Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 27

I finally finished with training under Minato. I moved on to summoning training and finally meet with my summoning which look exactly like Emna but he had all his fur white and his eye color was crimson red, he was the younger twin and he also was born albino. His name was Uloong and he didn"t wear a samurai armor like Enma but a type of Karate white/greyish worn out dougi similar to Ryu"s from Street Fighter with a black belt. We got to know each other by following a ceremony known as Combat. Uloong said that was the best way to know each other since we were going to be fighting brothers/blood brothers from now on. The way that Uloong fight was similar to traditional Karate, so it was easy to read him. He got surprised since n.o.body had fought him and manage to see through him that easily.

After the combat we had I asked him questions of what he was capable of doing. This is what he told me he could do, he could turn into a Adamantium Saber that could change sizes to small to giant or just to extend his blade several meters long. He could also decide the density and weight of the weapon however he wanted, and he was sentient while being a weapon similar to Enma in his Staff form. He could use all elemental ninjutsus but at the moment he didn"t had a repeirtore of techniques but just some simple ones of each element he use in his daily life like, Fireball, Water Stream,Wind Palm, Electro Finger(which he uses to prank),Earth Pit, Transformation(uses both Yin/Yang elements which allows a permanent real transformation till he uses it again to return to his previous appearance, basically not being capable to be seen through with eyes similar to Sharingan/Byakugan since is a real transformation).

Uloong also told me he had a natural disposition of sensing chakra of other individuals and on how they mold it. Meaning he could literally learn anything by just seeing it once.(Similar to Sharingan), he said Enma didn"t had this disposition which he call it [Monkey see Monkey do] which he consider his own natural talent.

While in Saber mode he had the ability to absorb chakra(Similar to Samehada) capable of enhancing/replenishing the users chakra.

 He also had a move were if I reach sage mode and was capable of using sage chakra, which I discovered I was not capable of using, which I thought I did with my Tai chi but he told me all I was doing was using Nature chakra, and Sage Chakra was a combination of my chakra fused with Nature chakra making Sage Chakra.

 Which he was shocked I could directly just use Nature chakra an not turn into stone. The move was known as Sealing Slash, which used Sage Chakra and the Saber as a medium with some inscriptions that appear to be on the Saber to seal all the chakra of an opponent. There was even a second stage which was known as the All Devouring Saber Slash, which could permanently remove chakra from an individual without killing him and sealing all that chakra inside the Saber/Uloong capable of taking it has his own power.

I was curious if the Monkeys Sage mode was different, since I never seen my dad or even heard stories about it. Uloong explain to me that Monkey Sage mode exists but n.o.body but one person manage to accomplish it. He didn"t remember the person"s name since it was long ago, and he most likely already perish but the requirements for Monkey Sage mode was pretty hard.

Some of the requirements for the Monkey Sage:

*the user has to be very strong physically

*the user has to have great chakra control(medical nin level)

*the user has to have a large amount of chakra, with high quality

*the user has to learn the monkey way of life(be ambidextrous u0026 have great control on the body, able to grab things with his feet like hands...learn the Monkey Kata"s ( Monkey Kung-fu), live with monkeys u0026 learn their habits)

*the user must have high mastery over all five elements.

Uloong said that I was still to green to learn Sage Mode but at least I had a chance compared to somebody who was old like my father who was already past his prime. If I wanted to learn it I needed this requirements, specially the being capable of mastering the 5 elements first, since he said I had enough quality chakra to start the training which could take us some years to accomplish.

He didn"t wanted to give me more information of how the Monkey Sage was since I didn"t qualify for the training at the moment and that curiosity was good to keep me motivated to find out more about it after I reach the training requirements.

Uloong"s chakra levels at first sight felt like he was about at least 3 High Kage level ninjas, I really couldn"t know if that was all the power Uloong posses since he looked buffer than Enma and look like he like to train his body.

Thanks to the information that Uloong told me I gave him my idea for training with him. First I started with showing him the Kage Bushin no Jutsu to speed up training at max efficiency level. Seeing it and informing him how to use it to learn faster he was super hyped up. After that I pa.s.sed a whole week with only 4 hours to sleep daily training with Uloong teaching him all the Ninjutsu"s, Tai Jutsus and Genjutsu I knew, not hiding at all even the techniques from ninjas I haven"t met yet but knew from the Naruto anime.

 I also pa.s.sed all the sword techniques I knew to Uloong which he took with a big smile since he loved the way of the swords/bladed weapons. So Uloong now had Sword G.o.d, Water G.o.d, MoonLight (Gekko sword style), Crimson Star (Kusei sword style), Uzhiokagure Sword(learn from Kushina), Uchiha Counter Sword(learn from Alvin), and the new developed North G.o.d style based on a fusion of all the other styles.

Thanks to Bushin Kage we were multi tasking. We created about 100 clones for training on each of the elemental chakra transformations. The first thing I focus for Uloong to learn after the sword techniques was on the Raikages Lighting Armor to make Uloong stronger than the Raikage since his chakra levels was above High Kage already and he had a stronger body to support the technique and surpa.s.s even the original technique by fusing it with Chidori stream armor. Making it look like Uloong turned into a Super Saiyan. I could"t train the technique at least for now since I was to young and the technique was more efficient for those who were Lighting affinity like Kakashi. I could train the first stage of Ligthing Armor which stimulated my senses and reflex nervous system synapse at increadible speeds. The second stage nourished, train the muscles constantly making you buff fast and define, thats why most ninjas look like Beef Cakes.... lol, you get it, like Body Builders giving you even more physical strength and defense. The last stage of the Lighting Release Armor is the Blue electric aura that gives you increadible increase in defense capable of cutting most attacks toward you by more than half or totally nullifying the damage, making it an awesome jutsu no wonder is a S-rank technique.

While training with Uloong, I discovered that Uloong indeed could do anything even imitate Elemental Bloodline Limits! He managed to copy and use all of my created Ice Release jutsus. Apparently since he had good affinity to all the elements he just needed to see a demostration of how to fuse the elements since he never thought of doing it. Uloong now could do the Demonic  Crystal Ice Mirrors, Demonic BlackSword domain(which is the same has Ice Mirrors but are black swords with seals because it has gunpowder in the inside of the swords which are made of ice, later capable to explode like defragmented grenades at my will thanks to the seals on them), Aurora Borealis, Diamond Dust/Rain/Storm, Ice Breath, Ice Fist and my Ice Release: SnowFlake Katana.

We also had to cover up studies like poisons, medicines and seals. I tried my best to make sure Uloong could learn everything for seals since this was rare knowledge now a days. He knowing it would be great for the future summoners, we don"t know how much ninjutsu, techniques will be lost in the future. For this kind of studies me and Uloong focus like crazy, me as his tutor and he like a student. We created about 500 clones for this everyone covering a different area based on seals. I did this about the last 3 days of training of the second week. So we spent about 24,000 hours in 3 days which comes to be about 1,000 days of training. Which is about 2 years, 2 months and 14 days of training all crammed up in 3 days.(remember I train 16 hrs a day time the 500 clones for 3 days).

Both Uloong and me were wasted big time by the end of the week. So we decided he would review all the material at his own pace. I was going to rest for a week and then start training again to try to develop my own new techniques I been thinking for a while. So by the third week I literally was only lazing around the house just drinking tea, reading some ero novels that my old man was hiding from mom and when I manage to caught my dad Hiruzen I played him some shogi games since every one of my friends were busy training for the finals. My dad was concern since it look like I was dead tired. I told the truth and said I had been abusing the Bushin Kage in the past 2 weeks and my mind and spirit were tired as h.e.l.l. So I was taking this week as a vacation. He was amazed since he never before seen me chill out and just laze around the house before but understand why I was like this at the moment.

Dad told me he had done some stuff and also inform me about that there was a Kunoichi that was looking for asylum in Konoha. Upon thinking it he and my mom decided that they never been seeing me interest on girls and was to focus on training, so they decided to make a arrange marriage for the future. This took me by surprise, since I was not expecting it. Dad told me my mom love the appearance and personality of Lluvia which I remember from the 3rd preliminary exams. He told me what I thought about her. I did not denied she was pretty much my preference but I was not thinking about any type of relationship at the moment. He said it was okay and he set it up for her to be my fiance becoming a Sarutobi. This was killing 2 birds, he said since my mom was nagging him about me having a girlfriend and wanting to have grand children while she was still young and also giving the right to make Lluvia a Konoha citizen. (Much to me having mother issues, I really don"t like dissapointing her).

Looks like dad was going to announce it after the Chunnin exams in my next birthday party which I will becoming 12 years old.



(By: Author, thanks for reading, hope you like the chapter, write you opinions about the chapter, don"t need thanks for the chapter but actual opinions and if you like the hype.)