Reflection In The Mirror

Chapter 17

"I can"t believe you!! Did you really have to do that!?" 

    Lilian yelled/whispered harshly towards Roy who was laughing sheepishly. That only got Lilian pouting even more.

"Stop laughing!" 

  "Okay I"m sorry, I did something wrong!" 

  Roy raised his hands up in "I surrender" manner. To be honest, he thought he saw something in the corner of his eyes. But apparently he had been wrong. 

   Liliana sighed and looked away with a pout. Shrugging uncomfortably, she steeled herself and opened her mouth to ask. 

  "Hey Ro-umph?" 

   Her boyfriend had covered her mouth before she could ask and made a "Shh" notion with his other hand. Seeing the serious look in his eyes, Liliana swallowed her questions then nodded.

With a slight smile, Roy removed his hand and turned towards the corner he heard a small wail come from. He listened quietly, the only other source of noise being his and Liliana"s breathing. 

    They waited with baited breath for another sound. The short black haired woman was just about to lose her patient and open her mouth when someone cried. 

   Without further notice Roy took off running. Rushing to the source of the crying. Liliana followed with a curse and a wish to help( ironic right? A traitor like her). 

    They ran, splashing through the sewer water as the crying grew louder until it was more than one. And soon enough they were standing in front of a metal door. 

   Gulping slightly, Liliana took her breath back under control as Roy(not even out of breath) pushed the door open. 


    The Hero nodded, staring at the source of the earlier noise. 

 "Yeah. Oh…" 


Judas winced as he accidentally pulled at the sore muscle. Training with Rowan had been brutal to put it tamely. And he was pretty sure he would be bruised and sore all over tomorrow. And let"s not even mention his currently very sore shoulders. 

  "Seriously, that man is too much" he mumbled to himself. 

    Judas was currently out in the streets of the Underworld city. Well he did learn the city was actually called "Star" but everyone calls it Underworld so. 

    Anyway, here he was. Out and walking with sore muscles when he chanced upon yelling in the dark alley. 

   And like an idiot he was, run into the alley ignoring the protests of his muscles. Turning the corner, he entered the alley and ran until he reached the-

   What the h.e.l.l is that?..... 

Judas stood there completely dumbfounded by the sight in front of him. He did not know if he should laugh or cry. Cause, What the f.u.c.k!? 

   Why is a grown man screaming and trying to climb a tree!? There isn"t anything but a little bunny there!  

    He gaped as the fat man screamed and eww… is that a pee? Did the man just pee?  Judas gagged and turned away from the disgusting scene. Uncultured swine! How dare he in front of - Wait…  Where is this urge to kick and behead this ugly swine who didn"t learn how to be submissive and stay away from human trafficking coming from?... 

    The blue eyes youth paused, holding his head. Seriously what was wrong with him? Those weren"t his thoughts… Right?... How did he even know what this fata.s.s did?. 

     He winced at the sharp pain shooting through his temple. Ignoring and pushing down his disgust, Judas looked at the sobbing mess of a man again. 

    His eyes instantly sharpened at the small wound of a bite on his neck. A poisonous animal? No, the marks were too big. It probably was a Gifted whose beast ancestry came out stronger. If this man was bitten and is scared of bunny then - 


    He blurted out and was about to look closer when he felt shiver run down his back. Without thinking, Judas dodged. But he had moved too fast cause he just fell on his b.u.t.t the moment he got out of the way. 

     He looked up to see who had thought to attack him. He stared. 

   Judas stared at the girl in front of him. 

   She had black hoodie and a ripped long skirt on. Her hair was soft dark shade of green in pixie cut and pale skin. But what caught his attention was the glowing slit golden eyes watching him in surprise as well as the blood running down her chins. 


 He reached out. Instead of answering the girl hissed at him (Judas could see the twin fangs glistening in the moonlight) and ran off. Leaving him to stare after her. 

   Judas blinked then laughed softly to himself. 

 "Kind of cute. Perfect for a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t" 

  He mumbled and stood up, only to fall back down. 

  Oof… He Must have pulled his muscles. Sighing and pulling out his phone, Judas dialed Rowan. 

  He was soooo gonna get scolded for this… 

   Camelia hummed as she fiddled with the gla.s.s of wine in her hands.  She was relaxing in her chambers after some fun time with one of her many lovers. 

   The room had a king sized bed with red curtains and pure white sheets. Hard wooden floor with dark red rug and luxury, antique furniture. It was fancy but also suited Camelia"s tastes just fine. 

     She hummed softly to the soft music playing inside the room, ignoring the snoring of the male beside her. They are disposable, they can do whatever they want until then. 

    The redhead glanced at the half finished wine in her gla.s.s and smiled in satisfaction. 

    The wheels were already turning. It was a matter of time before the false monarch fell and the Shadow G.o.d took back the reins. 

    Until then people can enjoy their lives. Her time will come soon~ and she shall play her role diligently. 

  All the pieces are coming together and the plan is half finished. Now, he just needs to make them play their roles. 

   This act would be priceless, it would be the best the world had ever seen. 

    Laughing, she threw the gla.s.s away.

 Red liquid splashed the walls and the gla.s.s. .h.i.t the ground…