Reflection In The Mirror

Chapter 11

After leaving the mansion, Hide immediately dialed Eliza. Since Trigger himself did not have a phone, he could only call him through Eliza. Who is most likely watching as Trigger moved his belongings into his new home. Besides Eliza should be playing Jaw Breaker online on her phone right now. 

    His sweet sister in law picked up her phone right away, proving him to be right. 


"Eliza can you hand your phone to Trigger ?" 

  "Oh William! Of course!. Let me just get to him" 

   There was a bit of shuffling, indicating someone was walking then unintelligible talk before the phone was handed to Trigger. 

    "Yes Boss?" 

"The business is done, I"m heading off to the port now.  I want you to pack me 3 days worth of supplies as well as clothes and other necessities. I will pick them up as I go by. Oh and give the phone back to Eliza please?" 

  "As you wish Boss."

 It was a minute before the phone was back to Eliza. Her voice quivered a little as she hesitantly answered again. 

  "h.e.l.lo, Eliza is there anything you want to eat?" 

  "Hmm please pick me up some watermelon and oranges please Will." 

  "Of course. Anything for you Sis" 

  Eliza giggled before her tone settled into more calm but worried. Knowing he will have to rea.s.sure her, Hide answered her unspoken questions. 

"I"m sorry Eliza, I will be away for at least 3 days. Trigger will stay with you so please don"t overtax yourself"

  She laughed from the other side joyfully. 

"Don"t worry dear. You go and show them what you"re made of" 

  Hide felt himself smile, relaxing a bit as he drove to the apartment. Before blurring out the question in his mind. 

 "You"re not mad!?" 

"Why would I be?" 

  "Even after my brother switched with me. I"m going back to the crime world…" 

 "It"s fine William. It"s your choice and I know you aren"t doing it without a good reason."

  She murmured the last part, her worry clear in her tone. And he felt guilty… (wow he actually admitted that)  

  "Thank you Eliza… I promise." (that I"ll free Dani)

  "Promise what?" 

"It"s nothing. I"m almost there so I"ll hang up now." 

  "See you soon then" 

He hung up and placed his phone down on the front seat and slowed down his car, parking in front of the building(home). Just as he parked, Trigger came running out of the house with a bag. 

     Hide opened the car window and took the bag, throwing it into the backseat. He turned to Trigger. 

  "Protect them?"

The blonde man smiled at him and nodded his head. 

 "With my life. You stay safe boss" 

"I promise. See you later Trigger" 

  "See you"

    He playfully saluted and Hide started the engine again, with a one last look exchanged he left. 

   Trigger will protect Eliza and the child, he won"t let them come to harm. So Hide only needs to-

"So I only need to focus on getting back huh? Still cheesy as ever."

   He drove away from the house and the port, where they left the boat. Even without saying, Camelia probably has someone waiting to pick him up from the Underworld city port. That should make things easier, now he just has to figure out what that woman is plotting. 

   She never agrees that fast and while Hide did call in a favor, everything still progressed little too quickly for his liking. It feels like he is going blind, and Hide doesn"t like going blind, head first into situations. 

   "Well Camelia darling~ let"s see what you got" 

 A smile bloomed on his face. 

   It wasn"t the nice kind. 

  Watching as William drove away, Trigger quickly got back into the apartment. He couldn"t help but worry. He knows that the Boss can handle himself but he was always reckless if left alone for too long. 

   And it feels like Trigger is leaving him alone again! He received an important mission from him and he intends to fulfill it to the best of his ability. But that still doesn"t mean he couldn"t worry. 

    "Why didn"t you see him off?" 

He asked, staring at the back of the frail woman standing in the kitchen cooking. His voice sounded cold, and it was wrong to talk like that to her but Trigger couldn"t help it. Eliza was so important to William now cause she and that baby was the only connection he had to Louis since his imprisonment. 

   And he could tell how much it hurts his boss to know that Louis was in prison for his crime. Eliza should have seen him off, because then Boss would at least smile a little more genuinely if she told him "See you later". But the woman ignored him and continued to wash the dishes. 

  "Stop for a minute d.a.m.n it! Why didn"t you see him off!? Isn"t he important to you!? He is Louis"s -" 

   "Trigger? Can you tell me something?" 

Her soft voice cut him off mid sentence. Even if it was barely loud enough for him to hear her, her voice held an edge that hadn"t been there before. She continued without hearing his response. 

   "Can you tell me he wouldn"t have hesitated if I had seen him off?" 


  "Can you tell me that he would still have left if I begged him to stay?" 


"Let me finish Trigger, then you can yell at me. - sniff- I would have begged him to stay if I had seen him. And I don"t want to do that to him. He is the only connection I have to Louis aside from this child. Louis loved him and I promised him to take care of William! And I - "

   Her shoulders shook and she was sobbing. Trigger sighed and reached out to her. Cause he understood now.  Eliza didn"t want to hold back William but she also wanted him safe. She feels that she failed in her duty to take care of him. That she broke her promise so soon. 

  "I"m sorry.. .." 

"I-It"s fine, but I…" 

   "But you took care of him wonderfully Eliza. William smiled with genuine happiness now. You didn"t break your promise.. Thought I feel like both Boss and Louis would murder me if they find out I made you cry…" 

  He shuddered and Eliza stared at him for a second before bursting into laughter. Good, she isn"t crying anymore. 

  Trigger smiled and ruffled Eliza"s hair. He was protecting her and the child like he promised. Not just because William asked him to, not even for Louise. He is doing it for the family. 

  "I"m gonna protect you like I always did. I won"t again." 

  There was someone banging in his door. He stirred and opened his eyes, rubbing them a bit and turned to the door. 

  The flap was open and a small bit of light illuminated the otherwise dark room. 

   "Stand with your hands behind you facing the wall!!" 

    Oh, they"re here for him. He did not delude himself to think that someone came to visit him. He wasn"t allowed visitors. 

   Without further ado, he faced the wall with his hand behind his back. 

  The cell door opened and they came in, one of them cuffed his hands behind him while the other made him swallow yet another pill with water. 

   It was a power suppressing pill and he was given one every 6 hours. Drinking it this close each time was dangerous for it has the effect of destroying the ability completely. And beast descent without ability is as good as dead.  One pill was meant to last 24 hours but his ability easily overrode the pill in 6 hours. They tested it and he knew it would take even shorter time to lose its effect on the real Hide. 

   "Let"s go. Someone is here to meet you.." 

 It couldn"t be someone he knows. Eliza and William both shouldn"t visit him, wouldn"t be able to visit him. This person must be high up in the food chain if he is allowed to visit him. 

   Dani let them lead him away without a word. The silver dye was already starting to fade from his hair. It was a good thing he had dyed his hair before switching with William. 

   "how are they doing?..." 

"Hurry up!" 

 One of the guards pulled her forward rather roughly. His name was David from what Dani heard. He was one of the guards that always beat up Louis. His family supposedly lost their lives to the hands of Hide. 

    Dani didn"t believe him because William never attacked anyone"s family. If he has a problem with someone, that problem never extends to the family unless they also did something to offend him. Even then, he left the kids. He even secured them home. So David was a liar. 

   "Get in!" 

One of them opened the door and David pushed him into the chair of the private meeting room. Thank David, that was real polite.  Then they left and locked the door. 

   Dani turned towards the official looking men in front of him curiously with his head tilted. His face was carefully blank but it was obvious he was curious.  The official looking old man chuckled. 

  "I"ve been looking forward to talking with you Hide. Or should I say Louis Daniel?~" 

"Ok, boomer…"