Reflection In The Mirror

Chapter 6


Everyone went quiet as they stared at the wide eyed form of Liliana Coldwell, who was looking at Daniel trembling slightly. 

  Roy was confused. What was Lily saying? Daniel might look kind of like Hide but he wasn"t him. Hide was in prison, serving for his crimes.  Then something clicked in his brain and he finally figured out why Danial seemed so familiar to him. He tensed and took a step back glaring at the red haired man as his hand gave out a certain glow. 

    Hide cursed in his mind, he can"t believe he f.u.c.king forgot about Liliana"s sensory powers. Thank G.o.d she could only tell the power level or he would have been busted. Putting on his best confused face Daniel stood up and tilted his head at the teenagers. 

    "What do you mean Ms.Coldwell? Hide? isn"t he In the prison?" 

  He asked furrowing his eyebrows confusedly and frowned further when the younger two tensed up even more. He sighed and was about to demand what was with them when he felt a hand tug at his sleeve. Hide turned away from the two and turned to look down at Eliza"s confused and wary eyes as she looked between him and the younger teens in worry. 

     He quickly knelt down and pressed gently on her shoulders to prevent her from standing up. 

  "Eliza honey, don"t. You mustn"t tire yourself out" 

  "But Dani who are they??" 

  She asked none too loudly as her hand held into his upper arm, her body tilted only slightly enough for the two kids to see her pregnant belly. 

   And oh, wasn"t his sister in law such a delight? She is subtly manipulating them into lowering their guards. Afterall, The Hide will never allow anyone to touch him like that, much less take a pregnant woman on what obviously was a date. (Well, not a date. That"s just ugh…) 

       Just to make them believe him to be harmless, even with his power level. Hide placed his hand on top of Eliza"s and comforted her.

   "No need to worry honey. They"re just kids I met the other day" 

   He said gently, grasping and stroking the pale, small hand rea.s.suringly. Eliza smiled and turned to both brats and nodded. 

   "It"s very nice to meet you! Please come sit with us." 

  She invited them over cheerfully. Truthfully Eliza wanted nothing more than for them to leave them alone but she did notice the look in Roy Moonrise"s eyes when he looked at William. It was so full of adoration and it made the matchmaker In Eliza sequel in delight. But while she was reluctant to break the boy"s heart, it was a must. They didn"t want William to go through heartache again. 

    Liliana glared distrustfully at the red haired Hide look alike for a while. There was something different to him that hadn"t been in Hide. And she only saw what it was that was so different when he turned to look at the obviously pregnant woman with such a look in his eyes. 

   It was a gentle and caring gaze that almost had Liliana jealous. She wanted someone to look at her like that. To look at her with so much love and adoration while letting her do her own thing. Roy loved her a lot and she knew that. She loved him too but Roy was still young and she was his first love. 

    First love of the amazing boy with a heart as big as his, made Liliana happy. But first loves aren"t meant to last and Roy will soon grow tired of her. Most adoring gaze she had ever felt had been - (as much as she is reluctant to admit it) had been Hide"s. She could still remember the way it could send the shiver up his spine but what Hide felt for her hadn"t been love. 

  It was a l.u.s.t and an obsession, and it scared her… 

   So Liliana ran, she ran into Roy"s arms and babbled everything betraying the secrets Hide had trusted her with. She did not feel guilty. After all thanks to that, she was free of the underworld now.  Besides, you should never trust anyone in the underworld. It was Hide"s own fault for going against that code. 

  Now, here she stood. Feeling the power rolling out of Daniel Black in waves as he gently rea.s.sured his wife (of course it was a wife,they were wearing rings.) When she was first introduced to Daniel, she thought the power she felt had been coming from Roy, whose power had been growing since Hide"s defeat the day prior.   But it seems like she had been wrong. 

  Liliana gritted her teeth and relaxed a bit, pushing down the jealousy. She could be civil, she won"t hurt the husband of an obviously pregnant in front of her. So she sat down, taking a place beside Eliza with a pleasant smile and a small thanks. 

  Roy had taken to sit beside Daniel and across Lily after the woman invited them to sit and enjoy the picnic with them. While Roy had no idea why he was disappointed by the idea of Daniel being married, he did know he felt like a sc.u.m for interrupting their date. 

   Besides, Daniel might be powerful according to Lily"s reaction to him but if Daniel had been Hide, he would have never bought a pregnant woman on a picnic, much less care for her. Since Hide was a heartless b.a.s.t.a.r.d right?.. 

   But man… Those sandwiches are delicious and the way Daniel showeled the cake into his mouth was funny as h.e.l.l. Still, this awkward silence was killing him. 

   Roy was a social b.u.t.terfly, not a quiet hermit like Lily was on her red days. So in an attempt to start a small talk, Roy blurted the first thing in his mind. 

  " Are you two married!?"

 Oh no, they"re all staring at him now. He must have said something stupid. Of course they were married! Stupid Roy! 

   Then a giggle escaped the blonde haired lady"s month and following her Lily started laughing as well, leaving him and Daniel staring at the two women strangely. 

    "W-why are you… ?" 

Eliza stopped laughing first when she heard the hesistand question of Roy with a sweet smile on her face. 

  "Yes! I am Eliza, Dani"s wife. It"s truly a pleasure to meet you Mr. Hero, Ms. Coldwell" 

  Roy flushed adorably while Liliana nodded after finally getting her giggles under control. 

   Hide smiled a little at them. It was a good sight, to be surrounded by loved ones as they had fun. Too bad that won"t come true. 

   Even if it did, Hide doubted the two brats would be here. If anything, Hide wanted to kill those two on the spot until he was satisfied. 

  But he cannot afford to get caught now, not after everything Louis and Eliza did for him. So he endured, pushing down the blood lost and the whispers of the demon inside his head. 

   "Come on~  just a single move and it" ll be over"

   Just as Hide was about to answer, Liliana"s phone rang. They watched her take it silently. 

  "d.a.m.n it!" 

"Lily what"s wrong?" 

  "Another fight in the underworld and so close to the pit too." 


 Knowing it was a good opportunity to get information on what was happening in the underworld, Hide asked. 

  "What"s Going on?" 

"Fight for power near the pit! It has been like this since He"s been-" 

    "ROY HURRY!!!" 


  And the younger two ran off, leaving the siblings (by law) behind. 

  Well, if there is a fight for power near the pit so soon after his fall…. Hide smirked amusedly. 

   "I guess it"s time to visit the underworld after all~"