sister. She congragulated us and even flirted with us. She inform us about the 3rd phase was going to be in about 1 day from now so we had only 1 day of rest.



(By: Author, thanks for watching would like your opinions about the chapter.)