Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1096: Chi Yuan Begged Yu Qi To Slap Her.

Chapter 1096: Chi Yuan Begged Yu Qi To Slap Her.

The three of them arrived at Subei City. Yu Qi directly drove to stone gambling street. Once they got out of the car, they had arrived attention of others.f???????૦νℯ

Elder Zheng Zhuxian was a famous master in stone gambling. Yu Qi had her beauty while Dian Qi Qj was cute in her weird clothes.

"What are we going to do here?" Dian Qi Qi asked.

She thought Yu Qi would be going to some fancy shops or something like that. Because Yu Qi told her that she needed some jade supplier for HuiQi Jade Store. So, she a.s.sumed the shop must be good looking since it sold jade. But now, she just could find the street that looked strange.

"I told you, I want to buy jade. These areas have a lot of suppliers." Yu Qi said.

Dian Qi Qi was a little bit confused about that.

Elder Zheng Zhuxian understood her face. "Yu Qi will buy the stone here. She will cut the stone to see whether the stone contains jade or crystal. That is why Yu Qi says, she will buy the supply here."

"Oh... I see. Sorry. I don"t know about that." Dian Qi Qi gained new knowledge today.

"I am sorry. I thought you know about stone gambling." Yu Qi said.

"I heard about that before from Brother Ren Qi. But I don"t really understand that. Today, I understand." Dian Qi Qi smiled.

"Let"s go and take a look inside." Elder Zheng Zhuxian said.

The three women entered the store. Dian Qi Qi looked around. As Yu Qi said, they were really selling the stone. She could see that the stones were in many sizes.

The storekeeper was shocked when seeing Yu Qi"s face. He remembered the girl. She was the one who came several months ago, had a compet.i.tion with Chu Mingshu"s disciple, and won the compet.i.tion beautifully. Now the same girl appeared again at his store.

He also could see Elder Zheng Zhuxian behind the girl. It seemed both of them were coming here together. The storekeeper approached them with a smiling face.

"Elder Zheng... Miss Tang... Long time no see." The storekeeper greeted them.

"Yeah. It has been a long time." Yu Qi nodded. "You have a lot of stones today too."

"Yes. Miss Tang can choose. If you need the cutting service, just let me know." The storekeeper said.

From what he could conclude, this girl would have her shopping spree again this time. He really wanted to scream in excitement right now. He could hear the money sound in his mind.

"Elder Zheng, let"s begin. I trust you." Yu Qi said.

However, when they were prepared to start to buy the stones, other customers walked into the store. It was Elder Chu Mingshu and Chi Yuan. It was a f.u.c.king coincidence that they were meeting here today.

"Zheng Zhuxian, Long time no see." Elder Chu Mingshu said while he looked at Yu Qi too. "Miss Tang, you too."

"Nice to meet you again, Elder Chu." Yu Qi replied.

"Yeah. How have you been?" Elder Zheng Zhuxian said. She had no complicated relations.h.i.+p with Elder Chu Mingshu.

"I am good." Elder Chu Mingshu said.

"h.e.l.lo Elder Zheng. Miss Tang, Long time no see too." Chi Yuan greeted Elder Zh3ng Zhuxian and Yu Qi with a sweet smile. "So, Miss Tang decides to be Elder Zheng"s disciple?"

Elder Chu Mingshu looked at both of them. He was surprised. He did not consider that. He just thought they were somehow met here.

"Of course not. Miss Chi, you already see that Miss Tang is very talented in stone gambling. She does not need my teaching. Don"t you already know several months ago?"

Chi Yuan felt that she had been slapped by a visible slap on her cheek. Elder Zheng Zhuxian had reminded her about her loss to Yu Qi in that stone gambling compet.i.tion. She just could smile while holding her anger.

"We are working together right now. That is why we are here together." Elder Zheng Zhuxian explained the reason as for why Yu Qi and she were together right now.

"I see." Elder Chu Mingshu nodded.

"I am sorry for a.s.suming that, Elder Zheng, Miss Tang." Chi Yuan said.

Then her eyes moved to Dian Qi Qi. She was looking up and down seeing the weird clothes that Dian Qi Qi wearing. That was so rude.

"What? Why do you staring at me like that? That is so rude. Do you have any issue with me?" Dian Qi Qi asked.

Dian Qi Qi was a hot-blooded girl. A lot of people stared at her like that. She almost could understand their thought. "Why is this girl wearing something blizzard like this?" Or "Is this girl crazy wearing something like that?" She always wanted to see those people minding their own business but she used to calm down.

However, it was different for this girl in front of her. She was so rude. And she also felt annoying when facing this girl.

"Oh, I am sorry for staring at you like that. But I really wonder why do you wear such a thing like that?" Chi Yuan could not stop her mouth.

"It is not your business about what I am wearing. It is nothing to do with you and I don"t even know you for you to comment like that to me. Humph!." Dian Qi Qi rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. It is nothing to do with you, Miss Chi." Yu Qi also responded.

"I am just asking. No need to be angry at me." Chi Yuan said.

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