Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1400 1400: Please Don’t Step Beyond Your Boundary

Chapter 1400 1400: Please Don’t Step Beyond Your Boundary

Yu Qi stopped and turned around to look at Wong Suhe. She had narrowed her eyes, making her face look cold.

"Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to your nonsense? Please don"t step beyond your boundary." Yu Qi advised.

Wong Suhe was stunned when seeing Yu Qi"s face. It was so scary.

"Why are you still here?" Yu Qi asked when seeing Wong Suhe was still inside her room.

Wong Suhe finally got the courage to move. She rushed out, running away from Yu Qi as if she encountered a ghost. Yu Qi saw this scene and sighed.

Yu Qi needed to crush her dream because she knew Dian Shu Xian would not marry an outsider. They were a family of cultivators. Marrying an outsider means they might need to tell the outsider about their family.

If the outsider could accept them and keep that a secret, they would be glad. But not many wanted to take that option, it was too risky. Moreover, Dian Shu Xian seemed to be interested in Jiang Hani, a cultivator from the Great Four Families.

Wong Suhe ran to her mother at her grandfather"s ward. Cui Ying noticed her daughter. She wanted to ask about the good news but clearing her throat when seeing her daughter seemed to want to cry.

Cui Ying pulled her daughter to a corner, avoiding others. She wanted to ask Wong Suhe why she wanted to cry.

"Mom..." Wong Suhe cried softly.

"What"s wrong with you? Why are you crying? Who makes you cry?" Cui Ying kept asking questions.

"That doctor... She did not allow me to get closer to Doctor Dian. Mom, I want to be with Doctor Dian." Wong Suhe complained to her mother.

Cui Ying sighed. She felt that her daughter was a little stupid.

"Why do you listen to her words? You can just go directly to Doctor Dian." Cui Ying said.

"But, mom, didn"t you say that Doctor Dian normally stayed at the research center until late at night? How can I go and meet him directly?" Wong Suhe asked.

Cui Ying was stunned by that question. Her daughter was right. Dian Shu Xian did not go out so often. He was always at the research center. If her daughter wanted to meet him, she needed to get into the research center.

Cui Ying also investigated the research center. Tiantang Research Center just opened this year had been in everyone"s attention. Not only because the head of the researchers was a young doctor also the ongoing research was also going to help humankind a lot.

The security was very tight. An unauthorized person would not get into the research center, let alone pa.s.s the security check outside the research center.

So, it was logical that Wong Suhe wanted to go to Yu Qi to ask her permission to enter the research center. If she could get permission from Yu Qi, no one could stop her anymore.

"Let me go and see her." Cui Ying said.

She would do anything for her daughter"s happiness.

"Hmm..." Wong Suhe felt better.

Yu Qi would not dare to do anything to her mother. That was what Wong Suhe thought. She did not know that Yu Qi could do something to her and her mother if they annoyed her enough.

The mother and daughter went to Yu Qi"s room to find that Yu Qi was not there anymore. They grabbed a nurse and asked Yu Qi"s whereabouts. The nurse told them that Yu Qi already left the hospital and she did not know where Yu Qi went.

Yu Qi went to the research center and was greeted by Dian Shu Xian. Seeing Dian Shu Xian, she remembered about Wong Suhe.

She did not want Dian Shu Xian to be disturbed by that woman. So, it was better if she gave some warnings to Dian Shu Xian about that woman.

"Huh? What?" That was Dian Shu Xian"s reaction when Yu Qi told him about Wong Suhe. "I never meet her. When did she see me?"

"I don"t know. But I hope you"ll be careful. I think that woman is quite persistent." Yu Qi reminded Dian Shu Xian.

Dian Shu Xian sighed. It was not the first time he had been admired by someone.

"Thank you for the reminder. I will be careful." Dian Shu Xian nodded.???e????o???.?૦?

Dian Shu Xian wanted to walk away but he stopped. He suddenly remembered something to tell Yu Qi.

"I think you better make an arrangement for your schedule. We are going to the miracle s.p.a.ce. Great Grandpa told you before right?" Dian Shu Xian said.

"Yes. I know. There is one patient that fully needs my attention. Other than that, I think I can arrange others." Yu Qi nodded.

"Great. But make sure you get your rest." Dian Shu Xian patted Yu Qi"s head like he always did to Dian Qi Qi.

"Sure... sure... You too, Brother Shu Xian." Yu Qi smiled.

Both of them went their separate ways. On the way to her room, Su Ziqing called Yu Qi to her experiment room.

Su Ziqing showed the experiment to Yu Qi. After reporting the progress to Yu Qi, she told Yu Qi that she needed some time off.

Yu Qi noticed that Su Ziqing was acting oddly but she did not push herself to ask about that. If Su Ziqing wanted to tell her about her problem, she would be happy to listen to her.

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This chapter is edited by TZIN. Thank you for your hard work.