Reflection In The Mirror

Chapter 4

The news about the b.l.o.o.d.y corpse of minor Alberta familigia"s Boss was all over the news come morning. It was a horrifying sight to see for those who couldn"t handle it. 

    "Not only were the boss of Alberta dead but every one of his underlings were missing. Those who found the corpse had been a pair of teenagers that had sneaked out for some alone time. Let us hope for their safe recovery" 

    "Hey Eliza" 

"Oh Good Morning William. I was just watching the news" 

   The blonde haired woman smiled as her husband"s younger twin walked by her sleepily into the kitchen. It was really hard to remember that the person standing in his kitchen was a dangerous criminal and not the brother of her husband who came for a visit. 

    Eliza"s smile dimmed a little as she placed her hand on her belly. She was 6 months pregnant now and had been showing for a while. She wondered what her baby would look like when they are born. If they would look like their father and have his red hair and violet eyes, her nose and face shape. Or if they would have her colorings and their father"s face and build. 

    She sighed wistfully, silently lamenting the fact that her husband wasn"t allowed visitors. Eliza wished for him to be here with them, laughing and cooing at their baby like he always did before his imprisonment. 

 But in no way did blame William for it. Sure, some part of her resented the fact that he had committed those horrible crimes. Even then, she knew that switching with William was Louis"s choice. That William had been ready to go to prison for his crimes if it hadn"t been for Louis breaking him out and taking his place. 

   Louis loved his brother, and from what Eliza had seen William loved Louis as much as Louis did him. It had been evident at the trial, because while Eliza had been terrified for her husband, William was shaking with horror and guilt while his eyes stayed glued to Louis the whole time. Sure, he had been aware of his surroundings but after the trial ended William shut down. 

     So, Eliza will bear it all and take care of William for not just Louis, but also for her decision to help this man who was so terribly lost. 

   She hummed and glanced up at William sitting on the armchair beside her place on the sofa with a cup of steaming hot coffee in hand. His eyes still clouded with sleep trying to wake up. 

   Yes, Eliza Raynesse Blance nee Simpsons will not regret her decision. She would shelter him and welcome him home even after he found his way. Because if there is one place William will always be welcome to. It would be her and Louis"s home. Besides-

   She giggled when bleary eyed William turned towards her curiously and offered her the cup of his horribly sweet coffee. 

  Can"t let their child miss out on interacting with their Uncle William right? 

   Roy didn"t really know what to think...

He hadn"t really known what to think about-          -Well everything after he defeated Hide. People proclaimed him "The Hero". Yes with the capital letters and all.  Sure, Roy had been happy for a while. After all he won and he fulfilled his dream. But most importantly he had freed Lilliana from Hide. 

    Who was now his girlfriend for anyone that"s wondering. Roy had everything he wanted then. But all that spiraled down and washed away when he saw how subdued Hide was the whole trial and just how quick the officials were to punish him. Sure, Roy knew there was lots of evidence of his crime but no one came up to defend him and some kind of realization hit him like breaks in the gut. 

     No one defended him because Hide never had anyone. There was news about Hide"s brother but they supposedly had a bad relationship from what he had "heard".  Their parents were never mentioned. And anyone else who knew him always said something bad. 

   So that night, Roy asked Lily if she ever cared about Hide. Her answer had been-

  "He is nothing but a monster. I thought you already knew that. He robbed me of everything I had, even my innocence. Now just forget about it and let"s have fun" 

   And Roy did. He pushed the thoughts and doubts away and joined Lily for some fun time. But when he woke up the next morning, Lily was nowhere to be found. He panicked for a moment and ran out of his room, forgetting his indecency when Gerald informed him that Lily had already left an hour before he woke up and that he should dress himself and get ready for the day because Gerald was too old to dress him up now. Roy blushed and ran to get himself decent. 

   Just then, those thoughts. .h.i.t him full force again. And after breakfast, Roy headed out to take a walk on his family"s private beach. 

  And Roy might have panicked and ran full speed to help when he heard someone scream. Well it was more of a yell than a scream. But someone got to excuse him for panicking. 

   For one, it was his family"s private beach and no one was supposed to be in there. For two, Roy was a Hero now and he had to help anyone in need. And those who scream are always the ones in need. Or at least that"s what the Hero"s Guidebook said.

    There Roy met Daniel Black. A Man with strangely familiar face, long red hair and a pair of eyes enough to put amethyst in shame compared to their color. He was pretty… if Roy was honest. 

 Oh He knew he had a girlfriend but that won"t stop him from checking out others. Roy was bis.e.xual and it had always been a dream of his to check out guys as well as girls with his future significant other anyway. 

   So when he met Daniel, Roy did check him out. But he tried to be discreet about it anyway. 

  And when the redhead laughed… Oh G.o.d, it had been so hot and Roy felt happy for whatever reason even thought the guy had been laughing at him. 

  Their conversation had been short and Daniel did say something rude about Liliana. But in the end, Roy made sure that he exited the beach without the security giving him any trouble. 


 Now Roy was in a dilemma, cause he can"t get the man out of his head at all. Oh he loved Liliana with everything he had and was loyal to her. But ever since meeting Daniel he had started noticing things. And he wasn"t sure he could stay quiet much longer about it. 

   He was at the end of his patience and Roy Moonrise had never been a patient person. If this goes on any longer, he wasn"t sure of what he would do. 

 So with a determined sigh, the dark blue haired man (at least in his own eyes) stood up and walked out of his room, grabbing his jacket on the way. 

  "Gerald, I"m going out. Tell mother that I won"t be here for lunch and I"ll be back by dinner." 

   "As you command, Young Master." 

"Oh and Gerald?" 


"Thank you" 

  Thud!... The door closed and Roy left on his search for a certain man with jewel eyes. Leaving behind the stunned head butler wiping away the stray tear from his eyes. 

   His young master was growing up. 

Gerald was so proud.