Reign Of The Phoenix

Chapter 32

As the team drew closer and closer to the north, the weather became cooler and cooler by the day. The two teams unknowingly left Huayan borders and entered Shangxia"s territory.

On the map, Huayan and Shangxia were straightly lined from south to north, both were powerful and big countries. Compared to their other neighboring nations, the two countries were prosperous, their people led a healthy life, and their military prowess was outstanding. Shangxia mainly developed agriculture, especially animal husbandry, while Huayan focused on weaving business and commerce. The two countries were geographically complementary while also relying on the other for agriculture products and commerce, thus establishing a mutually beneficial alliance. In times of war, they would even deploy troops to help each other.

Seeing as Murong Zhining"s escort team traveled closer and closer to Nanjin, the imperial capital of Shangxia, Chiyun Yuexuan"s mood also dropped lower and lower. He knew that once Murong Zhining returned to her imperial parents, he might never be able to see her anymore. Recalling Murong Zhining"s resoluteness when she said “never meet again for the rest of my life,” Chiyun Yuexuan felt an inexplicable sadness.

Just like that, he followed the Shangxia team with a heavy heart. In the beginning, he wanted to escort Murong Zhining to relieve his guilt. Along the way, however, the sense of guilt never lessened, and instead increased several degrees! He found it impossible to forgive himself for the crimes he had imposed on her, yet at the same time hoped for her empathy. Chiyun Yuexuan was trapped deeply in his own contradiction, unable to get out.

In the evening, Chiyun Yuexuan ran to the river bank and gathered a large bouquet of wildflowers, then ordered Wu Siyuan to deliver it to Murong Zhining"s tent. Her tent wasn"t far from his. Due to the last kidnapping event, he tried best to set up his camp as close as possible to hers. He must ensure her safety.

From afar, Chiyun Yuexuan watched as Cai Sang sent Wu Siyan out of the tent, then shot him a provoking glance and threw the wildflower bouquet that he had put effort to gather into the river. Chiyun Yuexuan helplessly shook his head with a wry smile. He dejectedly sat outside his tent, hoping Murong Zhining would come out for any reason so that he could have a look at her even if it was from the distance.

But Murong Zhining never showed. Chiyun Yuexuan sat alone on a stone by the river.

The moon hung high in the cool night sky, casting its clear light over the land. Chiyun Yuexuan sat there playing his flute. The sound of his flute was filled with bitterness, his figure somber and desolate.

Hearing the sound of the flute, Cai Sang asked, “It sounds so nice, I wonder who"s playing the flute there. Zhining, what song is this?”

Murong Zhining was also listening with rapt. “This is the pipe flute . This melody is called "Dreaming back to the Han-Tang," a piece of music that laments a past prosperous era that had ceased to exist. A bit sorrowful, but very beautiful.” Finishing her words, Murong Zhining went out. She wanted to hear the melody more clearly.

Under the moonlight, the white-clad Chiyun Yuexuan was sitting alone by the river bank. As the moving flute melody that came out from his lips slowly melted into the night, it also melted into the heart of every listener. Standing in the night as cool as water, Murong Zhining felt as if her heartstrings were gently tugged by the sound of the flute.

As Murong Zhining was listening intently, all of a sudden, the sound of swords and blades clashing resounded from the distance, where the light of fire could be seen along with the commotion. A guard shouted in a loud voice, “There are attackers! Protect the princess!”

Chiyun Yuexuan nimbly rushed to Murong Zhining"s side and pulled her to run towards his camp. Cai Sang and Luo Siyao also followed closely as several soldiers holding blades covered their backs. At a speed as quick as possible, Chiyun Yuexuan put on his armor and grabbed his halberd, then jumped onto the horse and protected Murong Zhining from the front.

The troops who came to sneak attack them had about one hundred people. They took advantage of the night to break through the defense of guards outside and raided the camp. The soldiers escorting Murong Zhining had been exhausted from a day of traveling and were in a relaxed state. Caught off guard, they soon lost out to the attackers.

The raiders broke through the layers of blockade and chased to Chiyun Yuexuan"s camp. While Chiyun Yuexuan had come across a hundred, a thousand folds the number of enemies, he had never been so careful as he was today. He couldn"t allow Murong Zhining to be put in any danger at all. Chiyun Yuexuan only brought over thirty soldiers with him, but everyone of them were tough experts that could be a match for ten. Lifting Murong Zhining onto his horse, Chiyun Yuexuan retreated under the protection of his men.

Sitting on horseback, Murong Zhining urgently called out Cai Sang"s name. Chiyun Yuexuan roared, “Hold on to me, otherwise you can"t even guarantee your own safety. My soldiers will protect them.”

Frightened, Murong Zhining hugged Chiyun Yuexuan tightly. She understood that if she couldn"t remain composed, it would affect everyone"s performance. She pressed her face against the cold amor on Chiyun Yuexuan"s back as her arms tightly wrapped around his waist.

The raiders were also trained experts. Soon, several of them broke through the encirclement of the Chiyun soldiers and charged to block Chiyun Yuexuan"s horse. Chiyun Yuexuan brandished his halberd, and before the attackers could even near him, he killed every each of them under his horse. To ensure the safety of Murong Zhining, he didn"t zealously pursue to attack the enemies. He rode the horse and carried Murong Zhining into the depths of the night, leaving behind the burning fire and the murderous screams of battle.

Chiyun Yuexuan leaned a little to the side and told Murong Zhining in a loud voice, “For your safety, I can only take you away from there. You don"t have to worry about Cai Sang and Luo Siyao, General Wu will keep them safe. I will definitely get you to Shangxia safe and sound, you have to trust me.”

Under such a circ.u.mstance, Murong Zhining had no other choice but to put her trust in Chiyun Yuexuan despite feeling very scared. As the horse galloped like crazy along the small riverside path, the winds screamed by her ears. Murong Zhining closed her eyes and tightly clasped her arms around Chiyun Yuexuan"s waist.

The horse ran for a long time. There was soon no movement behind them, and the horse himself slowed his steps. Murong Zhining glanced back and saw that there were no troops chasing after them. Chiyun Yuexuan"s body swayed and suddenly fell to the side. Murong Zhining hastily supported him, and as a result, they both rolled off the horse. Under the dim moonlight, Murong Zhining spotted an arrow lodging on his back.

Shocked and frightened, she looked around. The fields around were completely quiet, not a single hint of light could be seen even in the far distance. Murong Zhining could see clearly that this was a deserted place overgrown with weeds and completely bare of human beings. Suppressing her fear, she shook the hazy Chiyun Yuexuan.

Chiyun Yuexuan opened his eyes and checked the surroundings. “Hurry and find a place to hide. Those men came for you, I can"t let them capture you.”

Murong Zhining shook her head. “I can"t leave you at such a time like this.”

Hearing this, Chiyun Yuexuan"s eyes flashed with joy. “I will be fine, nothing will happen to me. Run to some place with people. You can bring help to find me after you"re safe.”

Murong Zhining carefully observed the surroundings and found a run-down straw canopy not far away. “I"ll support you over there and hide in it. Since there is no one chasing after us, we"re still safe for the time being.” She helped Chiyun Yuexuan up and brought him into the canopy, then laid him down on a haystack inside.

Murong Zhining looked around. This was a tattered straw room with two walls that looked like a canopy at first glance. It appeared that someone had lived here not long ago. There was a broken table, and on the table was an oil lamp. Murong Zhining fumbled around the windowsill and found a fire igniter. She used it to light up the oil lamp, wanting to check Chiyun Yuexuan"s injury.

Chiyun Yuexuan"s forehead was dripping with sweat, but his consciousness was clear and awake as his eyes kept sweeping up and down her face. Murong Zhining looked very fl.u.s.tered and anxious. “General, you"ve been shot by an arrow, but we don"t have a doctor here. I saw nanny treat her own wounds when I was small. If General isn"t afraid of pain, I will first pull out the arrow.”

Chiyun Yuexuan weakly nodded in approval. He took out a bottle of Metal Wound Medicine from his chest and gave it to her. Then, he turned so that his back faced her.

Murong Zhining exerted some force. The arrow loosened a little but wasn"t pulled out, and warm blood spurted out from the wound and splashed her face. Murong Zhining instantly paled in fright. She collapsed on the ground and remained there in shock. Chiyun Yuexuan turned around with an encouraging smile, but Murong Zhining was too scared to continue.

Chiyun Yuexuan"s state was already extremely weak right now. He gritted his teeth and joked, “Did Princess think of how I branded your back? So you tried to take advantage of my injury and take my life…”

These words seemed to motivate Murong Zhining. Putting aside her fear, she closed eyes, let out a loud battle shout, grabbed the arrow, and yanked it out. Warm blood sprayed all over her as the arrow came out. Chiyun Yuexuan"s body dropped limply on the hay as he lost consciousness.

Murong Zhining regained her calm and was no longer panicked. She took off Chiyun Yuexuan"s armor, then used the dagger hanging at his waist to cut the cloth around the wound and applied the medicine powder on it. After that, she neatly cut off a piece of cloth from her own silk dress to bandage the wound.

When Chiyun Yuexuan regained his consciousness, he was lying in an elegant room, being attended to by an unfamiliar maid. Seeing him wake up, the maid exclaimed in delight, “Mister Chiyun, you"re finally awake. I"ll inform the young master.”

Shortly after, a handsome young man wearing a black brocade robe and a beaded crown entered the room, his manner graceful and dignified. The young man cupped his hands towards Chiyun Yuexuan. “Tuoba Zhi greets Grand General Chiyun. Tuoba the double surname, Zhi as in "pursuing knowledge ." You have been in a coma for three days. Two days ago, Miss Murong came to our hamlet and asked for help, so I had you carried to my house. It was lucky that you wore armor, but your wound is still very serious and moreover slightly infected. I"m afraid you"ll have to stay here for some time.”

Chiyun Yuexuan forced himself to sit up and cupped his hands in return. “My grat.i.tude for your righteous help, Mister Touba. May I ask, where is Prin… Miss Murong?”

Tuoba Zhi gracefully fluttered his fan. “Miss Murong is very safe right now, General needs not worry. I saw her playing with my little sister in the garden just now. I"ll have people ask her over.”