Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1593 1593: Laugh At Her Stupidity

Chapter 1593 1593: Laugh At Her Stupidity

Jiang Hani was glad that Dian Shu Xian did not ignore her like in the martial arts compet.i.tion. She took out her courage and invited Dian Shu Xian for lunch together. And he accepted.

Both of them went to a nearby restaurant. They were lucky to get a table since it was a peak hour. Not to mention, some of the people who attended the medical conference had their lunch here.

Dian Shu Xian refreshed the impression that he had about Jiang Hani. When they competed in the martial arts compet.i.tion, Dian Shu Xian thought that Jiang Hani was a spoiled girl that would think that every man would to her will.

Now, it changed. She was talking to him normally like a friend did. Dian Shu Xian felt comfortable talking to her. They even exchanged their contact information.

Well, Jiang Hani did not get much chance to come out to the outside world. So, they might be seeing each other again in the cultivation world.

They went to separate ways after Jiang Nan Su came and picked her up after Jiang Nan Su finished his errand. He was quite surprised when he saw Dian Shu Xian together with his younger sister.

"Brother Shu Xian, can you tell me who came and save you?" Yu Qi asked.

Dian Shu Nan snapped out of his memory after hearing Yu Qi"s question. 

"Oh, it is Jiang Hani. Do you remember her?" Dian Shu Xian did not hide that.

"Jiang Hani? Is it someone from the cultivation world?" Yu Qi tried to recall the person.

"Yeah. I fought her in the martial arts compet.i.tion a few months ago." Dian Shu Xian helped Yu Qi to refresh her memory. 

"Oh, her... I remembered her." Yu Qi nodded after remembering that. "What"s a coincidence, right? What is she doing there?"

"Hmm... She tagged along with her brother to do something in the outside world." Dian Shu Xian explained.

"Then, how about the stalker?" Yu Qi changed the topic. 

"I don"t know. I feel safe after leaving that country." Dian Shu Xian said.

"You need to be careful. Who knows she might come to our nation to meet you?" Yu Qi joked while laughing.

She never knew that it would be happening.


Wei Zichen and Feng Ni Lan moved into Nie Zhu Mei"s house. Feng Ni Lan asked Wei Su Kee whether she wanted to move together. But Wei Su Kee rejected it. So, only the two of them would move in.

"Mum, what are you doing to do today?" Feng Ni Lan asked after breakfast.

"Nothing, I want to sit and enjoy the scene." Nie Zhu Mei said.

"Oh, why don"t we go out for shopping?" Feng Ni Lan invited Nie Zhu Mei. "It is okay. You can go with your friend." Nie Zhu Mei said.

"Well, Mum, it is my mother"s birthday two months later. I want to get something for her but I don"t know what to get for her. Hmm, can you help me, Mum? You and she are the same age. Maybe you can help me?" Feng Ni Lan smiled.I think you should take a look at

She insisted on inviting Nie Zhu Mei out today. She had been observed her mother-in-law in the past couple of days. Her mother-in-law just sat in the same spot without doing anything. It seemed like she was giving up.

Nie Zhu Mei looked at her daughter-in-law. If she did not agree today, her daughter-in-law would not stop. She sighed as she agreed in going out with her daughter-in-law. 

"Sure. Let"s go together." Nie Zhu Mei said.

"Yeah. I will go and get ready. You too, Mum. We will leave at noon." Feng Nie Lan said.

"Yeah." Nie Zhu Mei nodded.

So, they both left and went to the shopping mall. Feng Ni La sent a message to Wei Zichen about their trip to shopping.

Wei Zichen replied with "Great. Take care of Mum".

Feng Ni Lan began to ask her mother-in-law. Then, they walked in front of the HuiQi Jade Store. Nie Zhu Mei noticed the shop.

"You can get your mother, a jade." Nie Zhu Mei suggested.

Feng Ni Lan nodded and pulled her mother into law entering the shop.

"Welcome." The staff there welcomed them with a smile.

"Mum, let"s take a look at the jewellery here." Feng Ni Lan said.

"Oh, look who"s here." An old woman accompanied by two middle-aged women as Feng Ni Lan.

It was another old madam who was at odds with Nie Zhu Mei, Lang Muixin. The other two were her daughter and her daughter-in-law.

"Long time no see, Lang Muixin." Nie Zhu Mei greeted Lang Muixin.

"Oh, are you planning to get something here?" Lang Muixin asked.

"Hmm... Probably. It is up to my daughter." Nie Zhu Mei pointed to Feng Ni Lan. 

"Oh... By the way, are you okay? How are you doing after divorcing your husband?" Lang Muixin asked that question like she was asking "What do you want to eat?" 

Feng Ni Lan turned her face to Lang Muixin. 

"Elder Lang, please refrain yourself from asking those questions." Feng Ni Lan stated.

"Oh, really? I can not ask her that question. My bad." Lang Muixin said.

She seemed not to care about Nie Zhu Mei"s feelings. She did not care if Nie Zhu Mei was hurt by the question. After getting the news, she was surprised at first and then laughed at Nie Zhu Mei"s stupidity. Who got divorced at an age like that?

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