Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 24

Minato: "Next match is Kusei Yuhi vs Aquilo(Hidden Waterfall ninja)

When their names were call the Aquilo sushin into the stage leaving some mist around him as it disperse. For Kusei he vanished in a type of ripple and then a.s.sembling himself back as the ripple appear in front of both Minato and Aquilo. Ready in position with his hand on sword ready to draw at the moment they gave the go signal, with his hypnotizing bright red eyes.(remember he is the genderbend of Kurenai still with the same kind of similar looks, for reals Kurenais eyes are crimson red bright.)

Minato: " Okay this match should start. Are you guys ready?"

Kusei: "Ready!"

Aquilo: " I am ready" he said has he got his hand on a sort tanto that he had on his waist.

Minato: "Alright, Start!!!" he yelled as the Aquilo charge/dash toward Kusei.

Kusei in kind return his gesture also dashing forward against Aquilo clashing . Kusei"s sword against Aquilo"s tanto. As expected of Kusei overwhelming Aquilo sending him flying backwards after the clash. Aquilo was wide opened and as his tanto flew away from his grasp. Now with a more information on Kusei, Aquilo decided to not confront in close combat and started to throw sebons to him at high speeds. Looks like they were coated with poison. The sebons just pa.s.s through the body of Kusei as if he was not even there but Kusei shushin in front of Aquilo in his warped style and slash Aquilo verticaly from top right to bottom left. Leaving a big slash across Aquilo"s chest.

Aquilo manage to react by jumpinG, retreating backwards and started to do hand signs.

Aquilo: " Water Style: Water Trumpet(he relased followed with).....Water style: Whirlpool floors." he exclaimed.

Since the floor was about 5 to 7 inch deep on water. This justsu created makeshift whirlpools every where on the field all rotating in different direction making it hard to tread around. Even as Kusei jumped to not get out of balance using chakra to try to stand on top of the water he couldn"t get a holding correctly since the waters where turbulent an rotating. The only place without whirpools was were Aquilo was standing and he was preparing already a new jutsu as he was weaving hand signs at fast speeds.

Aquilo: " Water style: Water Cyclone!!!" he release a stream horizontal water tornado whirlpool aim at the poor unbalanced Kusei.

Kusei was smashed by the jutsu till he hit the wall. Kusei was spilling blood from both his mouth and nose. The Waterfall Ninja had a happy look thinking he had won.

Aquilo: "You better give up if you want to leave my next jutsu will indeed kill you!!" he threatend.

Kusei: "What are you talking about? Cough! Cough!(spilling more blood from his mouth) The one that already lost is you." he said smiling.

While Kusei clean his mouth, something happened. Kusei was disintegrating similar to how the characters of Final Fantasy VII or FFX die, a better example how the SAO characters die just desintegrated with colorful beautiful crystals pixels stuff.

Aquilo got shock at what happened including everyone on the stands.(except for me who saw what actually happened.) Then the sense of pain kick in and Aquilo scream noticing he was missing his right hand and was bleeding. He wanted to move but a sword was up his neck with Kusei behind him.

Kusei: "Checkmate, point and victory." he said with a threatening smile.

Aquilo: "How!? " he was confused.

Kusei: "Genjutsu." he whispered next to Aquilo hear.

Aquilo: " I.....I.....I.....I give up!!!!" he said with a horrified look searching for his fallen hand since there was a chance to still reattach his limb.

Minato:" The winner Kusei Yuhi!!! Medics we got here a injured one take him to the recovery area." he said well impress by both contestants.

The Hidden Waterfall ninja was taken away escorted by a medic ninja taking his cut/chopped hand with him. Kusei desintegrated again on his spot and rea.s.semble  again like magic on the stands.

Well, let me explain some things that happened of what I saw with my [SS]. When the sebons went through Kusei"s body was actually an illusion as Kusei was rushing to Aquilo running actually in zig zag patterns the sebons actually never hit him missing him by big margin. The moment Aquilo unleash the whirlpools on the floor Kusei created a illusion were he got caught on it has he sushin(bodyflickered) just behind Aquilo and chopping his right hand with a slash removing Aquilo"s hand. And whenever he warped/desintegrated he was just using basic genjutsu while shushin(bodyflicker) to the desired location using again genjutsu to look like he warped/reconstructed himself back on one piece.

Minato: "Okay, next contestants are Hyuga Po vs Zerucho(Mist Ninja)!!" he said in audible voice.

The mist ninja just shushin his way to the arena. He looked quiet happy since the field had plenty of water for water jutsus. Zerucho had a type of blade weapon known as a "Machete" in mexican culture, usually used as a gardening tool, is a really good weapon/tool for chopping moves.

Po jumped from the stands to the arena falling gracefully and lightly for such a big frame belly fellow. Po was wearing the usual clans attire similar to Neji Hyuga clothing style with bandagages on both arms and legs.His Tai chi swords hanging on his back at waist level. Po had his head band on his shirt has a plate armor protecting his chest heart area. and his hair he had it tied in a ponytail his hair reachin to his middle back.

Zerucho: "The f.u.c.k I am fighting a Fat Hyuga?! Doesn"t the Hyuga excel at their eye technique and their Tai Jutsu. Looks like this is going to be easy since this one looks like he been missing training.Muahahahah!" he said while laughing.

Po: " You will regret saying those words. You will experience my level of Tai Justsu via this two swords." he said as he draw out both of his Tai chi swords in each hand and got in a 2 sword style positioning.

Zerucho: " I thought the Hyuga fighted bare handed. What are you not a Hyuga. Oh well I will totally floor you!" he said still laughing.

Po: "Well I am a Hyuga but I have taken the path of the sword as my mayor. I have not dismiss my Hyuga style techniques." he said back not getting mad at Zerucho"s laughing.

Minato: "Okay... partic.i.p.ants ready!!....Go!!!!" he yelled.

Zerucho started with hand signs and released a water style jutsu creating 5 water clones all in hand with their machetes. All the clones including Zerucho dash and surronded Po in all directions then dashing/jumping at Po with their machetes some slashing some choping. While Zerucho was doing hand signs doing the signature move of "Hidden Mist Jutsu" covering the field in thick mist making everyone having a hard time seeing what was happening in the field. Me being a sensor ninja knew what was happening behind the mist though. After Zerucho did that Po reacted by activating his Byakugan without any hand signs. Fighting all the clones by parrying all their attacks. Zerucho was moving a a place farther away as i sense his presence then started a water style: Tidal Wave. Raising allot of water smashing at the direction at his clones and Po. All of them got wash away but new water clones were created next to Po grabing him, tackling him trying to immobilize him. While Zerucho shushin  close to Po and unleash a Water Style: Water Prison jutsu capturing Po.  The mist disperse so we could see his captured waiting for him to be proclaim the winner. But suddenly the place where Po was started to glow bright chakra blue.(looks like he was releasing allot of chakra from all his tenketsu points. Po managing to break away the prison has he spin at high speed like a Beyblade, lifting the water and creating a tornado around him then directing while still spining with his swords like a human spining top towards Zerucho.  Zerucho couldn"t block the attack since he got suck up into the tornado getting lifted in a spiral form getting cut everywhere then the tornado started to turn slightly red. The Tornado stop and Zerucho drop from the skies all bloodied by the time he fall a pool of blood was on his spot.

Minato: "The winner Po!!! Medic"s stat we got a bleeder here."

Medic ninjas got there fast and wrap Zerucho with bandages. Lifting him up and taking him to the medical facilities. Allot of the mist ninjas where shock at the destruction unleash by Po. It was like if they where fighting one of the sword man of the mist.(i remember there is a twin set sword that uses tornados and thunder storms) Which Po remind it to them, Zabuza had which I finally recognize was emaniating blood l.u.s.t and excitement. Mei Terumi was shock since it did look like Po could maybe match one of their Mist Swordman. Their was allot of hush,hush discussions till Po got back on the benches everyone just went quiet.

Minato: "Next match....Uchiha Alvin vs Ebisu!!!!!"

Ebisu picking his up to ajust them better on his face with his left hand. He got up and jumped to the arena, using the Strong Fist stance. Alvin followed and did the same he jumped landed on his spot and used the same pose.

Ebisu: " I know Uchiha are known to be elite shin.o.bis but all the Uchiha so far have fail on their fights. This proves that if you train hard enough even genius like the people of your clan can fall." he said in a serious tone.

Alvin: "I agree. You are right." he said straight forward.

Ebisu: " do? You are not mad at my insults?!"

Alvin: "When somebody is right, why even discuss it. The thing you said makes sense and I am going to prove that I do put the effort and hard work. So the outcome of today will be you losing to me a combination of hard work and talent. Maybe not a genius but at least I am talented." he said with a smile.

Ebisu: "Humpt!!!!We will see about that!!!" he said in a annoyed tone.

I notice Ebisu actually look a little buff. He must been training with Migth Gal, since I noticed also some admiration/love looks he gives to Gal. He must be trying hard to be recognized by her and win her affection. Bad luck, since it looks like she only has eyes for Kakashi.

Minato: "Get set, ready.....Go!!!" he yelled giving the go sign.

Ebisu shushin behind Alvin at incredible speed and unleash a Leaf Hurricane kick, sending Alvin away has the kick conected. Or at least that what it look like. Alvin actually reacted half a sec and turn and jumped backwards diminishing the damage taken. Alvin slide through the floor he flipped and stand fast and he also shushin in front of Ebisu. Alvin unleash his own Leaf hurricane kick but Ebisu block the attack mid way cutting the momentum in half. Ebisu grabbing his leg he spin at fast speed and threw Alvin into the wall of the arena. Alvin smash into the wall but looks like the damage wasn"t much. Alvin just stood up and started warming up his neck by moving his head from side to side. Ebisu got p.i.s.sed since he noticed that most of the damage was disperse upon impact. It looked like Alvin was using his sharingan and was predicting Ebisu"s moves following the flow to minimize the damage.

Ebisu:" d.a.m.n...d.a.m.n...d.a.m.n sharingan." he said with hate full looks.

Ebisu then did the iconic pose Rock Lee did while removing his ankle weights. At the moment of impact the ground shook of how heavy his weight were. This shock everyone including some of the Konoha members. Alvin didn"t look shock since it was more like he was expecting it since he had a smile on his face.

Ebisu: "Lets see if your sharingan can see my moves now!" he said as he did the regular shadow clone technique creating 2 clones beside him.

Alvin: " I am waiting" he said smiling.

Alvin took finally his sword out did a half tiger hand sign and then ran his left hand around his sword, igniting his sword on fire. Alvin now had a fire sword in hand.

Ebisu rush at fast speed toward Alvin with his clones beside him. Alvin manage to slash his flame sword to the clones but at the same moment Ebisu speed up more again.(looks like he activated the 1st gate) Ebisu appear literally about 1 to 3 inches away doing the signature kick to Alvin"s chin sending him flying in the air. Ebisu didn"t waste time he created 2 clones again as he jumped behind Alvin in mid air doing the Leaf Shadow technique, before wrapping Alvin with bandages he had on his left arm. Upon wrapping Alvin completely he straight bomb Alvin head first to the ground. When everything was over he notice the one that was in the ground was not Alvin but it was one of Ebisu"s clones. Looks like Alvin used the subst.i.tution jutsu and the closest thing was one of Ebisu clones to switch out with.

Ebisu look extremely tired and knew for sure he was screwed. Alvin shushin and finished off Ebisu with a Leaf Hurricane kick. Sending Ebisu flying and knocking him out.

Minato: "The winner is Alvin Uchiha!!"

The medical ninjas arrived and carried Ebisu in a streacher. Every one from Konoha was impress at Ebisu"s improvements since he didn"t make much impact in the academy. Looks like he put effort on training.

Minato: "Next fight.....Contestants!!!!! Asuma vs ???"


(By:Author, thanks for watching would love your opinions about the chapters. Did you enjoy the outcome of the fights?)