Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 969 - 969: The News

Chapter 969 - 969: The News

Wendy and her manager, w.a.n.g Ju Bei went to a party organized by ZungBei Fas.h.i.+on. Wendy looked around. There were a lot of famous people and businessmen.

Wendy a.s.sociated with the people. w.a.n.g Ju Bei left her for a moment to go and see his friend. So, Wendy took a drink and went to a corner of the hall. She was tired and she still needed to come here.

Wendy sighed. However, she also heard someone sigh beside her. She turned around and saw a woman. The woman also looked at her. Then both of them laughed.

"h.e.l.lo." The woman said.

"Oh, h.e.l.lo," Wendy replied.

"Are you alone?" The woman asked.

"I have come with my partner. He has gone to see someone." Wendy said.

"I see. I have come alone." The women asked. "By the way, are you the famous actress, Wendy?" The woman asked.

"Yes, I am." Wendy felt there was no need to hide.

"You look beautiful." The woman praised.

"Thank you. But you are beautiful too." Wendy asked.

"My name is Feng Yue." Feng Yue introduced herself.

"Feng Yue?" Wendy felt that she had heard about the name before. "Are you Feng Yue from Feng Cooperation?"

"Yes." Feng Yue nodded.

"It is an honour to meet the eldest miss of Feng Family." Wendy smiled.

"No need to call me that. You can just call me Feng Yue." Feng Yue asked. "I like to watch your films and dramas."

"Thank you. Oh, by the way, do you know Yu Qi, right?" Wendy asked.

"Yu Qi? Of course, she is my best friend. How do you know Yu Qi?" Feng Yue asked.

Wendy laughed. "I was filming an ancient drama. She came to visit Su Jin. We got to know each other." Wendy explained.

Feng Yue remembered that Song Su Jin was an actress too. "I see."

"Yu Qi is very beautiful. I even got the chance to feel her skin. It was smooth and flawless. I asked what kind of product that she used. She immediately said it was a Qi Qi Skincare product. The next day, I asked someone to buy the products and I have been using them since then. It is very good." Wendy had happily mentioned that to Feng Yue.

Feng Yue laughed after that. "She is good. In order to promote her own products, she sacrifices herself."

"Her own products?" Wendy was surprised.

"Yes, Qi Qi skincare is a brand that she has invented herself." Feng Yue said.

"Wait, isn"t she a doctor?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah. But who says that a doctor can not be a businesswoman?" Feng Yue grinned.

"Wait, there is an incident when we are shooting. Then, Yu Qi made a statement like "We, Qiaosu Entertainment will compensate you?" Does that mean, the hidden of boss Qiaosu Entertainment is Yu Qi?" From surprise to shock, Wendy"s eyes became wider.

"Since she said so, it is probably the truth." Feng Yue said.

"Oh my... She is still young but is already successful in her life." Wendy was very impressed with Yu Qi.

"I also hope to be like her." Feng Yue said.

"Oh, before I forget, tell Yu Qi to be careful," Wendy remembered that matter.

"Be careful? About what?" Feng Yue frowned.

"Well, my co-actor seems to target Yu Qi. He is known as a playboy. Before this, he seems to make a move on Su Jin, creating a scandal between them. Thank goodness, the PR manager of Su Jin handled it very well plus Su Jin"s boyfriend also helped the scandal to disappear. But right now he switched his target to Yu Qi when he saw her on that day." Wendy explained.

"What? Really?" Feng Yue asked.

"Yeah. I hope that Yu Qi would not fall into his trap. Even though I know that Yu Qi already has Colonel Long, but still Jiang Ke Ma will probably think about how to get Yu Qi." Wendy told her concern.

"I see. I will take note of that." Feng Yue said. "Thank you, Wendy."

The women continued to talk with each other until Wendy"s partner came and got her. Feng Yue had also gotten tired by staying at the party. So, she left the party after exchanging some words with the organizer since she was here on the behalf of her grandfather.

Before she was talking to Wendy, a lot of people came and greeted her. She did not want to be rude, so she talked with them. However, after 10 minutes, she was tired and left the crowd and went to stay at the corner before talking to Wendy.

However, she was happy about coming to this party since she got some news about Yu Qi. This news she could tell Long Hui. She wondered what Long Hui would do if she knew about this news.

As she cleaned up and landed on her bed, she went online finding what she could find on the internet about that man, Jiang Ke Ma. Jiang Ke Ma was a little bit popular, so the news about him appeared when she typed his name.

The latest news about Jiang Ke Ma was the scandal news with Song Su Jin. When she read about the news, she was angry. "This man is a total jerk."

She quickly grabbed her phone and opened the chatroom between her and Long Hui.

SweetYue: "Brother Hui... Brother Hui..."

She waited for Long Hui to reply to her message. But after 5 minutes Long Hui still did not reply. She was thinking positively. Her Brother Hui was probably in a situation where he could not reply to her message.

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This chapter is edited by Dream Spirit.... Thank you for your help