Reborn In The Shinobi World As A Sarutobi

Chapter 39

(some where within Konoha)

Ebisu training like crazy, not getting any breaks. His motto as of recently been "Dicipline", "Focus", and "Spite...sorry I meant Goals". Ever since he lost against the Uchiha elite Alvin in the chunnin 3rd phase preliminaries, Ebisu as been putting himself in rigorous training.  Accompanying Might Gal on her harsh training when possible. Increasing his ankle weights whenever he felt he was feeling his body getting acclimated to the weights.

Ebisu was a smart fellow and new that indeed being from a clan gave a big unfair advantage compared to civilian ninjas. Before he believe that was just the way life was. That there was no way to change the reality. Till he met Might Gal, her determination,harsh effort, and her determination to not give up no matter the circ.u.mstances change his whole world around. Gal was not somebody you could bring down at all, her enthusiasm and positive att.i.tude was infectious.

He couldn"t believe that Gal was just from a civilian background like he was. She even had it worst since her chakra was almost miniscule  and even against all odds manage to enroll to the academy with pure Tai Jutsu.

He felt it was destiny the moment he got chosen to be on her team once the gennin team ups came. Ebisu being a guy had some pride but drop it seeing how powerful Gal was. He knew Gal hang out with the Swordmanship club when they were in the academy. He did thought for a while that was the cause for her to be so extraodinare, but later notice that had nothing to do with it.

So when they got into their team and manage to officially become gennins. Ebisu drop all pretenses and bow/beg for Might Gals guidance since he didn"t wanted to be a mediocre Gal rejected him shooting down since she was busy with her own training.

Ebisu didn"t gave up, he would follow Gal on her morning runs and tried to do everything Gal did not lettting her get out of her sights. This went on for a big while, Ebisu obviously having trouble to caught up at the beginning but as time went he got better. Not forgetting to pester Gal every time he could since he wanted to improve in combat and wanted to learn Gals Tai Jutsu.

Because of the persistance of Ebisu, Might Gal gave in and started to officially guide him on Tai Jutsu training. Gals pa.s.sion for training was infectious the more Ebisu hang around her. Ebisu ended with admiring Gal and made his goal to not fall behind this Tai Jutsu beast. The more time he hang out with Gal he noticed deep down that his admiration was more than that.

He was not blind as he notice how Gal looked at Kakashi even if it was almost invisible/suddle, he could notice. Gal didn"t only look at Kakashi as only a rival. Well at the beginning it was only that but as time went on he saw something more. Something he recognized since he himself was going through it also.

So before the chunnin exams Ebisu confronted Gal. He approach her in combat and emotionally as he revel to Gal his feelings of affection toward her. Sadly he was shot down both emotionally and in combat since he was not a match against Gal strenght. She promise to him that if things didn"t work out later in life and if she was still single that maybe they could get together but admitted to him she actually loved Kakashi. This hurt him bad but couldn"t do nothing about it giving a smile back to Gal showing a understanding face.

This was also why he didn"t want to give up and wanted to get stronger. He wanted to prove he was better than Kakashi. Since then he been working on his own developed Tai Jutsu techniques. Thanks to his dicipline and focus he created several original moves.

This is some of his techniques:

Paper Dodge: special training jutsu he develop to be able to dodge any incoming attacks by reflex and flexibility. Capable of being like a piece of paper and bending at weird or increadible angles to dodge any attacks.

Extreme Speed: By kicking 10 times within an instant, one can speed up/dash fast becoming a blur and move at insane speeds with pure Tai Jutsu. If used correctly you can even do after images.(he got inspiration after seeing Gekko fight on the preliminaries)

Sonic Blade Kick: This one was based on the Sonic Blade Gal could do. He got inspiration, since his arms were not as strong/fast as Gal he modified it and created a Kick version which came easier for him.

Poke of Death: This technique came to him as the idea of Kakashi dying by pokes came to him. He train his fingers in harsh tempering as he poke trees, capable of piercing his index finger on it. Going to as far as capable of piercing stone with out much effort but with pure determination and focus. As at the beginning stages of the training was hard he used chakra to enhance his pokes till his hands got accustom to such moves.

Air Walk/Air Jump: This was the same application as of Extreme Speed but applied on the air with more precision as he would create mini sonic booms/air vacuum steps. Allowing him to temporarely have a footing on the air. Letting him change direction on mid-air and also doing extra jumps as if there was invisible floor tiles on the air. This was one he was proud of since allot of ninjas are vulnerable in mid-air against attacks.

Iron Instant Body: This technique uses fine control of chakra to enhance defence on specific parts of the body to reinforce them and make them more st.u.r.dy like a rock. If taken to the extreme it can be even hard as steel as the skin on the affected area becomes metallic black, the darker and shinier the more harder it is.(This technique got inspired after seeing Asuma fight Lluvia in the finals as he saw Asuma turn white and metallic)

King"s Gun: This technique involves in intantaneous fists capable of piercing like Poke of death but in a flurry, moving at at blur speeds like Extreme Speed and capable of creating sonic bullets like Sonic Kick concept. Capable of attacking  from all directions or weird angles like Paper Dodge. While reinforcing his fist with Instant Iron Body turning his fist hard like steel.

To perform this Ultimate move you first need to master the first 6 techniques before trying to perform King"s Gun.(This technique is not finished yet and was inspired after seeing Might Gal do the Akashakaku (Morning Peac.o.c.k) against Kusei.)


Ebisu been keeping a eye on Gal since she got hurt. He was the first that was there when she got hospitalized. At the moment of arrival he showed concern as he left some sunflowers for her next to her bed. There was determination on his eyes so he left to train and improve himself.

Then for the following weeks he notice Kakashi also dropping by as he later saw Kakashi helping Gal on her recovery for the next 2 weeks.

Ebisu knew he left Gal have her time with him(Kakashi). Time went by Gal got better and return to her duties doing some D-rank missions with the team again.

Ebisu was getting eaten as he didn"t knew how well he fared against Kakashi. So one day he just decided he was going to challenge him.

The day came, but when he met with him, Kakashi was with his team.

Ebisu: "Kakashi sempai! I came to see you on a important matter!" he said in a serious tone as he approach.

Kakashi: " eh!? Sorry did you said something Ebisu? Do you have a message from Gal or something?" he said with a confused look as he turn to look at him.

Ebisu: "Sempai! I am here because I want to test myself against you!!!" he said as he pointed at Kakashi.

Kakashi: "First Might Gal with her challenges. Now look at this now his team mates are following her examples. This is getting annoying. Ah!.....ummmm....okay lets get this over with." he said a little exasperated.

Obito: "Hey, why does everyone Kakashi this! Kakashi that! What about this you won"t fight Kakashi till you get through me first!" Obito got in between both.

Kakashi: "Good idea, is to much of a ha.s.sle to keep receiving challenges. If you beat Obito, I will fight you, if you lose don"t even bother challenging me. After all I am a chunnin and you a gennin." he said as he sat on a tree stump, and Rin watching from the side.

Ebisu: "Okay, but you better not go back on your word sempai. Obito! you are on we will fight!" he said to Obito.

Kakashi: "Rin, could you please be the referee on this match I will be watching from here." he said to her.

Rin: "Okay, I will Kakashi. Both of you! I will be the referee on this match. Please both contestants get ready in position!" she said as she got on the middle and a bit far back to give them s.p.a.ce.

Ebisu: "I am ready." he said as he ajusted his on his face with one of his hands.

Obito: " I am ready believe it! "(naruto reference)

Rin: "Get set!.....Go!" she said as she gave the signal for it.

Obito started by shushin out of the view of Ebisu. Appearing behind him with the tiger hand sign as he spew a fireball jutsu at him. Ebisu without turning just blur as he dash out of the way leaving a after image. At the same time he threw some shurinkens at Obito.

Obito had a suprise look as he got hit by the shurinken, exploding in a puff of smoke as a wood stump was in his place with the shurinken stuck on it. Obito re-appearing just some meters away releasing out his own shurinken at Ebisu.

Ebisu got annoyed looking as he saw Obito activate his sharingan showing 1-tomoe on his eyes. Ebisu didn"t like the Uchiha since they could steal techniques with those eyes. Ebisue turn his dissatisfaction with a eerie grin seeing Obito using his sharingan.

Ebisu: "Lets see if you can caught up to this!" he started to blur leaving 5 after images as he approach Obito.

Obito had a shock face since he could see the images and lost track of the real Ebisu. Who by then had connected a kick to Obito"s chin sending him flying into the air. Obito knowing what was coming turn around in mid-air but he didn"t saw Ebisu.

Ebisu: "King"s Barrage!" (pun on Lion"s Barrage...a Sasuke"s technque)

Ebisu was already behind Obito"s back as he connected a series of kicks in a a combo sending Obito smashing into the ground and Ebisu gave a finisher with a last hammer kick aim at Obitos stomach. Making him puke out what ever liquids he had on his stomach, Obito totally pa.s.sing out because of the pain.

Both Rin and Kakashi were shock at Ebisu"s peformance since they couldn"t caught when Ebisu dissapeared till he connected the kick.

Rin:" The winner Ebisu!!" she said as she ran towards Obito and using her Mystic Palm to diminish the damage caused by the beating. Dragging Obito to a safe spot as she watch him recovered.

Ebisu: "Looks like is your turn to get in the stage Kakashi sempai." he said has he had a provocative face with the Rock Lee pose inviting Kakashi in.

Kakashi: "Looks like I will have a challenge after all. Rin please be the referee again. Don"t worry you can do it from where you are." he signal to her.

Rin: "Okay,.....Are the contestants ready?" she said.

Ebisu: " Not yet." he said as he step aside and removed his ankle weights.

Seeing this Kakashi also said the same. Him also removing his own ankle weights. Kakashi been wearing them since he needed to boost his Tai Jutsu if he wanted to keep improving on his Blade techniques and to not fall behind every one from the Sword Club.

Ebisu: "It"s good to know that Kakashi sempai is not slacking on his training. I hope I am a match to your genius. I have been working extra hard this pa.s.s months." he said as a smile appeared on his face.

Rin: " Ready.....Get set!...Go!!!!"

Both blur as both intercepted each other as their fists smash against each other creating a powerful gust into the surrounding. This went on about for 30 seconds exchanging blows which resemble each other since both learn Gals Tai Jutsu style. You could hear the loud impacts for each encounter bluring in and out as in those DBZ matches.

Kakashi was actually shocked at Ebisu prowess which was not less than his. So he decided to start taking distance and attack from afar with some ninjutsus. While taking distance Kakashi unleash a barrage of shurinkens while performing hand signs following it up with a Triple Water BuckShot jutsu.

Ebisu dash foward not caring about the shurinken as he started dodging them at weird agles and shifting his position with paper margin differences not getting hit by non of the shurinken. This baffle Kakashi since the distance was to short and he manage to dodge them all! Sadly he couldn"t dodge the Water jutsu as Ebisu got engulf by the 3 shots. Kakashi tough that was the end of the battle but the impact splashed in all directions reveling Ebisu in a type of horse stance protecting his face with a x pattern with this arms.

Ebisu totally look unharmed as he smile at Kakashi.

Ebisu: "Impressive Kakashi but is that all you got. Because i haven"t gone all out!" he scream as he blur and dash toward Kakashi.

Ebisu trying to connect a kick toward Kakashi"s chin in a uppercut form. Kakashi responding in kind as he manage to dodge and reverse it against Ebisu imitating him connecting his on uppercut kick. Sending Ebisu in mid- air Kakashi following and performing the King"s Barrage that Ebisu previously perform.

Ebisu not capable to dodge curl his self in a fetus position as Kakashi was attacking him. Once he reach the floor he dash side ways to evade Kakashi"s finisher kick on time.

Kakashi look like he was in pain as all his kicks felt that he was kicking Iron all along. Ebisu used his Iron Instant Body while he was on his fetus position protecting his vitals so the backlash of Kakashi kicks numb his legs a little.

Ebisu again confronted Kakashi in a close combat not letting him get away. The exchange lasted about 20 seconds, this time Kakashi at disadvantage since his legs were a little numb making his reactions of movement slower.

Kakashi receiving several blows to his upper body making him get into a worse position.

 Looks like Ebisu was not using the hidden inner gates since he most likely was still holding back some of his strength after all Ebisu only had manage to open the 1st hidden gate. Looks like you had to have a certain talent and longer tempering of the body to open the others as well. After all even among the Sword club most only reach up to the 3rd only Asuma and Gal capable of surpa.s.sing that limit reaching up to the 5th which Asuma reach and the 6th hidden gate that Gal was capable.

Even Kakashi being a member was only capable of only opening the 1st gate since compared to the other members he didn"t train as long on Tai Jutsu since he also focus on ninjutsu and was developing his lighting techniques.

During the exchange of blows Ebisu unleash some Poke"s of death as he pierce his finger not on vital areas since he didn"t want to kill Kakashi but non the less aim at the parts near veins . Letting Kakashi suffer big time as Kakashi started to bleed.

Ebisu: "This is a technique develop for a.s.sasinations. I just wanted to show you. Don"t take it personal I was not aiming at vital spots. Looks like I will finish this, sempai I admit you are incredibly good but I been working my a.s.s off, so don"t take it personal when you lose." he said as he blur and 12 after images of Ebisu appeared around Kakashi.

Kakashi:" s.h.i.t, this happens when I think I doing well. Looks like I been slacking if now even Ebisu can match me." he said as he took out his fathers tanto eveloping it on lighting chakra making the blade shine/glow white as sparks came out of it.

Kakashi then started to release more chakra from all over his body as lighting spark arks came out and a faded blue chakra emaniated out of all his body.

Kakashi then blur just like Ebisu this time capable of seeing Ebisu"s movements as he match his speed now. Ebisu got shock at this taking out his own Kunai out as he clash against Kakashi. Getting numb on the process as Kakshi"s tanto had lighting on it slowing his reaction speed. This time Kakashi was the one on the advantace as he slash several parts of Ebisu also all non vital but still making him bleed.

Ebisu took distance as he open the 1st hidden gate and up in speed once more as he unleash several kicks in weird patterns. Kakashi dodging them but still got hit by invisible forces. Sending him flying back to the ground. Ebisu was surprise since his Sonic Blade Kicks didn"t cut Kakashi and only hit him as impact. Kakashi suppose to be bleeding by now! Looks like the weird blue aura was protecting him from his slashes.

Kakashi spitted out some blood from his mouth as he put back his mask up.

Kakashi: "Looks like you really want to see my full power. Well here it goes. 1st gate open. Full power Lighting Release!" Kakashi yell as more blue chakra burst out of all his body.

This alerted Ebisu as he saw Kakashi disapeared without managing to caught up a sight from him. By the time he manage to react. Kakashi was in front of  him with is index finger envelop on lighting piecing Ebisu"s stomach!!!

Kakashi: "Thanks for the moves, I will call this one Ligthing h.e.l.l Stab." he said as he remove his hand out as Ebisu bleed from his stomach. He covering it and falling to the ground the lighting was spreading from the inside to all over his body immobilizing him.

Rin: " The winner Kakashi!" she said as she ran toward Ebisu and laying him down.

Rin: "Don"t worry Ebisu I am a medical ninja I will sew you up and help you recover. You can hold right Kakashi?" She said as she took her tools out.

Kakashi: "Yeah just hurry, I ran out of some blood too. I also exasthed more chakra than usual. I haven"t master the Lighting Release Armor yet, so it drain me allot." he said as he already remove his lighting armor.

Kakash was really tired and injured so he said once he patch Ebisu that both of them should go to the medical facilities since this require more professional help/facilities for them to heal. Once both were good enough to walk both of them walk side by side as they discuss about the fight. Like good friends, still seeing some of the sore loser att.i.tude on Ebisu side, Kakashi couldn"t said but only praise him for his improvements.


(Behind the scenes of this fight there were some people watching the fight)

Danzo: "Looks like I over saw some one with potential to join my root after all. n.o.body as paid attention to this Ebisu after all and belongs to a civilian household. Looks like he want to get stronger and what better way but to join my Anbu." he said as he disapeared from his spot.


(Back to the MC)

Well looks like going into our second month me and Orochi manage to make progress thanks to my blood/tissue samples and also Uloongs. Also integrating our concepts of the possibilities to copy Kekkai Gekkai as long that you train hard enough on your proficiency of the element. I also manage to get some blood/tissue samples from Lluvia. If you ask how I got them well I got them as a deal by going on some dates with her.

I won"t go into details about my date with Lluvia I don"t like to add nsfw content....or PDA on this novel...its just ...this is a shonen not a shojo.

Either way back on track thanks to the samples we discovered Lluvia"s Bloodline is a combination of Water/Ying/Yang affinities don"t forget she also as fire affinity but her water regeneration comes from this 3. The conclusion is that water is the medium, Ying chakra is the ability to keep everything together to be able to mold at the users wish and the Yang chakra is the vitality required to perform such task as healing the body back to normal state no matter how injured she gets.

I also had Uloong to manage to copy all of Lluvias abilities including the recovering back with water, since we discovered the concept of how her Bloodline works and was more based on the element of water for the process. This facinated Orochimaru so we dwell more on this research and discovered that indeed since the body of a person was made of more than 70% percent of water we could imitate such blood line as long that you had the knowledge of how the body works(so medical knowledge needed) and had a good proficiency on water elemental chakra and Ying and Yang.

So we manage to imitate Lluvia to some extent since we actually wasted more chakra than her and she did it naturally as breathing as us we needed the medical knowledge to return to our previous normal state. That was the difference between bloodlines and people who were not. It was like the bloodline had a type of pre-program in their genetics capable of doing it. Like a cheat code, while we needed to take the long way around it to accomplish the same.

I gave the idea to Orochimaru that maybe we could do the same as a pre-program on our bodies with the curse seals. Like that we didn"t need to think about the medical knowledge part and the control of water, ying and yang. After all seals were like the universal programing of the world we just needed to come up with the coding. This made Orochimaru value of me reach sky high, since he never thought of such possibilities. So now our next venture was heading that way.


(By: Author, hoped you like the chapter, comments are appreciated thanks are not needed. So what do you think about Ebisu? Did you like the fight?)