Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1032 - 1032: Make A Police Report

Chapter 1032 - 1032: Make A Police Report

Yu Qi called Tang Jin Wei. That time, Tang Jin Wei was having dinner with his girlfriend, Ke Su Su. He was confused when Yu Qi called him out of a sudden.

"What is it? Is the hospital calling?" Ke Su Su asked.

"No. It"s my little sister." Tang Jin Wei said.

"You should pick up her call. It is probably important." Ke Su Su knew that the "little sister" mentioned by Tang Jin Wei was Yu Qi.

"h.e.l.lo, Little Sis." Tang Jin Wei answered the call.

"Brother Jin Wei, are you home right now?" Yu Qi asked.

Tang Jin Wei: "Nope. I am having dinner with Su Su. What is the matter?"

Yu Qi: "I see. Do you have any plan after dinner?"

Tang Jin Wei: "Not really. Why?"

Yu Qi: "Can you pick me at a cafe nearby the northeast Town?"

Tang Jin Wei: "What happen?"

Yu Qi: "Something happened. I lost my bag. Luckily I put this phone with me."

Tang Jin Wei: "Really? Okay. I will pick you up."

Yu Qi: "Don"t rush over. Enjoy your dinner date first. I can wait until then."

Tang Jin Wei: "Okay. Wait there."

The call ended.

Ke Su Su looked at Tang Jin Wei and asked. "What is the matter?"

"She asks me to pick her up later. I don"t know what happened yet but she said she lost her bag." Tang Jin Wei explained.

"Is she okay?" Ke Su Su worried.

"Listen to her tone, she is pretty normal. Do you mind if we go and pick her up later?" Tang Jin Wei asked.

"Don"t worry. I am fine with that." Ke Su Su nodded.

At Yu Qi"s side, Yu? Qi told Wei Ying about that.

"Since we are already at the cafe, why don"t we eat too?" Yu Qi asked.

"But I don"t have any money with me right now." Wei Ying sighed.

"Don"t worry. I will pay." Yu Qi smiled.

They ordered something to eat. Since they did not have the appet.i.te to eat, they just ordered some salad. As for Aoi, Yu Qi ordered a chicken chop for him. Wei Ying seemed still shaking from what happened just now. Well, Yu Qi understood.

"I am planning to report to the police about this incident." Yu Qi explained.

"But you tell that they might have some connection with the police." Wei Ying said, remembering what Yu Qi told her earlier.

"Yes. That is why I am not going to the nearby police station but near our hospital. I think they might have some connection at this police station." Yu Qi explained.

"Oh." Wei Ying nodded.

"Since they can operate a shady business like that." Yu Qi was disgusted about what she saw in the building.

Wei Ying also remembered that. Her face was blushed.

"However, we will go to the hospital first to find your bag." Yu Qi said.

"No, let"s go and report to the police first." Wei Ying said.

"Actually, after getting your bag from the hospital, I thought I want to send you home first before going to the police station." Yu Qi did not want Wei Ying to scare anymore. Better sent her home first.

"No, I can go with you." Wei Ying clenched her fist.

Yu Qi looked at Wei Ying. "Okay... Let"s go together."

One hour after Tang Jin Wei and Ke Su Su arrived at the cafe. Tang Jin Wei called Yu Qi telling him that he already arrived at the cafe. Yu Qi paid for their food and came out with Wei Ying.

Tang Jin Wei was surprised when seeing Yu Qi was not alone. Ke Su Su knew Wei Ying. She was the new nurse.

"You are with someone?" Tang Jin Wei asked.

"Something happened." Yu Qi said.

Both Yu Qi and Wei Ying the car and sat in the back seat.

"I think something happened at the building across the cafe. Over there. Look. That building. It is on the fire." Tang Jin Wei informed.

Yu Qi and Wei Ying looked at the building with a complicated thought. The car pa.s.sed the scene.

"So, where should we go right now?" Tang Jin Wei asked.

"Brother Jin Wei, can you go to the police station near at our hospital?" Yu Qi asked.

"Huh? What? Why?" Tang Jin Wei was confused.

"I will explain later." Yu Qi said.

Tang Jin Wei could sense the urgency in Yu Qi"s voice. Without saying anything, he drove to the mentioned police station. They arrived at the police station. All of them entered the police station.

The police officer at the registration knew Yu Qi since he was involved in the capturing of the drug addict a few days ago.

"Doctor Yu Qi..." The police officer greeted her and asked. "Why are you coming to the police station?"

"I want to report a kidnapping case." Yu Qi said.


Not only were the police officer shocked, even Tang Jin Wei and Ke Su Su were also shocked.

The police officer turned serious. "Okay. Tell me about that."

Yu Qi explained that she was the target of the kidnapping case. Wei Ying was tagged along by coincidence because the kidnappers wanted Yu Qi to follow them obediently.

Listening to this, Tang Jin Wei quickly asked. "Little Sis, are you okay? You are not hurt?" He looked at Yu Qi up and down.

"I am okay." Yu Qi nodded.

"Nurse Wei, are you okay?" Ke Su Su asked Wei Ying.

"I am okay." Wei Ying nodded even though she looked pale.

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