Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 22

Minato: " Next fight is Gekko vs Watuu (Mist Ninja)"

Both Gekko and the Mist Ninja shushin to the stage, Gekko with the Leaf"s shusin(bodyflicker) and the Mist Ninja with a poof of mist of course. The moment Minato gave the go signal both took distance as the Mist Ninja release a Water style: Water trumpet similar to the previous ninja and then created 3 Water Clones as a follow up. Gekko doing the same but doing the signature move crossing his hands for the Bushin Kage creating his own 3 clones.

Both send their clones for a frontal attack. When both collided there was a big difference the Water clone only carry 10% percent of the users original strenght when release while the Bushin is an exact copy with the full physical strenght of the user. So when the clones of Gekko slash their swords against the Mist ninjas they got obliterated like if there where not there. The mist Ninja shocked at that started to do some hand signs at fast speeds and  release the Water style: Water Cyclone jutsu, which its like a sidways whirpool tornado thing directed at the enemy or enemies like a type of giant whirlpool beam eveloping and smashing hard sending enemies away and injuring them big time.

The whirlpool hit all of them but the moment he did that he lost sight of the original Gekko who had drop his ankle weights amist the confusion and Shushin right behind the Mist Ninja. Gekko look a little too serious don"t know what was going in his mind but the moment the Mist Ninja felt his presense behind him because of the noise of the splash of water(remember the whole field is splash with water) Gekko did one of Might Gal moves the initiation of the Primary Lotus, by kicking him so hard it sent him flying in the air, follow with Gekko creating 3 more Bushin Kage Clones then all his clones jumped following his target drawing their swords and slashing with no care in the world. Doing several cuts, not deadly ones but painful ones.

Finishing it by using the reverse of his blade using the blunt side and aiming it hard at the joints, like shoulders, knees, elbow"s, wrist"s and ankles. By the time the Mist Ninja droped he was totally broken and in pain. The original Gekko who was still standing on the ground just pointed his sword at the fallen Mist Ninja neck. The clones finally landing and pointing there sword also at the Mist Ninja.

Gekko: "Feel proud to be the first subject to experience my -[Sword MoonLight Style: Painful Red Moon] technique. Cough!" said Gekko with his face with a creepy smile.

Minato: "The winner is Gekko Hayate, you may go now to rest in the benches. Medic"s get here and pick the Mist Ninja he is severely injured."

Some medical ninjas came and took the Mist Ninja in a streacher. The other remaining Mist Ninjas on the stands were keeping a close eye on Gekko since he show how formidable he was. Gekko getting his ankle weights before arriving at the stands and putting them on again.

Two of the Mist Ninjas on the stands were looking at Gekko with blood l.u.s.t, well at least one of them was the other one was a girl giving him curious looks. The other one had his face cover with bandages but had a murderous look, he had some trench knifes on his waist and a Ninja sword on his back, not wearing a shirt but only some bandages up covering his stomach and showing his chest, shoulder and arms while having some white leg warmers on his forearms.

Minato: " Okay lets get this going. Next contestants get in the stage. Uchiha Obito vs Might Gal!"

Obito had a surprised look and then his face showed the you got to be kidding me look I am fighting a girl. Might Gal saw that but just ignored as she jumped from the stand and hero landed on spot standing up slowly all bad a.s.s. Obit got p.i.s.sed she was showing up so he tried to do the same but to fail the landing and rolling to the side.

He was fine but his pride just got hit. Since allot of the still remaining contestant on the benches were laughing at him.

Obito: " You all will see! I will win and later in the future become hokage!" he said has he got up all wet since the field was still pretty much on water everywhere.

Rin: "You can do it Obito! Kick that Might Gal"s a.s.s!" she said cheering on Obito.

I sense some hate look from Rin against Gal. I suspect is because Might Gal is fine looking and is always sticking to Kakashi with her compet.i.tion and eternal rival thing. Jelousy could feel off from her. Obito didn"t pay attention to that and just took it as is. Getting all hyped up.

Obito: "Any last words before I defeat you! Like how I am even better than Kakashi!" he pointed at Might Gal.

Gal: " I admire your pa.s.sion and youth. I will let you show me your skills. But I think you are far apart from Kakashi." she said with a smile br.i.m.m.i.n.g from her face.

Making Obito smile then frown when compared to Kakashi.

Minato: " Okay get in position, on your mark, get set .....Go!" he yelled.

Obito started big doing releasing the Fire Style :Great Fireball Jutsu toward Gal. As Gal let him do his jutsu in her signature pose used by Rock Lee or Neo from the matrix. By the time the Fireball reach Gal she just dissapeared behind Obito and used the Leaf Whirlwind sweeping Obito to the floor. Obito reacting on time doing a cartwheel before falling to the ground and started to throw some shurinken while making distance and doing some hand signs.

Gal just took a kunai out and started deflecting all the shurinken with ease. While she did that Obito had release more shurinken  followed with Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Justsu aim at Gal. Might Gal just literally pick and grab all the shurinken with both her hand like if it was a piece of cake and threw them back smashing against the Phoenix Flower Justsu totally neutralizing the attack.

Then Gal disappeared again an reappear in front of Obito, who was shock at the speed of Gal and did the initiation of the Primary Lotus doing the awesome kick to the chin. Sending Obito flying several meters in the air before falling. It look like Obito got unconscience with the kick alone and Gal knew it so she stop there. Obito it the floor, not much to say. Rin was scared that Obito got seriously hurt and also had a mad face since Gal injure her teammate.

Minato: "The winner Might Gal!!! Medics pick him up and sent him to recovery." he said with a look like he was expecting this already.

Might Gal got back to the benches to see the others fights. I saw Rin yelling to Gal about being to rough. Might Gal just gave a smile never leaving her face and said something that looks like shut her up, something related to Kakashi.

Minato: " Alright! Next is going to be Rin vs Flora!"

Both Rin stopped arguing with Gal since she got called out. She used the stairs to get to the stage. Nothing flashy as Flora did the same after Rin. Both got in position they didn"t did any type of talk or bickering. When Minato gave the go signal both started with releasing a flurry of shurinken but Floras shurinken were thrown in intricate patterns bouncing of the enemies shurinken and even curving mid ways attacking from different angles like if they were alive homing at Rin hitting her on her body but Rin did a half tiger sign and shushin some meters back away escaping becoming a porcupine of shurikens.

 Still some hit her so she made distance and remove the shuriken she had. Flora follow it with doing some similar hand signs to the Chidori, but actually was the Lighting Style: Electro Palm Strike. Her hand emitting some electricity and grabing a kunai which then also conducted the electricity. I was deemed impress since I just gave her that justsu at the beginning of the first phase of the exam and only 6 days have pa.s.s and she could pull it decently.

 Flora then rushed to Rin that for some reason she slowed. Her reaction was not fast enought and got striked on her chest with a Electro Palm Strike. Sending her flying some meters back rolling on the floor  getting all wet because of the water on the field. She or try to stand slowly but her body was not responding well. Looks like Flora used slow inducing paralyzing poison on her shurinken and with the combination of the Electro Palm she was feeling the effects much faster.

Realizing this Rin took out some vial from her back pouch and drank them like vodka shots. Then follow with a syringe with some yellow liquid. She injected it directly to her leg in a stabbing motion. That shocked Flora a little since the syringe was pretty big. Then Rin"s eyes dilated big time and she immediately stand up rushing at flora with a closed fist. Punching her at fast speeds like in a boxing match all to Flora"s face finishing it with right cross sending her flying back skidding across the waters floor.

 Flora by some miracle manage to stand up all bruised up. She did some fast hand signs and created about 5 water clones from the surrounding water. All aiming shurinkens at Rin in weird patterns like homing missiles. Rin used her chakra scapels to redirect or block some of them put still got hit, still capable of protecting her vital areas. But it look like that was a diversion since th clones also including Flora did the hand singns of Electro Palm and all smash it directly to the watered floor trasmitting the Lighting to the surroundings Electrocuting Rin constantly. Till you see some smoke/steam being release from Rin. Followed by her fall to the floor.

Minato: "The winner! Flora! Medic!!!! We need you now!!! we got a seriously injured patient here." he said has he gently pick up Rin and pa.s.s it to the medic ninjas.

If anything everyone was shock how things went. The other Mist Ninjas had a worried look since Lighting is dangerous in water enviroments. So now they were keeping a eye on Flora as she got to the benches crying for her face was all banged up and bruise. I was impress she used 2 of the ninjutsu I gave here on the fight. Looks like her fuerte was Shurinken Jutsu and needed ninjutsu to complement her fighting style that why she was mad her teacher didn"t teach them anything.


(By:Author, hope you like it. Would like your opinions about the chapter. They are still more fights to come.)