Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 30

I slept a little more than normal but still woke up around 7am in the morning. I usually sleep only with a pair of boxer shorts or boxers with shorts and a t-shirt. I really don"t do pajamas and never did even in my past life. I stand up notice that most likely the reason I slept more than normal was because well, I was high yesterday and at the moment I had a giant appet.i.te or at least it felt more than usual. Well I removed my dirty clothes and went to the shower, I relax there for about 30 minutes that"s usually the most I take when taking one, if I was fast I would take 10 minutes but I was just enjoying the sensation of water on my body.

Upon getting out and drying, I got myself my ninja attire, which was the blue collar white shirt with the white vest, white belt and my black pants with my chain mail underneath with my side pockets for my kunais, shurikens, scrolls , etc. I also had a 2 side bags on my belt with some snacks. You heard me snacks. I manage to get myself some of my sensei Mr.Kokolate special deluxe S.N.I.C.K.E.R.S.-Bar which could recover me if I expended all my chakra. Letting me recover and even boost it up to 3 times my normal levels. I saved it for these finals since I wanted to show off and I needed an excuse of why I could pull off some crazy jutsus that could be consider expensive in the chakra scale.

I would after all be showing some of my own Ice Release jutsus today and people will find out that I am an (Elemental Blood Line Limit). To make my Ice Release Original and not similar to the Yuki Clan technique I have mixed my families Ash Piling technique to my ice. Turning my Ice Obsidian Black with a glossy finish.  So any one seeing it from afar would think my jutsus are earth related but if they felt the temperature drop they would realize is actually just Black Ice. The extra benefit of my Ash Piling tech added to the Ice Release is that I can remote control explode it as defragmented grenades. Specially with my new [Demonic Sword Domain] where I imitated Demonic Ice mirrors but with black ice flying swords,  with the benefit to attack at my will and at the same time use the sword like the demonic ice mirrors and teleport(move at insane speed) in mid-air between them, with the bonus of exploding them whenever I wanted. This was one of the techniques I was most proud off at the moment. I was not planning on using the [ThunderG.o.d], [Rasengan], [Lightning Armor], since I wanted that to be more like just back-ups and after all those would be consider (stolen techniques) like with Goku against Cell fight, where he mentions Goku stole all his techniques.(well at least in the DBZ:Abridged it was mention and it make allot of sense). I needed to be recognized by my own original moves, I wanted to be known as a Swordsman with his own techniques.

Well enough my mom had woken up early so did my father since both were sitting on the table with a giant morning breakfast. It looked like my dad was about to finish his food when I came in.

Hiruzen: "Well who just woke up, this is the first time I have seen you wake up this late. You do know that the finals are going to be about 1:00 pm. I thought you would be all hyped up and nervous and maybe not even have a blink of sleep tonight." He told me while finishing his last bite of his plate.

Asuma: "Well dad, who do you think is responsible for me to sleep so well? " I said in a sarcastic tone.

Hiruzen:" Ahem!!! Look at the time I got Hokage things to do!!! I am running a little late. Go to go since we doing the preparations for the finals." He said in a hurry drinking his orange juice in one gulp and then leaving out the door within seconds.

Biwako:" So son are you hungry? I totally would believe it since you only ate snacks yesterday but no good decent meal." She said with a disappointed look.

Asuma: "Hai! I am famished, my stomach been growling since I woke up. So what do we have here this morning mom?" I said curiously.

Biwako: " Well today we got sausages, eggs, some rice flavored in chicken soup, some pancakes with maple syrup and your favorite Uloong Tea, and don"t worry I made about a gallon of it. I know how you drink your tea like it was water." She said smiling at me, while looking at me curiously.

Asuma: "Mom do I got something on my face?" I said while touching it with my hands.

Biwako: "Have you not been told by your dad about your future engagement? Are you not curious? Did your dad not told you who it is?" she said while still looking at me.

Asuma: "Mom! I did got inform, but at the moment my priorities is to pa.s.s the Chunnin exams. Don"t worry mom, I am not against the engagement, I saw that girl in the exams and she is good looking, you and dad have great taste!" I said with a smile and enthusiasm as I raise my hand and gave her a thumbs up with a shining toothy grin like how Might Duy show us most of the time.

My mom laughs at my response and told me where I learn to act like that, with such confidence. I told her I learn it from a friend"s dad who was a really enthusiastic person. She said that was good and all but I shouldn"t imitate such people since I looked like a clown. That made me anguish thinking that indeed Might Duy enthusiasm was infectious and was affecting me indirectly, but having confidence and positivity is good so I didn"t mind my mom"s remarks.

She inform me that my future fiancé Lluvia was leaving nearby in one of the Sarutobi"s housing compounds not far from here and she and my ex -maid Nanako been visiting her to keep her company, She didn"t told me allot of what they been doing in the past month since she was also training for the exams and well she wanted to keep it confidential. I understood her and leave it at that, after that we talk about what happened yesterday telling me it was too early for me to start smoking. I got about 30 minutes of nagging, (no wonder dad left fast) while I was eating, me only nodding at her as a confirmation of me listening. Well looks like I will have to wait about 3 to 4 more years when I am consider a type of adult by then. Doesn"t mean I would not do it, I may try to sneak maybe one or two once in a month, if I get to have some of my dad"s stash that is.

It was still pretty far off since it was about 30 minutes to 9:00am and I needed to be on the finals training grounds arena about 1 hour early so I needed to be there by 12am. Since I still had about 2 hours before heading to the finals training grounds I decided to walk around Konoha, really most to the time I always had a goal, or location I needed to go. I was pretty straight forward getting from point A to point B, ignoring the surroundings, unless I needed too. So I was just doing a relaxing walk around the town for the first time without an actual goal. Thanks to that I noticed for the first time the "Ichiraku Ramen Shop" I knew it was popular on the Naruto series, been too busy training and the only spot I knew was the Akimichi"s all you can eat buffet BBQ. Every time I ate ramen here was only when Kushina invited us but I would forget the location since I was always guided and just didn"t memorize the route(even with my SS, If you don"t see it you can totally ignore, that"s how my mind works)This place was such a iconic area, I had to try out their ramen again. Even if I already ate allot at home, one bowl of ramen couldn"t hurt.

When I approach I noticed it was supper busy, wondering If I would even manage to get myself a bowl before I needed to go. Looks like there was more people than usual now that I think about it. Must be because of all the traveling merchants, lords, and influential people who will be attending the exams to watch the matches.  This was a opportunity to bring tourism to Konoha and make money flow to the businesses. Also don"t forget about the backdoor bets made for the fights. So I was a little extra cautious since I didn"t wanted to be jumped before the exams. There are always dirty people trying to get their way on the bets.

I had to wait for about a hour before I even manage to get close to order. Looks like Teuchi looks young and I see no Ayame still, but I did see another lady working and helping Teuchi in the orders. Maybe she is the future wife of Teuchi and bearer, mother of Ayame who later takes her position on helping her father. I ordered a Miso Soup Ramen with 2 eggs, I remember Naruto love it and I wanted to taste some of it, every time I came with Kushina, Raido, and Kusei I would order the beef flavor ramen with extra meat. I love it but because of that I never tried the Miso Soup Ramen with eggs.

The bowls here in Ichiraku Ramen were big, just one bowl would be like 4, so sadly I couldn"t finished it. I ask if I could have it to go, they did had some special bowls to for their expansion on the future, since they were thinking to be able to deliver for take outs within village to a.s.sist the ninjas who keep guard on the gates similar posts. They wanted to contribute to the village like that, so by the next 3 months they would be ready for take-out delivery.  So the plate bowl I had was a prototype, in a way. I took it and save it in a sealing scroll. This got me Teuchi attention and told me how I did that and if that was possible for me to pa.s.s it to him for his business. I told him what it was and that it was mostly used by only a few since it was hard to learn seals, so I had to shut down his thought. He had a regrettable face but recover quickly, after that I said good bye as I headed to the final training ground arena.

While traveling around town taking the long path, if you caught my drift. I sense that someone was following me. Thanks to my sensing I notice who it was. Looks like Lluvia was stalking his future prospect. I play along as if I just was taking a stroll and arrived at my destination. She having no more options to keep stalking just walk behind me some meters apart making it look like she also just barely arrive. Lluvia was not wearing her usual attire since the last time I saw her on the preliminaries. She now was wearing a light blue dress, she still had her 3 umbrellas on her back, but she didn"t carry one on her hands anymore. She also was a little less covered; she used to wear a type of cap before now she was showing her glossy blue hair.

One thing that caught my attention is that she no longer had her Kirikagure head band. She was now wearing the Konoha headband hanging around her neck emphasizing her bosoms. She was a growing lady that"s for sure. Looks like mom told me she was 3 years older than me at the moment because I haven"t had my birthday yet. If not she would be about 2 years older. So she was 14 years old, I was amazed at that fact since her bosom was really prominent already. Is she kept growing like this….oof…oooff…oooff. I don"t know how I would keep my hands off in the future.

At arrival the other contestants were all mostly there already. Well mostly the ninjas from the other villages were there. I saw Baki, Karen, Mei Terumi, Flora, Ibiki, Alvin Uchiha, Might Gal, Po Hyuga, I did not see neither Gekko nor Kusei yet, they might be arriving late. Maybe they will arrive together last minute. Might Gal was doing some push-ups, everyone not from the village looking at her weird, including Lluvia since she didn"t knew her. Po Hyuga was eating some chips like if he was Choji, Alvin Uchiha was sharpening his blade with a grinding stone he had on hand. Ibiki just look like he was counting his shurinken and kunai"s. Flora was doing the same as Ibiki like if they were bragging their collection. Baki only was sitting on a chair watching us while Mei Terumi was reclining herself to a wall with cross arms also looking at our group. Karen was next to Baki nagging about food, and why they didn"t stop at a post before coming, she was eating some dry rations from her pockets. Not 15 minutes later both Gekko and Kusei came together eating some dango, which they had plenty on hand. Looks like they had a food stop no wonder they came late. With so many people today they must have waited allot.

We still had about a hour before they start announcing us to go to the stage. There was already allot of people on the public stands and was pretty much getting full. Looks like the finals will start with Flora and Ibiki.

I saw the Minato enter to the contestant booth were we resided. He told us to get ready since it was about time. The he shushin out leaving some leafs behind.


(By:Author, I know this episode fills more like a filler….sorry….I am at work and manage to type this at the moment. Would love your opinion about Asuma and his family interactions.)