Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 31

The place of the finals, how do I say it, it was similar to the arena in the future where Naruto and Neji fought but I notice they had more trees in the edges of the arena. They also had some boulders from medium size to some giant ones on the field. Something similar to the gym of Brock from pokemon, if you saw the cartoon. The middle of the stage thought was plain open field. The giant Ram hand sign symbol made by giant stone statue hands was still in the same place as in the show but it looks more brand new. Since it looks like they just installed that decoration this year since it doesn"t look it has been here before.

Looks like in the podium of the Hokage were he resided to watch the matches, there was some visitors, like the 3rd Kazekage which he look like a Uchiha to me, he had allot of style. The Third Kazekage was a tall man of fair complexion. He had short mess dark-blue hair and narrow yellow eyes. He wore the normal Kazekage attire minus the Kage hat plus a flowing ankle-length white cape. The Kazekage had a very stoic face. The other visitor who was on the Hokage"s podium was a  tall man with black sclerae, no visible pupils, and long, black hair which reached down to his back with what appeared to be pearl-shaped objects encircling his head. He wore the standard Kirigakure attire complete with pinstriped arm and leg-guards over which he wore a sleeveless haori with ragged ends and a poncho-like scarf around his neck, I he had also the Kage hat with the symbol of water on it. So I a.s.sume he was the 3rd Mizukage at the moment.

They were here invited since they had partic.i.p.ant"s shin.o.bis from their village here which made it to the final exams.

Looks like the proctor for this exam was not Minato, but some one that look like a young adult version of  Shikamaru. He gave the vibe of the Nara clan, if I remember he was the head or is the successor to be the head of the Nara clan. Wow, now I remember he must be most likely the dad of Shikamaru, but at the moment he looks real young. I don"t think he is married yet since I don"t see a ring on his hand then again they are known for being lazy. Maybe he is married already but hasn"t decided to have kids at the moment.

Nara Clan Ninja: "h.e.l.lo everyone and thanks for coming to Konoha"s  Chunnin final exams! Today will be having some matches of the most outstanding shin.o.bis of this year who partic.i.p.ated and manage to reach this finals. My name is Shikaku Nara and I will be your host and referee of this matches today. I hope you all enjoy your stay in Konoha while being here. The matches will start in 30 minutes from now, so if you need to go get snacks at the stands inside or need to have a relief in the restroom please take your time.

He explains about the contestants, about the festival for and stands that where set up after the finals so people could have a fun time, and finally also gave out the names of the first match, who was Flora and Ibiki. He also said there was going to be 30 minute breaks between fights so visitors could get more refreshment, relief themselves or place bets since they integrated a betting booth for those that like gambling. Wow, I got to admit this feels more like a festival than a actual chunnin exams, looks like they put allot of thought about it to make money flow to the businesses and attract the attention to future employers.

After the explanations I notice Flora started getting sweaty, looks like after all the exposition from Shukaku, made her nervous now that there was allot of public watching the matches compared to the preliminaries where only some Chunnins and other contestants were watching.

Shikaku: "Okay the time is up….We will start the first match…Please partic.i.p.ants come in to the stage!!" he said out load but in a calm tone.

Flora was still nervous when she heard Shikaku, she didn"t responded till Ibiki next to her by hitting his shoulder next to her has he pa.s.sed by waking her up. She gave a nod to Ibiki and follows him to the arena. Looks like Ibiki was unfazed by the crowd and watchful eyes, he had a focus unperturbed mind. So both finally got in their positions on the field as both were watching each other. Flora was using her usual attire she wore from the beginning of the Chunnin exams but Ibiki change his attire wearing a big trench coat and some black thick gloves, which I suspected where made of rubber. He also now wear a bandana head band on his head covering his hair and he also was wearing some black rubber combat boots that reach up  to his shins.

Shikaku: "First fight!!! Flora vs Ibiki!!!! Are the contestant ready!" he said in a loud voice enough for the audience to hear.

Flora/Ibiki: "Ready!!!"

Shikaku: "Alright! ....Ready...…Go!!!!"

Flora opens up the fight by releasing several shurinken with her signature weird patterns homing at Ibiki. Ibiki took out a black kukri machete while rushing at Flora at fast speeds. The shurinkens that Flora threw at Ibiki was flawless like always only giving you the option of deflecting it with your own weapons since she didn"t let you escape has the shurinkens surrounded your escape routes. I did noticed some of her shurinkens had chakra imbued on them, most likely she had them enhanced and I even saw some chakra strings( strings made out of chakra) which were really thin inviable to the naked eye. Looks like this was how Flora could change the trajectories of her shurinkens at last minutes to block escape routes. Ibiki look like he knew he had no escape from the beginning so he dash to cut the distance and it looks like his coat was pretty thick. Ibiki swing his Kukri blade while deflecting some of the shurinkens that aim at his eyes, throat and head while using his blade.

Ibiki then threw out a kunai once he got out of the storm of shurinken directed at Flora, she dodge the attack barely but she didn"t noticed that there was a explosion tag on it. The kunai exploded but it was not close to Flora, either way the explosion took her off guard, while Ibiki took advantage of the situation and ram into Flora sending her flying to one of the trees in the edges of the arena. Ibiki following with his Kukri blade and putting it at Flora"s throat.

Flora was in pain but at the last second she exploded in smoke while a trunk of wood took her place. Ibiki got in high alert as a burning flash of light came from behind him. It was flora releasing a Fireball jutsu.(most likely she learn it from his Uchiha team mate) Ibiki immediately tried to dodge the best he could by jumping to the side and vaulting has he then skid by the floor and roll has he got some of the flames off his thick coat. I also noticed several things drop from him at the moment. It look like he was wearing some ankle weights similar to Gekko, Kusei, Me…well you get the gist. Looks like he has been training on his Tai Jutsu  since he remove them his speed triple and was next to Flora within the second. Flora got shocked but reacted as she did some hand signs and strike at Ibiki chest once he got close enough releasing a gale palm. Sending Ibiki flying backward but Ibiki regain his balance in mid-air and landed safely. Still it looks like the strike hurt him quite a bit since he was coughing hard.

Since Flora had made distance she again started doing hand signs, this time making her hands be sparkling with electricity. She then got several of her shurinken from her pockets and aim it at Ibiki again but this time the shurinken were also radiating electricity most likely to stunt Ibiki in place upon contact. Ibiki had a grim face but he still had a determined look, he got his Kukri blade has he did some hand signs creating 4 clones also with his Kukri blades on hand. Then the clones got in formation in front of Ibiki and rushed at the shurinkens, one of the clones grab the other on who was on the front and carry and throw him straight at the barrage of shurinken like a mad dog. The look of determination and unbending will could be seen on the clone as he use his entire body to stop the shurinkens from expanding/deviating and hitting his other clones and owner.

By the time this happened the other 3 clones and Ibiki had cut the distance next to Flora, attacking with his Kukri from several directions. Flora wanted to do some more hand signs fast,(looks like she wanted to subst.i.tute again) but couldn"t since one of the clones speed up next to her and did a arm lock as he twist her arm, and then he dislocated her index and middle finger. He did this without remorse. Flora scream from the pain as her left arm and hands were dislocated. Following up the other two clones restrain her as Ibiki got close enough to her to put his knife I her throat again. This time she had no option since she could"t concentrate because of the pain, and her broken/dislocated fingers, not capable to use ninjutsu at the moment.

Flora did try to struggle, I saw how she release lighting palm strike around her broken hands but Ibiki and the clones did not let go. He indeed was using rubber gloves to counter act her Lighting jutsus.(he came well prepared)

Ibiki: "Surrender, I know several more ways to torture you in a ethical way while the audience see. You still got eight unbroken fingers. Just imagine how painful it will be to put them back once I finish with them."

This got Flora all pale and started to sweat allot, she couldn"t take it any longer. Poor girl Ibiki is indeed born to be part of the Interrogation squad.

Flora: "wuaa!!....I...I ….I give up!!!!!!!! I surrender!!!!!!Please stop hurting me!!!" she said as she cried.

Shikaku:  "Okay...The winner is Ibiki!!!!!! Please contestant you may disengage." He said with a I can"t believe look.(Flora was totally making Ibiki look like a s.a.d.i.s.tic, cruel person in the eyes of the public, which is not completely wrong.)

Ibiki release the clones disappearing a he remove his blade from Flora"s neck. Flora was taken, guided by a medical ninja since she was most likely going to straighten her fingers, which most likely is going to hurt.

Ibiki just walked up to the stands nodded to me and Gekko and got to his seat just closing his eyes.

Shikaku: "Okay, we will have the next macth in 30 minutes so you can go and take a break, get snacks, drinks or make bets. The next fight will be Karen(sand ninja) vs Alvin Uchiha!!!" he said out loud.



(By: Author, well had time to squeeze in at least the first fight. I hope you enjoy it. Also I notice my novel is not rank yet. I think one of the reasons is because my followers are not leaving any reviews and ranking it up. So please give a review on the book and well you decide how many stars you give me over all.)